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Ban uber

Created 17th December 2010 @ 11:03

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Vali for president

How about mixing the medic only über up with the minu übers?

If <99% über the medic can use it at any time to über only himself
If 100% Functions like normal uber, but for a shorter duration


(Toucan Ambassador)

I’m still waiting for self-Kritz :(



Ubers set the flow of the game. It defines tf2. Having an uber you can use at any time would just make things extremely random (nice, double sticky jumping demo on roll out @ badlands that lands with pretty much full hp). You can throw out all positioning that is based on guesstimates of the enemy’s uber and uber type. Hell, you can just walk around with a scout and kill everybody not near the enemy medic. The only way to reliably kill an enemy medic will become a sniper or spy.

With a 4 second uber pushing freight, gully and obscure will become a major pain in the butt. Guess we’re just going to run kritz 24/7.

edit: just realized, if this is what it takes to get those maps out of the pool: do it.

Last edited by Koeitje,



worst idea ever.

Spike Himself


Quoted from Koeitje

edit: just realized, if this is what it takes to get those maps out of the pool: do it.



both ideas suck imo
first one would completely remove any fun i have in medicing
second one would make the adrenaline go to uber low
medic = boring
its good as it is now, nothing wrong with the uber


Quoted from octochris

When I came into this clan, SfynX said it a lot, “ban uber”, “it ruins the game”, that sort of thing. I thought he was just raging at bad situations, but as time has gone on I’ve thought about it during games and realised that uber is almost the entirety of what makes this game slow and boring.

I’m not trolling, TF2 would be much better if there was no uber.

I don’t know what I’m asking for with this thread, but it feels like a revelation to finally agree with an opinion I thought was a bit mental a month ago.

you sir, are a complete fucking retard.



Quoted from Dr Icecream

ban chris. all his ideas are totally bullshit.



Quoted from gibix

if you want a game with brainless shooting, go play counter-strike or UT or quake live.

im playing tf2 now for 5 months, and i find it fun to see a medic dropping uber at the right time. The uber is a part of tf2 that makes it intresting, the awesome shouting an chanting if you kill the medic before he can drop the uber, your medic that drops the uber at the right time so you can steamroll your way to last cp. If you didnt had uber in the game it would be a dull game to play.

so less QQ and more UBER PEW PEW

It was painful to read you saying drop instead of pop. Just sayin’.



Quoted from evokje

Vali for president


all ideas in this topyc are utter bullshit!

Valis idea is utter bullshit, if somebody wants to try it, make it as the unlock. Aniway it’s going to be banned.

“Ubers cause stalemates, they bad”

i don’t know what’s going on in 3,4,5 division 6×6 games.
There’s almost no stalemates because of the ubers in premier 6×6 games, because that is impossible to don’t make an mistakes

Stalemates appear very quickly if someone of the two teams decides to go gay – Double Heavy, Pyro, Double Engy on the last point etc.

New uber will completely destroy gameplay.

Heavy limit 1, and the game will be awesome!

Figure it out. GL



Quoted from xzr


you sir, are a complete fucking retard.

haha too true. this has to be the worst and most stupid idea i have ever heard come from someone in the etf2l community. with no uber, no one will want to play medic. Chris, you have to be trolling.



Quoted from octochris

I’m not trolling, TF2 would be much better if there was no uber.



Quoted from rAye.


haha too true. this has to be the worst and most stupid idea i have ever heard come from someone in the etf2l community. with no uber, no one will want to play medic. Chris, you have to be trolling.

not so much about not wanting, but you could replace med with a bot (played on pub yesterday with one, ubers sucked but heals like a boss)

5v5 – more teams – more lans

Last edited by AnimaL,

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