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[ETF2L] Experimental HL Cup #6 Questions & Feedback

Created 22nd February 2015 @ 22:30

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Lets ban pyro from highlander and all of comp tf2. It’s not an actually overpowered class from a technical standpoint but I find airblasting pyros annoying to play against so it should be removed.

Literally the reason valve doesn’t want to support comp tf2 right there.

10/10, admins.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from DCS

The whitelist was made by admins together with prem teamleaders.

Why bash admins for it?
You seem to care about valve not giving a fuck about comp TF2, why do you bash on the people that do care about it?

Last edited by MARS^,



Weapon Bans

Bazooka: Was really needed and should have been done last season honestly. Sorry Hartz.
Cleaver: Unnecessary ban.
Loch-n-load: It really needs a ban. Saw it played in NA plat scrims early in the UGC season and was ridiculous.

Map choices

Sunshine: An above average 5CP map and a good choice for the experimental cup which could possibly be good enough for the actual season.
Warmtic: A below average koth map that is an okay choice for the experimental cup. It won’t make the actual season (but who can say after Reservoir) but is being actively developed and might be good enough one day.
keikoku: A totally ridiculous map that has no place near an experimental cup. It is big, long and confusing. Oh and it has a train and is in the fucking air.

If you are short of maps here are a few viable alternatives that could have been chosen.

Ashville: The second best Koth map for highlander that has never been played in ETF2L. Which is ridiculous considering how much better it is than Reservoir.
Croissant: A very underrated 5cp that I really enjoyed when playing in Wireplay. Is a borderline viable choice for the actual season and would make a good map for a cup.
Borneo: A payload map that has improved significantly since earlier versions. Would probably rate it only slightly below Barnblitz after playing it this season in UGC.

It is a huge improvement over the last Experimental Highlander Cup which was a joke. Another problem could be teams being knocked out after one game. Could see signups being low because going through the hassle of getting 9 people together to play one custom map for 20 minutes sounds like a waste of time for people.

Last edited by Munky,



Quoted from MARS^


Why bash admins for it?
You seem to care about valve not giving a fuck about comp TF2, why do you bash on the people that do care about it?

Because they make awful decisions.

Banning things based on how annoying they are is mind-numbingly fucking stupid.

I thought the whitelist was there to avoid having items that completely screw over an entire game mode by being god tier.
Not for banning things you just don’t feel like playing against because it’s outside of the meta you are used to.


Quoted from MARS^


Why bash admins for it?
You seem to care about valve not giving a fuck about comp TF2, why do you bash on the people that do care about it?

Because as they have stated before, etf2l is not a democracy and the admins have no obligation to actually follow the majority vote. They may consider playerbase opinion but they themselves are ultimately in power and so they are the responsible ones.

Quoted from Munky

If you are short of maps here are a few viable alternatives that could have been chosen.

Ashville: The second best Koth map for highlander that has never been played in ETF2L. Which is ridiculous considering how much better it is than Reservoir.
Croissant: A very underrated 5cp that I really enjoyed when playing in Wireplay. Is a borderline viable choice for the actual season and would make a good map for a cup.
Borneo: A payload map that has improved significantly since earlier versions. Would probably rate it only slightly below Barnblitz after playing it this season in UGC.

The fact ashville still hasn’t been attempted but plenty other maps have is appalling.

Quoted from Twisted

I thought the whitelist was there to avoid having items that completely screw over an entire game mode by being god tier.
Not for banning things you just don’t feel like playing against because it’s outside of the meta you are used to.


Last edited by Fuxx,



Oh and by the way Bazaar Bargain is still broken on no crit servers.
After one headshot,all scoped in hits count as new head to the counter.

edit: Even bodyshots while scoped in

Last edited by Tseini,





If someone in Prem learns how to Market Gardener and actually uses it in Scrims/Officials and gets kills, expect it to be banned next season because of that 1 guy – Admin/Leaders logic


(ETF2L Donator)

I like the idea behind the way these things were decided, although I don’t like the general outcome of it. I think we ended up banning a lot of weapons just to ban something. I don’t really see a need to ban anything other than the given ones, such as dangershield, pomson etc., and if we decide to do that anyways, why ban a harmless and borderline useless weapon like the cleaver, instead of an ACTUAL annoying and retarded weapon like the sandman or spy-cicle?

I think a vote, atleast between the prem teamleaders along with the discussion, instead of just the discussion, would have been better, because certain people were obviously more vocal and ultimately more influential just because of that.


Dr. med.

We put Sunshine as the first round map so People get Most likely at least 30 minutes, a Whole map, to play before potentially getting knocked put. There have Been k.o. ONCs in the past like that and they worked out just Fine.



So you decide to ban weapons that require skill or put you at a disadvantage, but you still allow the obvious bullshit like the Loch ‘n Load and the Spycicle. It’s not even an opinion anymore that the Loch ‘n Load in insane, ~350 damage with one clip, faster fire right and projectile speed + insane splash damage. This shit blows my fucking mind.

The Beggars makes your flank useless if the soldier (Hartz) decides to jump. Sure, whenever he jumps shit hits the fan, but giving him the opportunity to jump is your flanks fault. Also sentries and heavies can in fan look up. I might be biased on the Beggars since I like it myself but honestly Hartz (I think at least) made this weapon popular and other soldiers followed… now tell me who is as effective as he is so far in ETF2L? We should applaud him and find counters instead of backstabbing him. A fucking disgrace honestly.
Also, to use the cleaver effectively you need to use the sandman aswell which gives you a 15hp disadvantage. Hello, what is this? Stop banning weapons just to ban something.

I like the map cup though, it seems interesting altough I’m not sure about that Bukkake map.

Edit: more anger and rant.

Last edited by Nik,



Speaking as a player:

– Stop banning unlocks, learn to play against them, always alternatives and debates over their effectiveness come to nothing always.
– Implement a pick/ban system if unlocks are such a problem.
– Stop banning unlocks seriously.
– Why are we still banning unlocks?
– Unlocks never ever lost us an official, us being shit did that, so I don’t see the problem at all.
– Ban Pyro instead.

Last edited by Hildreth,



Nice to see some highlander stuff to play, while waiting for the next season!

It’s a shame half the teams will get knocked out immediately though (unless I’m horribly misinterpreting this, in which case.. whoops :D).. I guess it doesn’t really suit the standard knockout format, but can’t there be a way for the knocked out teams to fight it out amongst themselves? That way they at least get to play a few more matches and get to play all the maps, instead of just one.

I noticed a few things while screwing around on cp_keikoku:

1. You can go behind the first BLU spawn and shoot inside in a specific spot as solly/demo/scout.

2. There are spots on the map which you can’t get out of without killing yourself as certain classes.

3. The train on last is partially missing its kill trigger so it can be bodyblocked. This makes going on the last point significantly slower for the RED team.

Last edited by RaNDoMiZe,

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

I think we should just ban pyro, engineer, heavy, spy and sniper.

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