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Improved default HUD

Created 21st March 2014 @ 17:06

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Hello, community!

This is not a HUD in its usual meaning, but some fixes for standard Team Fortress 2 UI, adding HP numbers on target IDs, reworked Medic UI, popular custom crosshairs, etc.
I do it for myself, but maybe someone will find it useful too.

Included crosshairs
How-to and changelog

TeamFortress.TV thread

Current version is 3.9.2 (January 26th, 2022)
Download link


Last edited by Eniere,


gonna give it ago but i’d love to know how to turn of that X arround you’re crosshair when you hit someone


Quoted from jokern

gonna give it ago but i’d love to know how to turn of that X arround you’re crosshair when you hit someone

This hitmarker is turned on by default. Anyway, you can disable it in scripts/hudlayout.res (just change visibility for #3.1—3.4)

Last edited by Eniere,


Pretty nice work but if you make a customisation for damage text. Because it is too small in my opinion. Add pvhud’s and/or m0re’s damage fonts and it is great for me. Also, I really liked the 6s scoreboard :)

Last edited by Griffin,


v 2.0.1 (March 22, 2014)

+ added 2 alternative damage layouts: bold yellow and m0re’s;
+ new alternative medic’s ubercharge position and layout

Last edited by Eniere,


v 2.0.3 (March 24, 2014)

+ added a separate version of 6v6 scoreboard. Now you can use it with cl_hud_minmode 0 too;
+ huddamageaccount.res now supports 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratio;
+ huddamageaccount_yellow.res now supports 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratio;
+ hudmediccharge_alt.res now supports 16:10 and 4:3 aspect ratio;
+ res files was cleared from unused X360 code;
+ color scheme fix;
+ some minor improvements



Looks nice, good job!

edit: hudlayout.res and clientscheme.res are all messed up like this http://puu.sh/7IdXt.png
so it’s really hard to install other custom crosshairs

also is there any way to make the scoreboard 9v9 in minimode?

Last edited by Anzu,


Quoted from Anzu

edit: hudlayout.res and clientscheme.res are all messed up like this http://puu.sh/7IdXt.png
so it’s really hard to install other custom crosshairs

Use notepad++ it should look normal on there


amazing work, i will try

Last edited by AciD,



Quoted from Anzu

also is there any way to make the scoreboard 9v9 in minimode?

As far as I know, when a hud comes with two scoreboard, they are attached to whether or not the hud is in minimode. You should just go in the scoreboard.res and mess up with the minimode value.
Also, nice work with this HUD, looks cool.

Last edited by Opti,


v 2.0.6 (April 18, 2014)

+ reworked tournament spectator HUD: 9v9, 6v6, scoreboard, just died;
– combined medic charge layout now enabled by default;
– some minor improvements.



Great job, thanks for sharing ;)


v 2.0.7 (May 31, 2014)

+ RED/BLU model toggle for loadout customizing screen (screenshot);
– some minor improvements.

v 2.0.8 (June 1, 2014)

+ Reworked backpack panel that features separate buttons for each page, but still haves visible “Set style” control and keyboard navigation controls too (screenshot);
– Changed color scheme for RED/BLU model toggle added in the latest update;
– Added multilanguage support for RED/BLU model toggle.

Last edited by Eniere,


v 2.0.9 (June 20, 2014)

+ Reworked scoreboard;
+ Support for multi-taunts;
+ Alternative medic charge layout now independent from screen aspect ratio;
– Removed some unused files.



Heh, was about to ask for those changes. Thanks <3

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