Ban uber
Created 17th December 2010 @ 11:03
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When I came into this clan, SfynX said it a lot, “ban uber”, “it ruins the game”, that sort of thing. I thought he was just raging at bad situations, but as time has gone on I’ve thought about it during games and realised that uber is almost the entirety of what makes this game slow and boring.
I’m not trolling, TF2 would be much better if there was no uber.
I don’t know what I’m asking for with this thread, but it feels like a revelation to finally agree with an opinion I thought was a bit mental a month ago.
Last edited by octochris,
pretty much
Only allow kritz, would be more epic.
Quoted from octochris
no uber cup gogogogo
would be fun ))
"weapon_medigun_charge_rate" = "40"
game cheat replicated
- Amount of time healing it takes to fully charge the medigun.
"weapon_medigun_chargerelease_rate" = "8"
game cheat replicated
- Amount of time it takes the a full charge of the medigun to be released.
sm_cvar weapon_medigun_charge_rate 20
sm_cvar weapon_medigun_chargerelease_rate 5
Make it happen :p
I will actually run a no-uber/kritz cup if people are interested, since ETF2L admins already have a lot on their plate.
Quoted from Casual
Just to be clear, do you guys want a game without medics? Or just without ubers?
medics are a VERY GOOD thing
ubers are a VERY BORING thing.
and since i play medic, if i was saying we should get rid of medics i’d be putting myself out of a team ;)
Last edited by octochris,
Quoted from Martn
Only allow kritz, would be more epic.
then sentries would become op defending last, and it’d probably even more of a standstill. if no uber then no kritz either.
Quoted from octochris
medics are a VERY GOOD thing
ubers are a VERY BORING thing.
and since i play medic, if i was saying we should get rid of medics i’d be putting myself out of a team ;)
This discussion has come up on gotfrag before and they suggested instead of completely removing the uber, just reducing it (using the cvars mentioned above) for a more fast-paced gameplay.
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