
Help a n00b medic out - HUD and Binds?

Created 15th June 2011 @ 15:57

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Quoted from ell

alias “medic” “bind e mslot1; bind f mslot3; bind q mslot2; unbind r; unbind t; unbind x; unbind z; unbind_nums”
alias “plus_auto_attack” “+attack; bind mouse1 +minus_attack”
alias “minus_auto_attack” “-attack; bind mouse1 +attack”
alias “+minus_attack” “-attack”
alias “-minus_attack” “+attack”
alias “mslot1” “minus_auto_attack; yslot1”
alias “mslot2” “yslot2; plus_auto_attack”
alias “mslot3” “minus_auto_attack; melee”

alias “std” “minus_auto_attack; xslots; unbind r; unbind t; unbind x; unbind z; unbind_nums”

alias “xslot1” “slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0”
alias “xslot2” “slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0”
alias “yslot1” “slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 54”
alias “yslot2” “slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 54”
alias “melee” “slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 54”
alias “xslots” “bind e xslot1; bind q xslot2”

I made this continuous healing script that behaves slightly different from the built in medigun tf_medigun_autoheal. The healgun allways heals, unless you hold down mouse1. It behaves the same regardless of in what state the game is (healing or not healing), which rids you of a lot of confusion. The uniform behaviour makes you less prone to accidentally disconnect the beam, enabling making triggerbot-like(not a cheat) flicks without holding down the button and it also helps circumvent some bugs(unless fixed). Ripped it straight out of the config, so it will take some tinkering to integrate it if you’re interested. Let me know if you run into trouble, and I’ll try to help.

Isn’t there this annoying sound when you have +attack on the Medigun, but no one to heal?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from broesel


Isn’t there this annoying sound when you have +attack on the Medigun, but no one to heal?

There is, but if you’re alone you probably shouldn’t have the medigun out in the first place. If necessary, holding the button for a brief moment isn’t particularily impairing. I usually let it HMMPF-HMMPF or swap to needles.

PS Don’t use my HUD, it’s shit for medic :D



use gmangs hud best hud for medic.


Don’t find binds useful…
I think the best hud for med is community :>

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