
About scheduling default dates

Created 10th November 2010 @ 11:17

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Quoted from Crasp


If there are specific times at which you’d prefer to play (or not to play), post them in the match comments, or your team description if they’re a constant thing.

What I said has absolutley nothing to do with my own personal experience, but it’s pretty obvious that 90% of the community will only play matches at either 20cet or 21/21.15 cet. What’s the point of sticking the time in the middle of that – it’s completley unpractacle. You might as well set default dates to 7am monday morning for all the good it does. I agree teams don’t have a right to complain if they didn’t prepare properly, but why make things harder..

Edit: I’m obviously speaking from experience playing division 3 and upwards, but the only pattern I can guage in the lower division is that there is no pattern, so it makes sense to adhere to an existing routine rather than an existing lack of one.



teams from different timezones cant play 21.15 a lot of times.
when an admin sets the default date he doesnt know what country the teams are from.
so before you set an unconvenient time for one team and making default whoring possible we go for the middgle ground.
you can play your game whenever as long as the result is submitted by sunday 23.59 cet
best thing would be talking to your opponent and asking what time.

Spike Himself


Quoted from kaidus

Edit: I’m obviously speaking from experience playing division 3 and upwards, but the only pattern I can guage in the lower division is that there is no pattern, so it makes sense to adhere to an existing routine rather than an existing lack of one.

Skill is related to the times at which people are online?



This is ridiculous.
This match date was an obvious error of one of your admins, wich resulted in a 6 points disadvantage for our team. And if you dont adjust it, it will be a biased decision, no matter what sort of bloody lazy cunts we are.



People should check the match page/get things done to avoid problems, and that’s fair enough – if you’d set the default date at sunday and it wasn’t convenient for them, too bad.

But to set a match date for 6 hours later the same night? Come on admongs, you’ve got to agree that’s completely impractical. I think a bit of common sense/brain power could see what a stupid idea that was. Give the admin a telling off and let them replay. This isn’t real life chaps, we’re not all here all the time. There should be at LEAST 24 hours notice and more if it’s possible – and in this case, there was a potential of about 78 hours notice? For the following sunday?

It’s all well and good having a policy that you put the match on the first suggested date, but if you’ve got admins that are …let’s say ‘silly’… enough to just automatically put it down without first considering “hmm, i wonder if this is reasonable? is 6 hours enough time to organise a team?” then you should probably reconsider this policy.

And next time, check the match page and you won’t have to go through this bollocks.



But to set a match date for 6 hours later the same night? Come on admongs, you’ve got to agree that’s completely impractical.

Thats the main point. Thats what i said several times, but no admin even bothered to comment on this.
Bottom line of this thread is: if you dont post sth on your matchpage you deserve only six hours to react to a set date.
Could an admin please either a) add this to the official rules page or faq (as it is not documented anywhere that a default date could be set just six hours from now and that it is recommended to check your email even if you’re at school or work) or b) undo the default loss for wooo?



Quoted from baerbel

teams from different timezones cant play 21.15 a lot of times.
when an admin sets the default date he doesnt know what country the teams are from.
so before you set an unconvenient time for one team and making default whoring possible we go for the middgle ground.
you can play your game whenever as long as the result is submitted by sunday 23.59 cet
best thing would be talking to your opponent and asking what time.

It’s still the European Team Fortress 2 league. Not the Asian or American Team Fortress 2 league. I agree with Kaidus here, lets just set it at 7am in the morning so the Aussies can play.



Quoted from Koeitje


It’s still the European Team Fortress 2 league. Not the Asian or American Team Fortress 2 league. I agree with Kaidus here, lets just set it at 7am in the morning so the Aussies can play.

He was not talking about American teams. Most European teams seem to favor 20:00 over 21:00 (except for UK teams/players). For higher divisions this is slightly different since they usually want to have a pcw before their match.


Quoted from RaCio

[…]Most European teams seem to favor 20:00 over 21:00 (except for UK teams/players). For higher divisions this is slightly different since they usually want to have a pcw before their match.

Most UK teams/players prefer starting after 21:00, because UK people even in lower divisions like a warm up match first, not to mention after a full days work, and an hour+ travel home they struggle to get in-front of a PC before 21:00 cet

however this is off topic

on topic what vald_drac said



Ok, set default dates at div3+ to a well accepted time such as 2115cet and for the lower divs at sunday afternoon. Or maybe we could do it like 5am in the morning, doubt anyone is not home at that time. You can come home after clubbing and play tf2 totally wasted. Nice.


Quoted from Koeitje

Ok, set default dates at div3+ to a well accepted time such as 2115cet and for the lower divs at sunday afternoon. Or maybe we could do it like 5am in the morning, doubt anyone is not home at that time. You can come home after clubbing and play tf2 totally wasted. Nice.

a sensible default date can be set, by an admin using common sense
2 clicks, look at the teams, 1 from Russia, 1 from UK, set the time for 20:00 on a sunday

if you set it for 21:00 during the week 80% guarantee that will be wild carded, or end in a default
The same if you set it for 20:00 or earlier during the week it will be wild carded or end in a default



Quoted from Tikcus


a sensible default date can be set, by an admin using common sense
2 clicks, look at the teams, 1 from Russia, 1 from UK, set the time for 20:00 on a sunday

if you set it for 21:00 during the week 80% guarantee that will be wild carded, or end in a default
The same if you set it for 20:00 or earlier during the week it will be wild carded or end in a default

look at team name, copy and paste. enter in search, click on team name 2x
100 games to default. sorry, im not gonna do that. believe it or not the easiest way for this to resolve would be to fucking schedule your game on time.

im sure if anyone if anyone is willing to do it we will take on one admin to do defaults every monday. any takers?



tbh u guys deserved that default loss for not being able to arrange the match before the deadline ( + not leaving anything @ the match comments) and instead of complaining about it u maybe should consider how much fuckin work it is to run the etf2l.

if ur not happy with the admins work u better should become one and do something usefull instead of whining


Quoted from baerbel


look at team name, copy and paste. enter in search, click on team name 2x
100 games to default. sorry, im not gonna do that. believe it or not the easiest way for this to resolve would be to fucking schedule your game on time.

im sure if anyone if anyone is willing to do it we will take on one admin to do defaults every monday. any takers?

If would be easier if clans organised their games, in reality you run a league full of children, who used fake email accounts/accounts they don’t check to set up their profile, they don’t check website and don’t accept steam friends requests, and will probably fold after they lose their first few matches (so pleased I don’t have to organise anything anymore)

as far as sorting out the default dates go

You do all 100 games??????
estimate 2 min per game = 200 min, to do it properly
admins time resolving disputes in irc then in threads in the forum, resulting from a mistake (I assume) in giving a clan 6 hours notice to play a game.

Perhaps start giving out minor warnings to clans that have not posted in match topic, and you are handing a default date/time out to, then keep hitting them with that stick till they learn to arrange matches properly!

Alternatively have fixed match days

21:15 cet on a monday

if you can’t play at that time don’t enter, then your job is easier



Quoted from kaidus

but it’s pretty obvious that 90% of the community will only play matches at either 20cet or 21/21.15 cet.

In Season 8 week 1, fifteen games were played at 21:15. Thirty three games were played at 20:00. Thirty one games were played at 20:30. Of those thirty one games played at 20:30, eleven were scheduled by default. A further four were defaulted to that time with one or more of the teams having suggested that time to play. So at least twenty two games in week 1 were arranged to be played at 20:30 without any admin involvement, more than were played at 21:15 (I haven’t checked which games at 20:00 and 21:15 were defaulted to that time).

20:30 is frequently used because the biggest problem isn’t finding a time which is convienient, it’s finding a time which is actually possible for the two teams. Almost always the problem arises when a far eastern european team is playing a central or western european team. When UK teams can’t play at 20:00 and Russian teams can’t play at 21:00, then 20:30 is the only option.

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