Season 25: Whitelist and map pool announcement!
September 8, 2016
UPDATE: We will be banning Atomizer and B.A.S.E. Jumper in line with ESEA and ozfortress. The new whitelist link will be, which should be updated soon. The rest of the whitelist will remain the same. Thank you for your dedication and vocal response, and we hope to get more feedback from you as we go along with this inter-league cooperation.
First of all, we would like to thank Netsky and
Toodles for their service to ETF2L, as they are both leaving the team. This means we have Newswriting and League Admin positions open, so feel free to apply by emailing us on [email protected]. What we expect from you as an ETF2L staff member is available here.
With the 25th 6v6 Season around the corner, which is essentially a Silver Anniversary for the league (!), we have some very exciting announcements to make.
Global cooperation
ETF2L has worked alongside ESEA, ozfortress and UGC in order to unify the whitelist used in the 6v6 gamemode. This process was led by the crème de la prèm of each region’s competitive players, in order to take advantage of their deep understanding of the game. The whitelist is, by design, as open as possible, disallowing only 20 weapons total!
We urge you to visit for articles and posts explaining the changes as well as all the benefits that follow from this decision. Don’t be afraid to use their forums, as public discussions are the best way to communicate to Valve what we think is right for the game we all love.
We understand that this will be a big change to adapt to. However, we would like to invite you to embrace these changes as a way to allow the game to grow and evolve. Cooperation and consistency between the leagues is a key factor in improving how competitive TF2 is played on a global scale. We have confidence that this is only the first step on a very fruitful journey for our community.
As of Season 25, the all gamemode specific rules will remain the same. We would like to remind everyone of General Rule 3.7, which states that only 6 players from each team can be in a server during a match at the same time in 6v6, including with the use of any third party plugins.
There is some changes, however. The first big one is that all weapon pickups will be allowed from now on, including mediguns. This is because of the recent change that made dropped mediguns drain at a rate of 10% per second.
More changes to the rules will come at a later date, so look out for these coming in later newsposts!
Season 25 will use the same map pool and map rotation as Season 24, which is:
- Week 1: cp_badlands & cp_snakewater_u13
- Week 2: cp_snakewater_u13 & cp_process_final
- Week 3: cp_process_final & koth_product_rc8
- Week 4: koth_product_rc8 & cp_reckoner_b3a
- Week 5: cp_reckoner_b3a & cp_gullywash_final1
- Week 6: cp_gullywash_final1 & cp_granary_pro_rc4
- Week 7: cp_granary_pro_rc4 & cp_badlands
Please note that snakewater, reckoner and granary_pro were updated since Season 24 and we will be using the new versions (linked above).
With all this out of the way, here’s the whitelist!
UPDATE: In accordance to the update mentioned above, this whitelist has been altered slightly from what it was previously.
The complete list of whitelist changes from Season 24 follows:
Allowed since S24:
- Air Strike
- Beggar’s Bazooka
- Loch’n’Load
- Brass Beast
- Natascha
- Sandvich
- Rescue Ranger
- Gunslinger
- Cozy Camper
- Jarate
Banned since S24:
- None!
We thank you for your continued support and understanding. We look forward to reading your feedback in the comments below.
atomizer NotLikeThis
Is it april 1st already?
“This process was led by the crème de la prèm of each region’s competitive players, in order to take advantage of their deep understanding of the game.”
fuck off lmao
Cow Mangler allowed ? I’m gonna puke
ban shit mangler pls
Haha I haven’t noticed beggar’s bazooka and gunslinger lol
Air strike has a game breaking glitch and should not be allowed in any tf2 whitelist in its current state, atomizer makes scout unkillable in 1v1 vs soldiers, rescue ranger is too strong for 6v6 and will make most lasts unpushable, allowing gunslinger is very questionable but lets say its okay. and jarate must be a sick joke. Rest is fine
Pool please
i feel like this next season is gonna be so random, things like jarate and milk could revamp the meta on their own, no way any team/player could figure out all these unlocks and create a new “ideal” playstyle within less than 5 seasons or so
Man the amount of gimmick plays there are gonna be in prem this season will be insane.
Thank you for not being stubborn idiots like 99% of this community
I really dislike the decision to allow all these weapons so we can communicate to valve about how broken they are in a competitive setting. I was kind of hoping for the main european TF2 league to provide the most enjoyable TF2 competition setting they can, rather than have their player base test out stuff. I can see how people with a more progressive point of view might disagree though.
Here is what really confuses and upsets me though: apparently there was some effor to benefit from the i58 hype (understandably so). But instead of actually promoting the league, we had the season start early, potentially rushing players into forming suboptimal teams — a poor move in my opinion if you’re looking to attract new long-term players. Now I find it incredibly infuriating that on one hand there’s an effort being made to build on the great experience that was i58 (which hey, I can see people being all eager to play now) but simultaneously go full blown experimental on the whitelist.
I feel like after such a great TF2 event that got everyone excited again ETF2L should make an effort to provide the most pleasant environment, rather than try out new stuff without people really having an alternative.
I’d rather have soda popper, flying guillotine and disciplinary action in the game than beggar’s bazooka, rescue ranger and jaraté.
what cupcake said
“This process was led by the crème de la prèm of each region’s competitive players, in order to take advantage of their deep understanding of the game.”
