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MedicScoutSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Lokko

Posted: | Last Online:


Very motivated, but don't have much time as i used to have.

My Soldier is decent on both roamer and pocket (prefer Roamer)
My Scout is acceptable after a bit of warming up (prefer the flank but can play combo if you're desperate)
I can probably medic as an absolute last resort but you should find someone better if you need a medic

I can also main call if you are really desperate

Edit: i also appear offline all the time on steam (because im edgy or something) just add me and i'll see it

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:136442894 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined BLAHAJ Fan club! [6v6] Turbo
Left there is a way [6v6] Lokko
Joined there is a way [6v6] flaresh
Left BLAHAJ Fan club! [6v6] Lokko
Joined BLAHAJ Fan club! [6v6] Turbo
Left PINT GAMING [6v6] soaky
Joined PINT GAMING [6v6] soaky
Left BLAHAJ Fan club! [6v6] Lokko
Joined BLAHAJ Fan club! [6v6] Turbo
Left Casual Tryhard [6v6] Lokko
Joined Casual Tryhard [6v6] Greyhunter
Left doggystyle kings [6v6] menex
Left 0 Friends Online [Highlander] HartzFartz
Joined doggystyle kings [6v6] menex
Left Verbabies [6v6 Fun Team] Lokko
Left possum [6v6] oouf
Joined possum [6v6] oouf
Left EPIC TEAM :D [6v6] Lokko
Joined EPIC TEAM :D [6v6] lawjr
Left Flight or Flight [6v6] Lokko
Joined Flight or Flight [6v6] TPC
Left Pooper Scooper Sooper Troopers [6v6] Lokko
Joined Pooper Scooper Sooper Troopers [6v6] Broly
Left gondola squad [6v6] Lokko
Joined gondola squad [6v6] theos
Left Pooper Scooper Sooper Troopers [6v6] Lokko
Joined 0 Friends Online [Highlander] BrannMolvik Norway
Joined Pooper Scooper Sooper Troopers [6v6] Broly
Left Good Vibe Tribe [6v6] Lokko
Joined Good Vibe Tribe [6v6] ap
Left Pooper Scooper Sooper Troopers [6v6] Lokko
Joined Pooper Scooper Sooper Troopers [6v6] Broly
Left Blue Shift [6v6] Samus
Joined Blue Shift [6v6] Samus
Left tiesje121 fanclub [6v6] Lokko
Joined Verbabies [6v6 Fun Team] Lokko
Left troy friend group [Highlander] Lokko
Joined troy friend group [Highlander] Tamir
Joined tiesje121 fanclub [6v6] coyo
Left The Jens Weber Society [6v6] Lokko
Joined The Jens Weber Society [6v6] Blanc
Left geezers [6v6] Lokko
Joined geezers [6v6] troy
Left Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] DuMmTm
Left Muumit eSports [Highlander] Lokko
Left The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Lokko
Joined The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Hellblazer
Left verbfusion [6v6] Lokko
Joined verbfusion [6v6] Bycoon
Left Pooper Scoopers Black Trooper Shooters [6v6] Lokko
Joined Muumit eSports [Highlander] Lurkki
Left The Alligators [Highlander] Lokko
Joined Pooper Scoopers Black Trooper Shooters [6v6] Cyanic
Left Lucky Lukes [6v6] Lokko
Joined The Alligators [Highlander] Blanc
Joined Lucky Lukes [6v6] Blanc
Left Pooper Scoopers Black Trooper Shooters [6v6] Lokko
Joined Pooper Scoopers Black Trooper Shooters [6v6] Cyanic
Left U.B. [6v6] Lokko
Joined U.B. [6v6] emskii
Left Pooper Scoopers Black Trooper Shooters [6v6] Lokko
Joined Pooper Scoopers Black Trooper Shooters [6v6] Cyanic
Left selected [6v6] Lokko
Joined selected [6v6] lekku
Left The Alligators [Highlander] Lokko
Left verbfusion [6v6] Bycoon
Joined verbfusion [6v6] Bycoon
Left verbfusion [6v6] Lokko
Joined verbfusion [6v6] Skip
Left bully hunters [6v6] Lokko
Joined The Alligators [Highlander] Cyanic
Joined bully hunters [6v6] pwanda
Left FullPasta [6v6] adam
Joined FullPasta [6v6] cj
Left verbfusion [6v6] Lokko
Left Tony's Tigers [Highlander] Lokko
Joined Tony's Tigers [Highlander] Skip
Joined flankfusion [2v2] Lokko
Joined hotbraingarbage [1v1] Lokko
Joined Fun Team [6v6 Fun Team] DuMmTm
Left Bycoon's failing project. [Highlander] Bycoon
Joined Bycoon's failing project. [Highlander] Bycoon
Joined verbfusion [6v6] Bycoon
Left EXIF [Highlander] Lokko
Left EXIF [6v6] Lokko
Joined EXIF [Highlander] Lokko
Joined EXIF [6v6] Lokko

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 8 562
View High/Mid 1 280
View High/Mid 0 254
View High 4 480
View Mid 3 382
View High/Mid 4 729
View High 6 534
View High 7 880
View Mid/Low 5 486
View High 7 433
View High 6 540
View High 6 624
View High/Mid 4 565
View Mid 7 521
View Mid 13 627
View Mid 21 958
View Mid/Open 2 529
View Open 0 449


  1. SirDuck: [MB] said:


  2. Divine: (ETF2L Donator) - Wiki said:

    One of the most pleasant people I have ever played with, very vocal and a great soldier aswell. Absolutely worth picking up

  3. Skip said:

    Probably the best Roamer I’ve ever played with. I’ve played with him for more than a year (3 seasons) and he never failed to disappoint. He has very good rocket jumps and is always more than willing to do what the team needs him to do. He has a pretty massive brain and is a very nice person overall. He improves super fast and always wants to improve, both individually and as a team.
    Definitely can do well in Mid, pick him up !

  4. Bycoon said:


  5. Blanc: 43 said:

    Indeed one of the best roamers in mid/low, he has great dm and knowledge over the game. I’ll also let you know he’s rank 120 as the best jumper in eu on tempus. Very polite and loyal guy, and overall a great friend. Definitely worth a pickup!

    (Will always be a little shit though.) ;)

  6. Cyanic: Velo - BRIT said:

    One of the most criminally underrated players out there. Lokko will easily do well in mid (you can probably convince him to main tbh). He’s also a very mature person with a good attitude towards losing and improving which is a rare commodity. Do not let the team history deceive you, he can be relied on to improve his game whenever he makes a mistake and already has a well developed skill base to work from.

    his only shortfall is not being better than top mid roamer water123.

  7. Lokko: -ƒ$-BLAH said:
