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Seemingly warped skill level system..

Created 10th December 2010 @ 14:09

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The best advice I can give to any player who wants to play in premier is: dont spend too much time trying to improve your aim (playing 15/30 mins in a dm server some days is enough), improve your brain.

Last edited by longas,


Someone here mentoined sometyhing about poeople that are talented not really knowing how good they are, this is is very true When Norrla joined 8U he said he was only div6 and had been playing in low teams, We also had a scout andyscareCROw who had recently stared comp with us, Both of these guys have imense talent and aim, But because they wanted to stay with the team and progress they didnt leave.

It was only after we folded he though “Im better than this” Not in a bad way, and tryed for the higher divs…

Quoted from randa

mixes pickups pcws

This. We still have a guy on our roster, Dr.Gash, who was an amazing scout. I’m convinced he could have played div2 easy, but we ended up playing every single night for months when we played our way into div3 (the old div3) and it became too much of a committment for him (and others) so he stopped playing games completely (except for some pub now and then). He was truly good, and I doubt anyone knows his name at all, simply because he doesn’t play any mixes. It really is the way to go if you don’t have breasts.


Don’t know any division 5 players that could play above division 3 to be honest.



Quoted from Spira

Don’t know any division 5 players that could play above division 3 to be honest.

your very own cairenn



I seen a lot of beast aim scouts Div 4/5/6 who do really dumb things cos they are too impatient or won’t play for the team….etc

In LTG, Crashsite + Pikachu are good deathmatchers, probably could out aim higher div players but they do the most retarded things like go spy when they got advantage and pushing in or rushing without being aware of what the situation is.

I remember one game a Div 1 demoman was mixing vs us and I had a better game than him overall (granted scenerios exist) but I guess general skill difference isn’t massively big, all gamesense + teamwork but you could pick a lot of players from 4/5/6 and move them to 2/1 probably.



Been saying this for quite a while tbh.

+1 agree with Ryan, elitism is what keeps the divs at what they are.



Quoted from Matt

Been saying this for quite a while tbh.

+1 agree with Ryan, elitism is what keeps the divs at what they are.


rofl you actually think that? there is still only x amount of spots in the divisions so there could be 1000prem skilled players there is still only a certain amount of spots;



I don’t think anyone believes there aren’t people in lower divisions who could play 1 2 or maybe 3 division up in some cases. The problem is that regardless of how existent these players are, there are always going to be a lot more players who claim to be good enough to play up a few divisions but are in actual fact not. Searching clans thus opt for compulsory experience of their current division for trials to skip the time wasters.



Quoted from randa


rofl you actually think that? there is still only x amount of spots in the divisions so there could be 1000prem skilled players there is still only a certain amount of spots;

Your right in the fact that there are very limited spaces, however i can almost guarantee that that spot will be given to a so called “proven” player no chance for anyone else.


Quoted from Foster

Add zeyork to friends
Play mixes all the time

such a bad suggestion, playing mixes against div 4/5 people at 2 in the morning will not make you better, it will make you terrible




The skill level in my opinion, is warped, a large amount…

My team is searching for a scout/sniper, and we are contacted by people that don’t have nearly enough experience, nor the attitude to play at a higher level, granted, we are only div4, but the lower skilled people that join a team for 20 days, leave, then look for a better team normally have a poor attitude.

In the 2 days we’ve been looking, I’ve had one guy from div 6 that has actually talked to me and given me a reason to trial him, so when we get the time, we shall.

You also get the circle jerks, I fucking hate these, there’s many players that aren’t as good as people make them out to be, in rec. posts they just spam their FL saying “Write something about me…” This then means that you get people going “Good, cool guy, div x for sure etc.”

Now, I used to play scout, to a good level (div3? lolol) and I then switched to demoman, and again I can play demoman to a good level (div3? lolol) and I’ve only played it for over a month. But what also helps is my team and we base what happens around each players strengths etc.

Now clan hopping only works if people have the right contacts, I don’t really know many people, so not many people can vouch for my scout/demoman skills, it also means that I don’t really play any higher skilled games, just with my team really.

Those that have good contacts with better players and get invited to play these games will improve at a quicker rate, or they will just fail altogether and can just enjoy the game in their respective divs.

Basically, to get to a higher div, go around bum licking everyone you meet so they say nice things about you.

So, if you’re in a higher div and want nice things said about you, add me. I’ll oblige.


Quoted from Matt


Your right in the fact that there are very limited spaces, however i can almost guarantee that that spot will be given to a so called “proven” player no chance for anyone else.

And what is wrong with that? Why would I as a captain pick soemone unproven over someone with experience if they have around the same level of skill aim/movement wise. You can do well in tf2 without amazing aim, whats more important is being able to understand situtations and react. For example, imo what sperates the prem demos from everyone else isn’t pipe or sticky aim, it the ability to know when to go agressive or when to stay back and set traps. sure, you need aim and the ability ot hit pipes, but what is more impotant is being able to understand the game as it goes on.



Quoted from M24_


And what is wrong with that? Why would I as a captain pick soemone unproven over someone with experience if they have around the same level of skill aim/movement wise. You can do well in tf2 without amazing aim, whats more important is being able to understand situtations and react. For example, imo what sperates the prem demos from everyone else isn’t pipe or sticky aim, it the ability to know when to go agressive or when to stay back and set traps. sure, you need aim and the ability ot hit pipes, but what is more impotant is being able to understand the game as it goes on.

That comes with experience and playing with your team. You just need to be given a chance to achieve that.


I understand that, but if I were a captain I would rather pick someone who already has that experience than someone who has to learn that experience.

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