It clearly says “crème de la prèm of each region’s” thats why it was only Kaidus and Starkie of all your teammates involved.
SHAME…. SHAME…. SHAME *ding ding*
Atomizer NotLikeThis
Beggar’s Bazooka NotLikeThis
Loch’n’Load NotLikeThis
Brass Beast NotLikeThis
Natascha NotLikeThis
Rescue Ranger NotLikeThis
are the base jumper & air strike glitches still in the game if so then NotLikeThis NotLikeThis
why so retarded whitelist
low 6s gonna become hl with gunslinger jarate and shit like that
Not to be a dick, but this was a pretty Valve-like decision by community leaders. Fairly sure the poll asking us about map picks didn’t cover a whitelist change of this size.
Optimistic enough to give it a try, but we’re some scared gamers right now.
Also what cupcake said.
I feel its a necessary change and itll and some shits and giggles in too.
So what was the point of the One Night Cup whitelist if you were come out with something like this anyway…
Every season is getting worse i see i miss vanilla
@strix you started with fuckin Archimedes Cup… smh
It doesn’t take a genius too look back at some old POVs to see that ot was more fun and enjoyable than now
Idc about any but the fucking atomizer… wtf
what a time to be a scout main, if you’re already at it, maybe give me some scout secondaries as well etf2l? ;)
all jokes aside, I think that soldier mains got fucked, no decent unlocks allowed for them while demo got loch and load and scouts got atomizer.
I tought we came here because we wanted to get away from the pubs.
“It doesn’t take a genius too look back at some old POVs to see that ot was more fun and enjoyable than now”
Yea the game was so much more fun when scouts were bad.
sure thing make 6s pub play
if you’re gonna do this at least allow the fists of steel for the heavy…
what a time to be alive
Updated the article due to following both ESEA and ozfortress, we will also agree to the amendment of Atomizer + B.A.S.E Jumper ban.
We apologize for the mistakes done that happened due to the slightly rushed time to the ESEA deadline.
The cooperation of leagues is what we’re aiming for here, and with that said the current whitelist with the two changes will most likely be the one used in Season 25.
As of now we cannot guarantee if more changes will be made, but we will try our best to keep up with what will result of this cooperation.
Hey im etf2l 6s league admins, *allows gunslinger*
I dont main hl! *allows rescue ranger, beggars bazooka, jarate and sandvitch*
I know which unlocks are dumb! *allows air striker*
you KNOW this shitlist would never pass a poll.
Did the GRU get unbanned yet?
I really wanna be the asshole who runs heavy to mid :DDD
Can you please make at least something so the players can have a say on what weapons should/should NOT get allowed (aka this entire list of allowed weapons for this season)
Nobody wants sentries that can be healed by the rescue ranger, nobody wants to push to a heavy with 20% damage resistance, nobody wants to play vs a gunslinger engi its just not fun, nobody wants to bomb a med on last do 160 damage to him and he still staying at 70+ hp because of a dumb sandvich, beggars nobody wants jarate allowed, the beggars bazooka is just a retarded gimmick gun, loch and load is just easy 100 damage pipes, its an upgrade in my opinion (but whatever), and considering you actually wanted to allow the atomizer makes people realize these admins have no clue what weapons are dumb or not…
What about preseason poll? Would be interesting to see the results.
Fuxx: Playing w/ – TC:A said:
Today, 11:25
Did the GRU get unbanned yet?
I really wanna be the asshole who runs heavy to mid :DDD
Eviction Notice makes it semi possible :>
Just1s poll results were inconclusive for cow mangler and brass beast and in huge favor for banning the pomson
now all scouts can suck not only in hl
HYPED for some NATASCHA action!
Highlander scouts still have the potential to topfrag, regardless map. Get learned to make stuff more deader
what a time to be alive
“Just1s poll results were inconclusive for cow mangler” If that’s true I imagine it’s because people didn’t realise that the weapon reload got changed recently. I did not vote in any poll as I didn’t see one but I didn’t even know the weapon was changed until a few days ago (I imagine it got changed along with that big update and I didn’t pay attention).
The weapon is now a clear upgrade to the rocket launcher and it promotes spamming, something that we do not need when we already have a problem with stalemates.
I remember the 10 page long discussion on whether or not the original should be allowed. Is this the result of the slippery slope people were talking about? Only hardcore solly mains could predict a move 5 years into the future
I remember when the only allowed unlocks for soldier were black box, gunboats and escape plan. Well damn, how the times changed…
Minus lighting and the logs instead of the wooden boxes on second points, can anyone tell me the major differences on the current version of snakewater? (u13)
@Sgt Doe Crits
Rescue ranger WutFace Natascha WutFace Cow Mangler WutFace Beggars Bazooka WutFace Brass Beast WutFace
season 25 is now matchmaking
I really think you jumped the gun here, as it was mentioned before, why have a preseason cup when you’re going to add a whitelist that would never possibly pass a poll anyway? At least try one or two unlocks at a time, this league has endured criticism for the stale meta for the longest time and now you just throw all these questionable unlocks together to become this huge shitfest. How do we possibly get any proper feedback like this anyway, when now everyone is just gonna fuck about and not take this seriously in the first place? This just feels like throwing the baby out with the bathwater…