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TF2Center.com, from pub to competitive

Created 5th August 2013 @ 23:08

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Spike Himself


Quoted from unu

While the auto-report system is nice it’s not perfect. While playing today I lagged out for 2 minutes and then I reconnected, then I was reported.

This! You don’t even need to lag out. If for whatever reason you need to restart TF2, you’re basically screwed.

Also you might want to change the winlimit to 5 for when setting up servers, most people are used to this from tf2lobby which results in people leaving after a team has won 5 rounds, which is kind of annoying when it’s 4-4 with 10 minutes remaining.

No! The problem that needs fixing is the people, not the rule. Please keep this as it is!
Alternatively (no idea if this is the case already or not), have different rules for different regions (i.e. the murricans get winlimit 5, but we keep windiff 5).

As for my skeptism earlier in this thread, I stand corrected. The site works amazingly well (99% anyway) and is definitely an upgrade from tf2lobby.

I’m particularly impressed with the interfacing of lobby and game, i.e. the lobby knows that I’m connecting or already in the game, etc. Also whatever you did to make your mumble work like it does is fantastic.

The only big issue still remaining is the lack of players (and long waiting times for lobbies to start as a result).

There is one feature I think would add some value, and that is reporting players that do not join the mumble.
Only if something is done with that though, just reporting without consequence is pointless.

edit: now all you need is admins that don’t actually rage at people in the chat on the front page (forgot his name.. noobmaster or something?)

Last edited by Spike Himself,



Quoted from unu

While the auto-report system is nice it’s not perfect. While playing today I lagged out for 2 minutes and then I reconnected, then I was reported.

Also you might want to change the winlimit to 5 for when setting up servers, most people are used to this from tf2lobby which results in people leaving after a team has won 5 rounds, which is kind of annoying when it’s 4-4 with 10 minutes remaining.

At least it works.



some lobby leader raged and did kickall in console and everyone got reported



An option in the lobby to either require everyone to join mumble (auto-report system?) or make mumble optional. That way if people want a more serious one join the one with required mumble.

Also perhaps deleting some older mumble channels would be nice; it sometimes takes a while to find the right channel.

Keep up the good work



Quoted from quintosh

some lobby leader raged and did kickall in console and everyone got reported

lol that happened to me too. our team was spawn camping them on viaduct


i cant even play a full game on this website
the last lobbies i played, everybody on the enemy team just left after ~6mins only cause everybody in their team got killed a lot of times.
this happens to me in every game.
maybe bad luck, but for me the site is since his very first beta pretty bad.


UbeR |

Quoted from nevier

i cant even play a full game on this website
the last lobbies i played, everybody on the enemy team just left after ~6mins only cause everybody in their team got killed a lot of times.
this happens to me in every game.
maybe bad luck, but for me the site is since his very first beta pretty bad.

give it time, the site needs to get more players. tf2lobby was filled with immature brats so naturally there will be a lot of them here as wel.. can’t blame the site for the people that play on it:P


(Legendary Ratehacks)

played couple of games

avarage amount ofpeople in mumble 4/12
avarage amount of people playing onclass/or something reasonable 4/12



It’s hard to put a certain time on subrequesting. I personally think 2min is way too long. If you play 2 full minutes without a player + sub selecting + sub connecting time, it can even be 4 minutes untill you get a new player, if the sub has a wooden pc or the subclass is medic.

Un amour de Swann

Quoted from Spike Himself

There is one feature I think would add some value, and that is reporting players that do not join the mumble.
Only if something is done with that though, just reporting without consequence is pointless.


Last edited by Un amour de Swann,

Spike Himself


Quoted from nevier

i cant even play a full game on this website
the last lobbies i played, everybody on the enemy team just left after ~6mins only cause everybody in their team got killed a lot of times.
this happens to me in every game.
maybe bad luck, but for me the site is since his very first beta pretty bad.

How is the site at fault for this? This can happen everywhere, even in a pcw you found in #tf.wars…



When you automate systems like this it’s inevitable that you sacrifice a lot of useful human interface. They’re aiming to be slightly better than tf2lobby; using Mumble at all is a plus.

Quoted from unu

Also you might want to change the winlimit to 5 for when setting up servers, most people are used to this from tf2lobby which results in people leaving after a team has won 5 rounds, which is kind of annoying when it’s 4-4 with 10 minutes remaining.

windifference 5 is the EU standard as far as I know, so we wanted to keep in line with what the actual competitive rules are. This is more an education thing though, and we need to make sure people know what configs we set.

Quoted from Spike Himself


This! You don’t even need to lag out. If for whatever reason you need to restart TF2, you’re basically screwed.

We give you 2 minutes to start reconnecting to the server. If it’s more than that, then your team is already at a disadvantage.

However, one thing we do need to fix with this is that if you rejoin and the sub slot is still available, the sub request is removed.

Quoted from Spike Himself

There is one feature I think would add some value, and that is reporting players that do not join the mumble.
Only if something is done with that though, just reporting without consequence is pointless.

Indeed. One of the things we are looking at is how to balance requiring mumble with people not wanting to. I think for now the plan is to flag a lobby as requiring mumble. While this doesn’t do the fix bit, it at least sets expectations. As ever, it’s a balance of time with features suggested vs features we’d planned vs bugs vs performance.

Quoted from quintosh

some lobby leader raged and did kickall in console and everyone got reported

That sucks. We have nothing automated currently but let us know the lobby leaders that do this – we don’t want that behaviour even if you are hosting the lobby.

Quoted from fraac

When you automate systems like this it’s inevitable that you sacrifice a lot of useful human interface. They’re aiming to be slightly better than tf2lobby; using Mumble at all is a plus.

We’re aiming to be vastly better, but start small :) We’re working on more interfaces for the automation to help players out. Don’t want to go into details yet (we have a history of saying things but not doing it – hey, TF2 center was going for release in Jan 2013 :P) but should make the whole thing smoother.

Also a general point is that we’ve been told we need to be more informative about whats actually changing, so we’ll be adding a changelog to the site so people can see what we fix/add :)


Another thing, if someone leaves and I get my friend in quickly (give him the password and tell him to connect directly through me) the lobby system still thinks there is a missing player and the sub is still requested.

Spike Himself


Quoted from foxy_dave

We give you 2 minutes to start reconnecting to the server. If it’s more than that, then your team is already at a disadvantage.

Oh if that’s the case then I’ve said nothing. I thought a sub was requested the instant someone disconnects.

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