Nations Cup #5 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Captains, Updated Schedule & Maps
July 8, 2014
Nations Cup #5 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Captains
This is the list of approved captains for their nation. Only the people listed below have the right to lead their team into the Cup!
Austria –
Belgium –
Croatia –
Czech Republic –
Denmark –
England –
Estonia –
Finland –
France –
Georgia –
Germany –
Hungary –
Iceland –
Ireland –
Israel –
Italy –
Lithuania –
Luxembourg –
Norway –
Poland –
Portugal –
Romania –
Russia –
Scotland –
sheepy dog's hand
Slovakia –
Slovenia –
Spain –
Sweden –
Switzerland –
Turkey –
United Arab Emirates –
Wales –
If you are on this list, you should have been given Leader to the official team page for your nation. If your nation has not previously participated, you may create a teampage yourself. If your nation has competed before you must use the same teampage. If you need help contact an admin!
Captains should add the desired roster to the team page as soon as possible, remembering the maximum roster size of 13. Teams without at least 6 (preferably more, since there are NO MERCS allowed) players on the team roster (exceptions may apply) by July 18 could be removed from the Cup.
Please remember if a player has joined Nation X’s roster, they may not play for Nation Y. Contact an admin if you have any queries about this.
Nations Cup #5 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Updated Schedule
- Announce & Captain Applications: July 1st
- Captains Announced: July 8th
- Schedule week: July 13 – July 18
- Groups Round 1: July 20 – July 27
- Groups Round 2: July 27– August 3
- Groups Round 3: August 3 – August 10
- Tiebreaker Round: August 10 – August 17
- Break for i52: August 22 – August 25
- Round of 16: August 31 – September 7
- Quarter Final: September 7 – September 14
- Semi-Final: September 14 – September 21
- Grand Final: September 21 – September 28
Nations Cup #5 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Maps
The map pool will contain the following maps: cp_badlands, cp_gullywash_final1, cp_process_final, koth_pro_viaduct_rc4, cp_granary, cp_logjam*
- Groups Week 1: koth_pro_viaduct_rc4 & cp_badlands
- Groups Week 2: cp_granary & cp_process_final
- Groups Week 3: cp_logjam*l & cp_gullywash_final1
- Tiebreaker Week: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.
- Round of 16: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.
- Quarter Final: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.
- Semi-Final: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.
- Grand Final: Best of 3 picked from the map pool.
*cp_logjam will be played on the latest version, this will be announced once known. Until then, here is the most up to date version.
Nice job etf2l, i suppose that being friend of certain admin is much more important that the opinion of the entire cs community.
Spanish community* sorry.
RIP France, Spain, Portugal and Israel.
really really really really sad.
go italy!!!
For what I know the TF2 Spanish Community made a public votation to choose their captain for the 6v6 Nations Cup democratically. Looks like ETF2L don’t give a shit about that.
GG Admins.
rip austria x]
Time to get out Google translate and sit in the forums for my daily fill of drama
You’re completely right there scatmo!
Let’s talk about that “poll”:
a) Completely in Spanish, no admin speaks spanish
b) No insight in the rules
c) No insight in who was allowed to vote and who actually voted
I used google translate to get an idea of what was going on and had a spanish friend of mine tell me what was going on. Let me quote some lines from the email we received about the “poll”.
“[…] The 4 teams and the 5 players who played in ETF2L Season 18 had taken part
in the poll and we have elected ana […]”
And lets also include the result:
D3C – Abstención
TEZC – A favor (Votación por steam, @cuspide, @Ragradia y @TheSolloWolo pueden confirmarlo.)
Not Neutral – A favor (#38)
Spanish Drama – Abstención
TausoN – Abstención
Morgus – Abstención
BFA – A favor (#25)
Scatmo – A favor (#43)
Brick – A favor(#42)
11 puntos a favor y 4 abstenciones. Por lo que @Ragradia resulta elegido.”
Although the email claims that 4 teams and 5 players have participated in the “poll”, for some reason D3C, Spanish Drama, TausoN and Morgus didnt even vote. So at max it would be 2 teams and 3 players. We can cut that down even more, from TEZC only cuspide, Ragradia (=ana) and TheSolloWolo voted for ana. So its 1 team and 6 players. Also unclear, did the whole clan of Not Neutral vote for ana, or just the leader. If it was just the leader, it would be 7 players. BFA and Ragradia are listed twice, although bfa = ana, isnt it? So that makes 6.
Just went through Season 18 and found a total of 46 players. Not included are players who were supposed to be in the nations cup lineup, but didnt play this season. Why would we base our decision on 6 votes?
“Nice job etf2l, i suppose that being friend of certain admin is much more important that the opinion of the entire cs community.”
I played one season with TausoN, who was not the most talkative guy btw. I cannot say I had a lot of contact outside of playing pcws with him.
But either way, if I made any decisions in etf2l based on who I know or if I am friends with them, I wouldnt be able to make any decisions anymore. When making decisions I look at things as objectively as possible, disregarding how good I know someone, or if I know someone at all. Same rules and same standards for everyone.
