New nice-servers dm server for Pro's only
Created 4th February 2011 @ 18:10
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Quoted from smziii
how should a topdiv 4 soldier for example become better in dm when he just plays against div 6/5?
and the “access” to better players is denied?
U dont become better by DMing
Quoted from Turbo
Sure is a good way to split the community …..
tbh its just another step…..
wow bullshit…
I thought that we will get posts like that :p
There are many other DM servers as well, nothing is lost lol. We just had many requests and hence why we did this server. Didn’t mean anything for anyone
Last edited by huhystah,
i would have all the reason to whine since im shit but really
it has what, 10 or 8 slots? cba checking
theres more than 8/10 div 3+ players online at any time slash ingame, besides as sneis said DM doesnt help you learn much
just mix with good people or watch their demos to see movement patterns
Quoted from huhystah
I thought that we will get posts like that :p
There are many other DM servers as well, nothing is lost lol. We just had many requests and hence why we did this server. Didn’t mean anything for anyone
This doesnt mean that its not splitting the community even more then it is already. Sad, but it will go this way, i guess. And thats not good for anyone!
Quoted from Dummy
i would have all the reason to whine since im shit but really
it has what, 10 or 8 slots? cba checking
theres more than 8/10 div 3+ players online at any time slash ingame, besides as sneis said DM doesnt help you learn muchjust mix with good people or watch their demos to see movement patterns
Read first post, 8 slots…
8 slots and snipers allowed. so much fun
You have about gazillion other dm/mge servers so I don’t see why you are complaining…
I would much rather see it being only div2+, 8 players, sniper limit 1, hf :))
Quoted from tizzel
This doesnt mean that its not splitting the community even more then it is already. Sad, but it will go this way, i guess. And thats not good for anyone!
The PU2 splits the community more than a DM server would do.
I mean, it’s a DM server ffs. You don’t go on one to chat and have shits n giggles, you go there to warm up and stuff, who the fuck gives a shit?!
Will the features of this server be up for the other dm server (huhy nice server #2), because they are a little better.
Splitting the community? wtf are you on about.
This is just a way for good players to play versus other good players. I don’t see what the problem is, there’s plenty of dm servers anyway.
inb4 pros stacking other dm servers while waiting in queue for a spot on this one.
“You have about gazillion other $OnlineService so I don’t see why you are complaining…
I would much rather see it being only $MySkillLevel or above with $MyFavouriteThing1 and $MyFavouriteThing2. hf :))”
Last edited by Skyride,
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