
Recent Patch Bugs (157 nade) Fragga

Created 17th December 2008 @ 09:57

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agreed totally with renegade, stickies rather than being used for defensive purposes, are being used as a better form of rocket launcher with sometimes twice the damage (with twice the ammo) – and nades with the ability to fire four in the time soldiers can fire three rockets plus doing again nearly twice the damage of rockets (and twice the hitbox size) is just wank


lol fragga may i put in here what you said to me once?
something like this:
Fragga: im quitting playing soldier in tf2 …. its just the worst class … valve has overpowered demos and the scout rule this game…… demo does always do more kills than soldier cause he has to stick to his medic
Me: but that because the game is a teamplay game ….. who cares about point/kills if youre team wins
Fragga: I DO care about my points xD

// did you change youre mind ?



wp, fragga i do agree with what you’ve said for most of it anyway… problem is mate you clearly have ALOT of time to care about this thing, so rather than biatch about it on etf2l, why not send an email to Mr Walker himself or w/e his name is, or post a message on the steam forum and urinate your rage and discontent all about the demoman stickies/grenades damage! :X





I have done something I’ve raised the issue and anakin has already sent the email afaik :)



I have no problem with stickies being useful beyond sitting them on walls hidden, but they are far too useful, to the point where they are easily close to rockets in usefulness (in 1v1 mid range combat), when they shouldnt come close, because they are more useful than the rocket launcher.



It’s positive descrimination because the demoman is black!

TF3 will feature a black handicapped lesbian muslim that can set off nukes and wipe out everyone on the server and on any other servers within a certain IP range.


RaWr ::

Haven’t read the entire thread, not sure when it was even posted, however, the was a time when we were looking in to using the same people who made tftrue, to mod it to work for the latest patch and produce a less random damage, in fact the guy who made the mod was confident he could lower it to 10hp +/- from the average :)

However, not sure how far we have got as the person looking in to this left the admin team


Is it just me but isnt it bit weird to put your name on the topic? :( I mean everyone knows i have a huge cock but its not like i advertise it?! (oh wait i do.. nvm)



seppo – because I wanted all 5,664 (as of 12:59gmt friday) of my fanboys to read it, glad you did.


I have the TFTrue source code. Someone I know will probably start working on it to make a static dmg plugin (based on the TFTrue static dmg).


I think that static damage isn’t a good thing.
Maybe minimize the “distance” between the minimum damage and the maximum damage, like only 20HP between the mini and maxi for nades ?

Edit : Huh, i’ve just read the site’s admin post who says exactly the same…


for fucks sake guys if u r gonna fix random damage u need to fix my scout random spread

dont ever forget this



1. Damage lowered and less random.
2. Damage Tail off on nades.

Thanks guys.


So, with a plugin, we could get every weapon to do the maximum damage they can make (so the random damage was off and damage value set to maximum).

Grenade launcher : 139
Sticky launcher : 166

Those values are not precise, because depending of where the grenade/sticky hit your hitbox, the damage is not the same all the time. This just depend of where VALVe took the middle point of the player models.

You’ll tell me you got a video etc, but that was probably a bug then. The plugin set the max POSSIBLE value in the game of the random damage.



The game needs random damage, it just needs it to be around decent numbers, not the ones valve have given to demomen.

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