Also, there were more admins than just me involved in the decisions who will be captain when more than one application came in.
If we really want to talk about being biased btw:
Scatmo: Steam friends with ana, not Steam friends with TausoN
Brick: Steam friends with ana, not Steam friends with TausoN
TEZC: A team ana has played with another account for
Not Neutral: The first team ana played for
TausoN for president
wtf is wrong with france’s one
If you really read (well, translated, but since you used google translate I bet you didn’t understand anything or you only understood the things you wanted) the link that the administration sent to you you could clearly see the insight of the votes:
As you don’t speak spanish I will translate it for you without using Google Translate:
“Choosing the captain:
Everyone who has played the previous season can apply for being the captain. For doing so, a manifesto has to be presented explaining why you must be chosen. The manifesto must be presented before the vote period. You must include in the application post your: nick, Steam and ETF2L profiles, reasons why you must be chosen as the captain and a public manifesto.
You can’t modify your vote after you posted it, that means, the vote can’t be altered so that a team must be sure who to vote.
The Clan Committee can supervise the captain and resign him in case he doesn’t carry out his manifesto (sending a formal complain to the ETF2L administration in the name of the Committee).
Each clan who is a part of the Committee has the right to vote once. This vote has to be sent out in a specific period of time.
In case there’s only one application, the Clan Committee will gather to vote if that application will be valid or not.”
And goes on:
“Vote system:
Only Spanish teams and Spanish players in a foreign team who played in the previous season can vote. The vote of a team worth 4 points while the vote of a player in a foreign team is 1 point. In case of a team vote, the leader (and only the leader) of that team must post the vote for that team. In case of a draw (tie) TF2Portal will apply a method to eliminate this draw randomly.
The votes must be open. All the votes must be posted denoting which clan is voting and the captain of their choosing. A single post in this thread will be needed. You will need to contact @Ragradia( ana in etf2l), @cuspide, @sollowolo and @scatmo to communicate your vote through steam in case of a player or a team leader who is banned of the website.
We will thank if you don’t send an email to ETF2L if you want to apply for the captain spot. We want to have a democratic process. If there’s anyone who already sent an email, please, sent another one asking the retirement of your application. The Clan Committee will send one when the vote finishes and we will pass the lead to the new captain in the ETF2L profile page (Ragradia, ana in etf2l, will do).
That’s not all.
“Clans and players called to vote:
Dr3am Clan (leader: Erner0)
TEZC | No Colour (leader: CHICHO – banned from the website.)
Not Neutral (leader: Sef)
Spanish Drama (leader: HarZe)
And votations:
Since there’s only one application the Clan Committee must decide if it is accepted or not.
The vote process has ended and now we proceed to count the votes.
D3C – Abstention: (If you read the post dear Sonny here’s what Erner0 said: “I’m sorry, I’ve been on vacation and didn’t have time to gather my people to vote. Good luck.”)
TEZC – Accepted (since chicho was banned he contacted us through steam and I have proof of that.)
Not Neutral – Accepted ( see post #38)
Spanish Drama – Abstention
TausoN – Abstention (he didn’t even write anything during the process and you can see it.)
Morgus – Abstention
Ragradia (or ana) – Accepted (see post #25)
Scatmo – accepted (see post #43)
Brick – Accepted (see post #42)
Well I don’t know if you know what the word “abstention” means but here’s a definition just for you: Abstention is a term in election procedure for when a participant in a vote either does not go to vote.
So following the rules I translated to you (a more reliable source rather than google translate) this means that 2 clans and 3 players voted Yes to ana’s application while 2 clans and 2 players didn’t vote.
I don’t know if you know basic maths but let’s sum up the numbers for you. If a clan vote is worth 4 points and a player vote is 1 point:
2 clans and 3 players voted Yes –> 4+4+1+1+1=11 votes to 4 abstentions (2 clans and 2 players)
They could have voted, but they didn’t and I don’t know the reasons, but they were called to vote.
If we’re not friends in steam with TausoN (if that’s what you’re worried about), let me say what an admin of yours told me:
“Why do I have to keep you in my friendlist if I never talk to you?” – Ash.
And my last opinion, you’re nobody to choose who are we represented by and specially if we waste our precious time to gather our little community to make a democratic process we were expecting for years.
Your attitude and permzilla’s comment just shows how the childish mentality rules in the ETF2L. You probably need to return to the nursery school you come from, probably you will be needed more there than here.
I don’t know if the other countries agree that the ETF2L administration should choose their captain but we will see.
Kind Regards.
I actually emailed whoever took their time to notify us of a spanish poll, explaining that it would not be used at all. I’m not sure why any of this is a surprise.
So a team captain can just say “my clan votes for x” and that gives person “x” 4 points. Seems to be balanced. I know what abstention means, thats why I mentioned it, you “called” 4 clans (of which 2 didnt vote and 2 are the ex-clans of ana) and 5 players. As I already told you I found a total of 46 players in Season 18.
