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TF2Center.com, from pub to competitive

Created 5th August 2013 @ 23:08

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Spike Himself


Quoted from ash

Arguably said scout was cheating. ))

Maybe. He did come from top level CoD4 iirc.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Spike Himself

Last night we played in a lobby with a medic that actually bottom scored. http://logs.tf/189779

He had 2500 hours in the game.

How does that even happen?!?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from T0m


How does that even happen?!?

the dude lives in costa rica, probably had 400 ping



Quoted from kKaltUu

300 seems fine if you’re looking at it from the competitive perspective. Someone with less than this is either really new to TF2 or an alt account.

This is bullshit. 300 hours is a completely ridiculous requirement for a lobby. Lobbys are absolute entry level to competitive play, there is nothing lower. Anyone who’s played another fps game to remotely decent standard does not need 300 hours to manage. When I started TF2 I watched a lot of 6v6, messed around on pubs for 10 hours and a listen server for another 3, and went straight into pickups. If I had had to play 300 hours of pub before I could get in on entry level pugs/lobbies I’d of never touched this game on a competitive level.

The majority of lobbies that are shit are shit because the people in them are fucking stupid. A hundred or so extra hours playing a cartoon shooter doesn’t fix that, and this limit isn’t going to fix tf2center. So far it’s only made it worse as the people I played lobbies with were people I was helping get into 6s. Now they can’t play till they sink another 100 hours into aids pubs. TF2center dominates the market of entry level games. You are literally killing this game for new players by doing this. If someone is brought to tf2 by watching a tftv cast, chances are they simply won’t enjoy public play and you want to force them to do 300 hours before you let them into a lobby where gormless 12 year olds who’ve been playing TF2 since they were 8 are most likely already ruining games anyway? Lobby leaders can already specify limits for players, why the hell do you even need a global limit? It completely alienates new players and undermines the amazing work done by tftv and others to entice new players.

Edit: This post isn’t aimed at kKaltUu, that quote was just a springboard. I have no idea who runs tf2center or if they even read these forums, but whoever they are it’s intended for them.

Last edited by kaidus,

Spike Himself


This might just be the first time ever I entirely agree with Kaidus.

I’ll (ab)use this opportunity to reiterate;
Quoted from kaidus

You are literally killing this game for new players by doing this.



they are reading stuff here sometimes, i’ve linked them to your post anyway
but you should continue that discussion in http://forums.tf2center.com/index.php?/topic/120-request-scrap-the-new-300-hour-requirement-for-every-lobby/

Last edited by quintosh,


I like TF2Center. If creators’ thoughts when they were creating were “we want to help comprtitive scene” then good for you but there’s a chance of well argumented critic from an intelligent invidual and you should listen them.
Auto-report system is good, but not the best we can imagine.
If I go afk pregame, but not haven’t intended to be kicked/subbed, command like !afk 2 minutes would set a timer on 2 minutes for afk. If you don’t get back on time you get subbed.

Spike Himself


Quoted from their forums, re. the hours played restriction;

TF2Center staff has decided that this number should be reduced to 100 hours. This will be effective immediately.

Not sure if the point has come across :/



Hours played restriction is bs.

Quoted from kaidus

Lobby leaders can already specify limits for players, why the hell do you even need a global limit? It completely alienates new players and undermines the amazing work done by tftv and others to entice new players.

The problem, simply put, is alt accounts.

There’s been an upsurge in trolls over the last few weeks. We can ip-ban and steamid-ban them, but proxies and fake accounts ruin it. One player last Saturday (I think) had 6 IPs and steam IDs banned within about a 20 minute period. And that was only because admins with the power were online.

The preventions to this are a-few-fold, but the most publicly noticed is the 300 hour limit that was brought it, now seen as too high and reduced to 100. The aim was never to stop new players joining, and the majority of players we saw on lobbies were over that threshold. We have seen troll and alt accounts with 40-50+ hours on though. 100 seems a decent limit for now, enough to deter all but the persistent trolls while still ensuring players have a decent background in TF2.

A huge boost in activity over the last few weeks (TF2Lobby was getting 450-500 users at peak times on weekend, we’re getting that many on weekdays) was totally unexpected and we weren’t prepared for that many. These means were brought in to combat the players that specifically want to ruin games for others.

If you have any concerns or suggestions then let us know (http://forums.tf2center.com is the best place, or [email protected]). We’re all ears open to suggestions – and we want to encourage newer players to join. Fresh blood is what keeps communities and games alive!

Spike Himself


If someone wants to troll, they are going to. Such is life.

If you really really really insist on having a restriction on hours played, then have it 10 hours maximum. That should be plenty to discourage griefers (ie alt accounts).

Last edited by Spike Himself,


Hours played can be changed using SAM can’t it? So a troll would easily circumvent it.


Just want to add… the team have sunk tens of thousands of man hours and thousands of euros/pounds/dollars to get the site up and running at NO COST to the typical TF2 player.

Spending a meagre 4 days of idling to play is a small price to pay as opposed to us putting in the countless hours of admin needed to patrol and ban persistent griefers from the site.

No one seems to think of it from that perspective, so bear that in mind before anyone starts complaining!

Last edited by jayserp,



Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE

Hours played can be changed using SAM can’t it? So a troll would easily circumvent it.


Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE

Hours played can be changed using SAM can’t it? So a troll would easily circumvent it.

Total hours played that shows up on your steam profile main page (The one that matters) can’t be changed but you can change the individual TF2 specific stats like damage done, points scored and most kills.

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