
Fastlane capture/spawntimes

Created 8th January 2009 @ 22:42

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<3 Fruit

So, made this thread because fastlane at the current state is annoying, due the comeback from the 1st cp to 2nd cp is nearly impossible due the attacking side spawning so quickly. The capture times of the cp’s are not in balance either, (example 1st cp is really slow).

I’ve been talking to skdr (= author of the Fastlane-map) about the issue with the fastlane because it doesnt work properly in matches at this current state and he agreed on it. So now we need proper times to cap a point and/or spawntimes (specially attacking 4th to 5th cp)

At the moment we need something like:

-increase the spawn time of the attackers at 4th->5cp ((3-5? seconds) (i just threw something, might not even work still)) seconds spawntime of the attackers
-increase the spawntime of the defenders (they respawn way too quickly)
-decrease the captime of the 1st cp (? seconds)

Give some opinions and times.

We need to get final decisions to skdr who provides them to Valve and hope that Valve changes those values (Valve owns the map now).

One comment already:

Biggest problem at the last CP is that the respawn health cabins are too close, you can stand inside the respawn and defend. Imo it should be like granary where you have to walk some distance to get there.

Another thing is that recovering when center is lost is almost impossible. Dunno how to fix that, respawn times maybe.


cp_pro_fastlane? :D i agree its not balanced… even in pub


<3 Fruit

cp_pro_fastlane could be done by extracting the map from cache files and modifying the mapfile with entspy program, which adjusts entities and their values. But i prefer real fastlane to be modified.


(king of all rollouts)

i cba explaining why i disagree with everything you said, but fastlane rocks.




fastlane rocks

but the spawntimes are f##ked up srsly, anyone with knowledge of hax, cp_pro_fastlane pls



I’m not a massively experienced player, but I’ve always found that fastlane has a harder last point to cap than other popular 5-cp maps. To me this always made up for the difficulty of retaking 4th, as the chances are you’ll get more attempts at it.

Like I said, I could be incredibly wrong there and just basing it on lower level matches. Just throwing it out there.



nice idea, go on


(Toucan Ambassador)

Increase attacker spawntime on 4-5 and moving the health cabinets back (or actually make the point further from the spawn doors) would be enough?

i.e. make it harder to turtle on 1 and make it easier to recap 2



Regarding CAP-times:

In Hammer they have the following settings:

NoP = “Number of Player to cap” (I’m not sure what the effect of this is)

Granary Middle: NoP = 3, Time = 4 sec
Granary Second: NoP = 2, Time = 3 sec
Granary First: NoP = 1, Time = 2 sec

Badlands Middle: NoP = 1, Time = 10 sec
Badlands Second: NoP = 1, Time = 8 sec
Badlands First: NoP = 1, Time = 1 sec

Fastlane Middle: NoP = 3, Time = 5 sec
Fastlane Second: NoP = 2, Time = 3 sec
Fastlane First: NoP = 1, Time = 3 sec

I also went in-game and tried capping the points with 1 demo and afterwards I tried 1 scout:

Granary Middle: Demo = 24, Scout = 16
Granary Second: Demo = 12, Scout = 8
Granary First: Demo = 4, Scout = 2.5

Badlands Middle: Demo = 20, Scout = 13.5
Badlands Second: Demo = 16, Scout = 10.5
Badlands First: Demo = 2, Scout = 1

Fastlane Middle: Demo = 30, Scout = 20
Fastlane Second: Demo = 12, Scout = 8.5
Fastlane First: Demo = 6, Scout = 4



what are spawntimes @ well? Should give them a try too.


<3 Fruit

according to f2, normal capturetimes with fastlane are:

Fastlane Middle: Demo = 30, Scout = 20
Fastlane Second: Demo = 12, Scout = 8.5
Fastlane First: Demo = 6, Scout = 4

and the spawntimes (i checked those, they should be near the truth):

own the middlepoint: spawn in: 14 seconds
own 4th cp: spawn in: 11 seconds
defend 1st: spawn in: 12 seconds

and then I made some own changes, (just changed few numbers here and there in the hammer)

middle: scout: 12 seconds demoman: ~18-19seconds
2nd/4th: scout:5 seconds demoman: ~8seconds
1st/5th: scout:3 seconds demoman: 4~ seconds

own the middlepoint: spawn in: 18seconds
own 4th cp: spawn in: 15seconds spawn
defend 1st: spawn in: 15seconds spawn

how these sound? should we test these times or have better solutions or opinions what they should be?



cp_pro_fastlane should be like badlands. I mean literally. Just take badlands, add a new pile of rocks etc, and call it cp_pro_fastlane. Now that map would rock.



1. Make only 1 resupply cabinet located right at the end of the spawn area (at the back)

2. Extend the side door so it goes through that little hut with the window and comes out at the valley so the defending team can actually flank the attacking team.

4. Make the steps on final tight up against the wall so rocket splash damage is useful

5. Make some obstacles along the top runner (on the left side if you’re defending), like boxes or barrels of something so the attacking team can at least try to avoid the spam or sniper

6. Add some sky light or something on the final point – its as dark as hell


Someone make copies of rock2, shutdown_2, monkey_l and that map with the basement that you did HH conc jumps out of FR i cannot remember the name of and please and convert into CP maps ffs!!??!?!?!?!?/


I’ve also talked with him some months ago about the capture times. I suggested that they should be the same or around badlands capture times. He might have already told it to VALVe (not sure), but then it all depends of what VALVe thinks.

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