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cheers guys

Created 4th November 2008 @ 02:00

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god why did you bother posting this, nobody cares :D


couldn`t agree more with treig



As far as gaming goes consider what an educated intelligent reasonably connected young man can earn and compare it to the hundreds of hours of playtime for how many grand a year prize money? You need your head screwed on as far as marketing yourself and creating a business around your play and if you can do that you already have the skills to make a good living in other ways.

It’s a shame broadband killed the LAN cafe, you could go to the Playing Fields most nights and duel players like Sujoy and their training partners and drink a lot of beer and watch tourneys or cpl qualifiers where serious money was at stake without having to book a hotel for 3 days and drive up a motorway :P (why would anyone not live in london? freaks) this was before the days of this low/mid blah blah – you were just good or you were a nubi I am rambling where was I.. ah yes big bottoms they’re great



Couldnt agree more, what is this high/mid/low crap anyway? bring back the maturity of the quakeworld scene where players played for fun not money, and where players in the higher clans weren’t so arrogant, egotistical and elitist. Dude get a job, join a clan stick with it and build that clan into a world beater (eg vale), that’s where the fun is.


nvc where to turn? QuakeLive? GL anyways!



if anyone is interested, i found some of nvc’s hair on his pillow at i35, i was planning on keeping this to my self, but its just such a rare find i have decided to sell it so i gain alot of money, bids to me on irc


boomeh ebay? :D


QL r0kz:)
i’ve seen some guys from tf2 community in QL.
was very surprised to see Mick having no idea what to do even with the rl ^^
its funny how player can be high skilled in tf2 and nothing in real fast paced FPS like quake… (
nvc born winner on esr


Hey dats!

if a noobie scout like yours truly could beat you 1v1 in matches, then maybe you should’ve quit a long time ago

oh pzpzpzpzl8


I agree with nvc TF2 competitively is very bad. People say they like to play for fun but beating rolling teams in high score games is not fun its just boring for both teams involved. PC Gamer was the most fun easily I had because it was competitive and had a lot at stake even though we came 2nd.

I used to play 1.6 at a high level and it was much more rewarding (not in terms of money) than playing TF2 apart from the occasional game where the two teams are skilled and evenly matched.


lol mariek how you could have seen me play QL if i played it once since i had the beta invite and it was at 5 of the morning ?! wtf


lol mariek how you could have seen me play QL if i played it once since i had the beta invite and it was at 5 of the morning ?! wtf

it could be 5 am only if u live somewhere far away from CET :) or u played 2 times or more ;)
or someone used ur nickname 4kMick conspiracy theory wtf! :)
+btw u ragequited after 5 minutes or something :)


RaWr ::

+btw u ragequited after 5 minutes or something :)

Thats Mick for ya, hehe <3.


Can’t have fun at this game if the opponent doesn’t match it, sounds arrogant but 80% of our matches we don’t have fun because there is no challenge, your fun will entail a different skill level whether it is higher or lower than ours i don’t care. But the principal is that we want to play have a intense match/closely fought match…

Best match to date in wotr aka TCM|’s history is i33 semi final ^wotr^ vs TLR| on cp_badlands which ended only 1-0 to ^wotr^ ask wlv beta any of the original TLR crew how intense the match was…

Thats TF2 at its best, i do have the demo of it somewhere too but its unplayable unless someone knows how to crack TF2 and patch it to that version etc….

These days we go to i series waiting for the only 4 clans left in the whole of Europe who can compete… thats right only 4 in Europe that can compete at that level….. makes the game very boring for certain players as its the same 4…

So as evil said i can sympathize with nvc about the competitive side too. Problem is its not a individual thing its a team based problem, i mean we can’t just suddenly say in the community, right lets make 12 pro teams that can compete at prem status. Believe it or not, but if you take out the key person (key person i mean the one with the intelligence and brainz) in each clan in the top division then that team becomes useless, and from what i know of all the players in the top division i’d say there are only max 10 players out of a possible like 50 who have some sort of intelligence as to how to play the game. Thats the problem with this game in that its not just aim its brainz then aim!

You can’t make up for intelligence in each player it has to come from the player themselves and the majority haven’t got it coz either

a) they’re growing up
b) don’t spend alot of time playing TF2
c) skipped school and are just bums and like to play and bum hard in life
d) have a real life to contend with, wife kids going out getting drunk etc etc blah….

which again is all fair enough, as TF2 isn’t life, but for those who would like to compete and play this in their spare time and see the community build a all exiciting community, its paid off for some lower divisions but not for the upper ones to be fair :(

Only thing i can think of to make more teams from lower divisons improve is to spread out the top players and put them in different clans… but i highly doubt that anyone wants to do this..

So we’re stuck with a big problem which i believe needs to be addressed.




point 1) nvc is stoping tf2… we care because…!?!?!?!?

point 2) nvc starts a thread saying he is stoping tf2, why ppl is talking about druidz?

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