Created 15th January 2010 @ 15:54
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who should take their places then?
Quoted from howdeh
randa = chicks
nononononoono, n0va = chicks, i got proof
21:41 – SOLACE nova: after this team
21:41 – SOLACE nova: im quitting tf2
21:42 – SOLACE nova: i think ive got a gf now
trolololol, edd gon rq teem, d/w he haz gurl fwend
Last edited by stvv,
Quoted from stvv
trolololol, edd gon rq teem, d/w he haz gurl fwend
she probably speaks like that too
Quoted from randa
Not really the top10 eu then is it ? if you base it on mixes on lans. Just sayin’
How would you like to pick who’s the best team and who’s not? If we go by who has the best reputation it would be the same week in week out. PCWs really don’t count toward any kind of judgement, all that’s left are matches. The importance of matches is determined by the stakes, why should teams be rewarded for not showing up just because they are considered better?
What the fuck is wrong with you lot. No one goes to Cadred (stupidly) we only have one writer for it (who does a very good job), it is a top 10 on one site, it means nothing, calm the fuck down and play some TF2 for fun.
Last edited by CrashSite,
Quoted from CrashSite
What the fuck is wrong with you lot. No one goes to Cadred (stupidly) we only have one writer for it (who does a very good job), it is a top 10 on one site, it means nothing, calm the fuck down and play some TF2 for fun.
U wont get anywhere with that tone
More out of frustration at the amount of pointless arguments and needless conflict. It is sad to see, it would be nice to see some agreement and fun brought back into this community.
If a team shows up to proper oganised TF2 lans (and wins them) then of course they should get extra points, they are helping the scene grow and arn’t just offline heroes who don’t bother, so props too them they deserve the recognition.
Quoted from Tapley ❤
If a team shows up to proper oganised TF2 lans (and wins them) then of course they should get extra points, they are helping the scene grow and arn’t just offline heroes who don’t bother, so props too them they deserve the recognition.
That’s true, but you do realize that it favors the teams nearest to the LANs :P
Quoted from Koeitje
That’s true, but you do realize that it favors the teams nearest to the LANs :P
Didn’t stop Viqun, Tsu, Payard, Waebi (to name a few who paid there own way). I’d argue that once you have to go cross country in Europe it doesn’t matter how far you go, it’s the same trip.
Last edited by nvc,
Quoted from Koeitje
That’s true, but you do realize that it favors the teams nearest to the LANs :P
Thats correct yep, but its a lan ofc its easier for people who live there to attend thats lans for you :>, but if teams want to be placed high in this ranking then they need to attend lans to achive this (if they dont care where they are placed then they shouldnt whine), thats the criterea, with a month of not many officials then i would i think this is a larger criterea than normal as theres not much to judge on otherwise. This is a ranking of 1 month, not a whos who of whos better than who etc.
RaWr also won the ESH Turbine Pro cup in February.
I don’t see how fielding a mix team at LAN cheapens their results, they still played under the Monster Munch banner.
Infused even took a map off YoYoTech in Wireplay.
So I think it’s a little naive to belittle the LAN results when both teams have proven themselves in other competitions in February.
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