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Created 5th August 2013 @ 23:08

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MN could have a point if there was any pressure on people to join the TC mumble once the lobby started. If I join a no-mumble lobby it’s because I specifically don’t want to talk to people.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from konr

How did Angel get so rich when he has so much trouble understand simple stuff like this?

heroin and krokodil are easy as fuck drugs to shift in russia.



I keep getting “read timed out” when trying to create a lobby. What’s up?


Quoted from Reservoir Dog

Who angered the TC mafia…

man oh man, what a rookie mistake…

Spike Himself


Quoted from fraac

MN could have a point if there was any pressure on people to join the TC mumble once the lobby started. If I join a no-mumble lobby it’s because I specifically don’t want to talk to people.

They were “kindly invited” – no pressure. We’ve been doing this for years (back into tf2lobby days). We sit on mumble with eachother while we shoot eachother in a lobby. If people want to tag along, great, if not, also great. We’re not a hostile community (well, I thought so anyway until this happened – some of the guys here have scared even me! :D)


UbeR |

Also I don’t join mumble and play in my own with my friends who are both on my team or on the other team, come at me masternoob.

people who do this in mumble lobbies are part of the blame for these ” 2 people in mumble ” games you mention.

me personally i have about 40 lobbies so far and at least 75%+ of mumble games has 6 or more people in my channel. will be nice when the ban system is in place so people that dont join mumbles cant join mumble lobbies.

i know tc people are open about inviting people to their mumble but you can’t really blame MN (who has no clue who you guys are) for being more than a little frustrated when he misinterprets the situation as yet another bunch of people that make mumble such a lackluster experience for some people on center.

play the game and enjoy the service instead of complaining about non-issues. it’s not like MN is hanging around in every lobby scaring the mumble empty and banning people left and right. probably your personalities clash and that’s fine, not like you’re getting banned or whatever.

We still insist MasterNoob apologises to Oxy for his unacceptable behaviour.

lol insist.

@fraac i think the timing out might be an issue with your server resetting the cvars and commands that tf2center tries to put through? remember reading something like that.

Last edited by quell,

Spike Himself


Quoted from quell

i know tc people are open about inviting people to their mumble but you can’t really blame MN (who has no clue who you guys are) for being more than a little frustrated when he misinterprets the situation as yet another bunch of people that make mumble such a lackluster experience for some people on center.

The lobby was created with the mumble option set as not required.

And yes, I insist.


Spike you must have done something to upset this MasterNoob guy, because he felt a need to share that “ETF2L people are retarded”, he “released a hotfix that banned a bunch of retarded ETF2L guys” and best of all they were “raging at me because I can develop sites like TF2Center and they can’t” with random players in his lobby.

Then the match started. He insta-spawns because “he is the admin”. Then I left.

I just wanted to play TF2 and have some fun, look would you did TC :(

Mother Tereza

Nice circus here. But need more insistence



haha hilarious!

Last edited by Rob!,


Quoted from Trath

Spike you must have done something to upset this MasterNoob guy, because he felt a need to share that “ETF2L people are retarded”, he “released a hotfix that banned a bunch of retarded ETF2L guys” and best of all they were “raging at me because I can develop sites like TF2Center and they can’t” with random players in his lobby.

Then the match started. He insta-spawns because “he is the admin”. Then I left.

I just wanted to play TF2 and have some fun, look would you did TC :(

Nah he was a jerk way before that happened

@ Quell

I have nothing against MN and I perfectly understand why he doesn’t know why we use our mumble for our lobbies. Maybe surprisingly for some people, I had positive experience from MN, he was polite to me before.

However, he also made 0 effort to listen to our reasons and just went on a ego trip about the rules he never made. Even if he did, they wouldn’t make any sense; we are not making our own community within TF2 Center, as he stated.

Whatever happens, people in TF2 Center have my utmost respect for their hard work. Every time I join those lobbies I am baffled what an upgrade all that is compared to tf2lobby. Hopefully MN will realize TC didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, we are using the same system he helped creating, on a daily basis – which is the whole point, suma summarum.


UbeR |

Quoted from Reservoir Dog


that’s cool, everyone should just see this as a big misunderstanding. no need to make an ant an elephant. everyones loves TC! spike’s being pretty self entitled though LOL



Quoted from quell

[…] spike’s being pretty self entitled though LOL

That’s not how its coming across to me at all. The TC guys are socializing on their own mumble and have kindly invited others to join in just to be friendly.

There isn’t a published rule on tf2center that you are required to use their mumble, or mumble at all (even if this was a rule it would be stupid and unenforceable anyway). Its just masternoob (apt name btw) abusing his power bc he can.

I hope he doesn’t do anything to majorly spoil the site bc its already a lot better than tf2lobby ever was. GJ guys.

Hi guys. There’s been a lot said here, and I wanted to clarify points raised.

On the subject of the TC mumble, I’ll be the first to say it was handled badly on our part. I’d like to apologise to the TC guys for that. The core issue here is the misunderstanding of what mumble not required means – in the admin team, we have taken it to mean you don’t *need* to join, but are welcome to if you’d like. It seems that this is incorrect in a lot of circumstances, and that it leads to people on various mumbles, and general confusion – particularly for newer players.

As such, we are currently discussing changing the wording and behaviour of this – Mumble Required lobbies will have a lobby channel spawned on the TF2Center mumble servers, and players should be expected to join it. This was one of the core features we had from the start.

Mumble Not Required will be renamed to Mumble Disabled, and lobbies with this option set will not have a mumble channel created. This should appease the players that are looking for a more tf2lobby-esque experience, whilst still allowing players who *do* want mumble (and in my own view and experience, a better quality of game) to have communication via the other options. Additionally it clarifies situations such as the TC one – TF2Center will not provide a mumble for that lobby, and you are free to *suggest* your own.

Regarding the handling of the situation, enforcing of any rules has not needed to happen in general since issues have not come up before. Following on from this, we are working on making sure that any admin decisions are discussed by the wider admin team, before action is taken. This should help ensure that personal feelings and snap decisions are avoided in future, and also means that the decision has the full backing of the admin team.

There has also been a lot of bad press recently surrounding MasterNoob.

Regarding accusations of cheating and hacking – we have had a handful of impersonators on the site using that steam name, hosting lobbies, and trying to give us a bad reputation. We currently have 5 IPs banned because of this, and are taking further actions to try and ensure players cannot impersonate admins on the site. The servers used for lobbies that the real MasterNoob hosts are actually on my server. They have no cheats enabled, and are used frequently to host lobbies throughout the day. If players have actual accusations against any suspected cheaters, then they can be reported on our (new) forum at, or directly to someone in the admin team.

He has invested a huge amount of time in the site, was the sole developer for a long time, and is the unofficial team lead in a team of “equals”. He takes a great deal of pride in how well the site has been received by the community, and when players unjustly criticise or go against the general ethos of the site he defends it. This can unfortunately come across as overly aggressive at times. The previously outlined changes to how admin decisions are made should ensure that future incidents are handled in a better manner.

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