[S4] Map Pool Feedback
Created 24th February 2013 @ 16:04
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Actually I’ve got an idea; not for the mappool but the order.
To make it easier for UGC players if you tinker with the order a little you could make it easier so they play the maps the same week and for everyone else it would make no difference.
Week 1: cp_steel
Week 2: pl_upward
Week 3: pl_badwater
Week 4: cp_gullywash_final1 + koth_lakeside_final
Week 5: pl_swiftwater_ugc
I hope you take this into consideration because it would make my team’s and others schedules a lot better.
Quoted from Permzilla
Provisional map schedule
After much internal debate, we’ve arrived at the following provisional map list and week structure:
Week 1: pl_badwater
Week 2: cp_gullywash_final1 + koth_lakeside_final
Week 3: pl_swiftwater_ugc
Week 4: cp_steel
Week 5: pl_upwardPlease note that this is a provisional map list and may undergo changes based on user feedback.
love it, keep it
though, poor, poor Gravelpit. I’ll miss ye
Quoted from MightyMe
Would like to see pl_barnblitz_pro instead of cp_gullywash
This, except I don’t mind gullywash so much and steel is a maze, so I’d have that replaced instead.
inb4 hate
Week 1: pl_barnblitz_pro
Week 2: cp_gullywash_final1 + koth_lakeside_final
Week 3: pl_badwater
Week 4: cp_process (it’s very fun in Highlander) & cp_croissant
Week 5: pl_upward
5cp maps in highlander is very underrated.
Quoted from unu
Week 1: pl_barnblitz_pro
Week 2: cp_gullywash_final1 + koth_lakeside_final
Week 3: pl_badwater
Week 4: cp_process (it’s very fun in Highlander) & cp_croissant
Week 5: pl_upward5cp maps in highlander is very underrated.
Process and Croissant are both fun for highlander :] I would actually take those two over steel.
Gully plays out terribly for highlander though its far too chokey to be any fun… as is granary. Just my personal thoughts though :)
(like I said before though, I’m happy as long as we avoid the awful awful maps like haunt)
Last edited by Oxy,
Swiftwater is long and boring, highly favoring the defending team, it received negative feedback both in ugc and in etf2l’s [S3] map pool feedback, i’d like to see one of these maps instead:
viaduct_pro, barnblitz_pro, arctic, granary, gravelpit or foundry.
5cp maps that are fun in highlander:
Would be fun with at least one more 5cp map than just the one that’s in the pool. Especially when there’s 3 payload maps.
Quoted from unu
Would be fun with at least one more 5cp map than just the one that’s in the pool. Especially when there’s 3 payload maps.
We tried to get one of each map type (5cp, cp, koth, pl) excluding ctf since there simply isnt a ctf map good enough yet. After that pl_ is obviously the most popular map type, so I think 3 pl_ is justified.
Quoted from Oxy
Process and Croissant are both fun for highlander :] I would actually take those two over steel.
Gully plays out terribly for highlander though its far too chokey to be any fun… as is granary. Just my personal thoughts though :)
Process was strongly considered, croissant not so much due to opinions that last and mid are very hard to push. From personal experience on Gullywash I don’t find it to be chokey at all and pretty fun.
Quoted from Oxy
Actually I’ve got an idea; not for the mappool but the order.
To make it easier for UGC players if you tinker with the order a little you could make it easier so they play the maps the same week and for everyone else it would make no difference.
Week 1: cp_steel
Week 2: pl_upward
Week 3: pl_badwater
Week 4: cp_gullywash_final1 + koth_lakeside_final
Week 5: pl_swiftwater_ugcI hope you take this into consideration because it would make my team’s and others schedules a lot better.
Quoted from Carlos Kaiser
Swiftwater is long and boring, highly favoring the defending team, it received negative feedback both in ugc and in etf2l’s [S3] map pool feedback, i’d like to see one of these maps instead:
viaduct_pro, barnblitz_pro, arctic, granary, gravelpit or foundry.
Not really sure why favouring the defending team is an issue, as you both defend?
Viaduct_pro has some serious balancing issues, see earlier in the thread. Barnblitz was also considered, personally still find last quite annoying but a good map still. Arctic, havent really heard this being played much, needs more playtime before its safe to put in I think.
Granary was removed due to us wanting more variation in the map pool. Last seasons map pool was generally regarded as very good, but what we want to not do is end up like the 6v6 map pool with very similar map pool season after season. Thus we are considering a sort of “5cp map rotation” each season, giving you some variation on the maps you play. The same applies to other map types, although not as clear currently.
Foundry, see above.
Sorry for the long post.
ctf_converge pliz!
Quoted from Muffinz
cp_steel? are you serious?
Steel is a classic, but I still don’t like it.
Swiftwater on the other hand is an awesome map.
much respect for adding 3 PL maps and steel. I’m not that big a fan of lakeside, I think games on it tend to be pretty dull and rote. It’s probably more balanced than Viaduct, but viaduct is still more exciting to play on.
TBH, not that thrilled with gullywash as the 5CP map of choice. Mid – Second is great because there’s no half-point that needs controlling before you can cap point (like gran yard or foundry house). But 2nd – Last and of course pushing out of last can be difficult pushes to make. I’d prefer Granary, or even Process which is seeing some play this season and is actually very enjoyable in HL.
Sad to see no Gpit, seeing as it was absent in UGC too, but I cant see where I would fit in in the schedule. Maybe instead of gully/lakeside week?
Swiftwater might be a controversial choice. Glad to see admins recognising that PL is where HL shines and including more of it. Swiftwater can be a grueling map to play. Overall I would probably have gone with Barnblitz pro instead. Despite its ridiculous last point the rest of the map is solid and much more consistently fun to play than Swiftwater.
Take note UGC, this is how you make a maplist.
Quoted from Permzilla
Not really sure why favouring the defending team is an issue, as you both defend?
Let’s play dustbowl and goldrush then.
Quoted from Permzilla
Viaduct_pro has some serious balancing issues, see earlier in the thread.
Every symmetric map has some asymmetry, on viaduct you can jump on the bridge where teles usually are and on the cliff easier from one of the sides, on granary jumping on the second forward spawn is easier for one of the teams, and one of the teams has a better initial spawn, we can simply ban climbing by the cliff (lol) or do what ugc did, switch team colors on symmetric maps, but cmon, that isn’t a serious balancing issue, it’s like removing badwater because you can put buildings in the spawn.
Quoted from Permzilla
Arctic, havent really heard this being played much, needs more playtime before its safe to put in I think.
It was played in this ugc season, it received little negative responses compared to other custom maps which were mostly terrible.
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