DStM brings in a new DM server!
Created 25th June 2011 @ 20:38
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I love that snipers are allowed, and that bodyshots are disabled.
But there’s a huge difference between no scopes and bodyshots, so I think it’s retarded that no scopes are disabled as well.
Noscoping is easy, I doubt you have to practice that, and it’ll be more complicated than it’s worth getting it enabled I reckon.
maybe change class limit for demo to “2” ? i think it’s great idea
no bodyshots, im disappointed. how are snipers supposed to finish off weak targets at a distance? enabling noscopes and disabling bodyshots would be fair tbh (if it’s even possible)
Quoted from jukebox
no bodyshots, im disappointed. how are snipers supposed to finish off weak targets at a distance? enabling noscopes and disabling bodyshots would be fair tbh (if it’s even possible)
you can’t please everyone.
sorry if it has already been discussed, but i prefer if ur hp reg starts right after you take self dmg. Atm when i play solly and spawn at 2nd i jump twice to mid, on other servers like troopers or timeout my regs already starting and i come to mid with maybe 150. As it is now i land on mid with about 100 and no health reging. Adding a faster hp reg after self dmg would not harm the duels/fights itself astaking dmg from other ppl prevents the hp reg to start.
Thats pretty chill.
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