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TF2 Customisation & Support

Interface tweaks, mods, configs etc. and any TF2-related support.

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PoV-Record [2.1.0] new x64 build 1,099 441,795 Igov Драгови
Chris' FPS configs 1,736 610,149 Banana_Warrior
F2's SourceMod plugins / Accuracy/MedicStats 178 60,384 F2
TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats... 914 210,611 Phantom
Low LOD / Picmip for TF2 (Nvidia + ATI/AMD) 345 308,251 osvaldo
broesel's Crosshair Switcher 100 75,098 Jan
tf2mate - TF2 config generator 148 64,062 Sofa King
Launch options - myths and falsifications 52 76,022 Saki
Help. Player ragdolls always a-pose. 2 1,771 xCape
Announcing DemoMan, the TF2 demo manager 1 933 Narcha
Improved default HUD 53 32,972 Eniere
Outlined Crosshairs 3 1,773 nutbeans
No smoke script 5 6,029 PenDraGon
MGE Server Problem. 1 1,134 Rave
probably the best res for scout? 2 1,672 kpopfan69
Steam Cloud for Demos and HUD 1 4,271 Jesse James
Hitsound problem 4 1,554 Tonton Flairix
High ping on single servers only 6 2,166 Samus
Crash when i join connect 3 1,354 Tonton Flairix
Audio roaring and cutting out 8 1,688 Machu
Config needed 2 1,200 Tamir
using shadowplay and windows 10 - read below 1 1,294 supra
I accidently messed up my rocket trails 5 2,357 hr
logs.tf generates some trash 5 1,661 Collaide
My Logs - log aggregator 8 3,257 fault
Help cfg+hud 2 1,281 AlesKee
[Android / iOS] Crate Opener Simulator for TF2 2 1,694 MoBa
custom hitsounds aren't working 4 1,492 Peep
tf2 freezes randomly 1 1,404 mognog
http://serveme.tf/ not working 4 1,532 gatsan

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