Regardless of your voting system, it might have been only 5 people voting for ana. You call that the spanish community or even a majority? :D
The rules, in fact the whole “poll” is intransparent as fuck and could easily be rigged in many ways.
About the whole steam friends thing, I just tried to show you how easy it is to find ties between people, you think I will base my decision on anything, because I played with someone in a team for one season? If you really do, you dont know me or my work in etf2l at all (well I guess you dont). It’s just laughable.
Well, my friend, it is a competetion ran by ETF2L with rules made by ETF2L. And through that we reserve the right to decide who will be captain for the national teams. I just showed you why your “poll” was not taken into consideration, if that makes me childish or shows a certain type of attitude, that’s your opinion. But hey, hurt dogs bark right? ;)
Next time you want to make such a “poll” maybe talk to an admin in the very beginning, instead of just making up intransparent rules, basing your decision on a hand full of people, calling it a democratic poll and demanding for it to be considered.
but ana is greek
considering the iberian conspiracy in our division I’m pretty unsurprised that this poll seems fairly corrupt as well
gl spain xox
where’s latvia?
omg mundi captain of iceland gg admins
Although there are plenty teams we could beat, i believe that Nations Cup is for the BEST. And there should be qualiffiers to even get to it.
If a national team would get wrecked in div2 – don`t sign up and waste everyones time.
Thats why Latvia won`t participate this time.
Who cares, every Spanish 6s steam is shit anyway.
6s team* lel
We need Team Latvia and I don’t care if they lose every game!
Why is kaidus the england captain when he’s from the UK?!!!???!?!?!?
@SonnyBlack ” So a team captain can just say “my clan votes for x” and that gives person “x” 4 points. Seems to be balanced. ”
En el caso de los clanes el líder (y exclusivamente el líder) del equipo debe emitir el voto, previamente consultado y deliberado con los miembros de su equipo.
Regarding the teams, the leader (and the leader exclusively) can convey the vote, previously consulted and deliberated with the members of his team.
Stated in the original post in Spanish, seems scatmo forgot to translate it. Anyway, you can already see that his roster is A JOKE.
Not Neutral was my first team ever, yes, but how is that my fault if it’s the only spanish team that lasted for 10 seasons?
“As I already told you I found a total of 46 players in Season 18”.
Yes, I’m sure you counted the people with a spanish flag who are not even spanish like M4RK, ceejay and the list goes on. So yeah, very intransparent for your part.
And before you ask me, yes, ana is spanish, it’s not my problem if you don’t have a policy about flags here in ETF2L.
Kind regards.
This is more juicy than the drama the Polish team generated last year
Let’s not forget about HarryHook & TausoN knowing the roster I was going to call. I demand an explanation, Which admin leaked it? Cause I certainly didn’t told them.
” Each Captain will pick the best possible roster from amongst their countrymen and lead their glorious squadron to victory. ”
Dear Team Spain, we don’t give a flying fuck about your drama. You won’t get past group stage anyway, so please, shut the fuck up.
shh shh
etf2l drama is the best
@Septique We’ve made past the group stage every Nation’s cup since the second one.
Also, most of spaniards don’t give a flying fuck about this drama so the ones crying should indeed shut the fuck up, if anything to save energy and make a proper poll for the next cup.
“Let’s not forget about HarryHook & TausoN knowing the roster I was going to call. I demand an explanation, Which admin leaked it? Cause I certainly didn’t told them.”
You didn’t tell players you included them (TausoN and Harryhook) in your lineup? Are you just picking players from thin air hoping they’d play with you? Most people actually ask players before listing them in their proposed lineup. Maybe I’ll apply for England with my roster including Greg, boomeh and dunc next time. Most people also don’t have half of their application just listing reasons why any other applications (in particular 1 person) should be ignored, which is frankly quite childish and rather funny.
We also ask players if they will play if we are unsure, for example for the French application names were thrown at us like Flippy, tek, Bulle and we were unsure whether these players will play. It is completely suitable to ask them if they would be willing to play under the captain, which is what we did in your case. Your log is flawed if you think it’s okay to leave people in the dark about their name being put forward to the admins and then complaining when admins ask if they will play.
“Yes, I’m sure you counted the people with a spanish flag who are not even spanish like M4RK, ceejay and the list goes on. So yeah, very intransparent for your part.”
If a player chooses to identify themselves as Spanish by using the flag, that’s what counts for the Nations Cup. Whether you regard them as Spanish or not is not important, we consider them spanish (they are both even in Spain HL for crying out loud). Just another reason why a poll between a minority of spanish players is not relevant.
you can’t have block voting for teams, that’s weirdly arbitrary. i’d find all active spain flag players and weight their vote by division, as better players are more likely to be selected. (using spain flag is fine – if you have another flag then represent another country and stop causing needless administrative problems). imo
Do you remember when we held public nominations for season awards, in particular Upcoming Talent? It was always a complete circlejerk with people clearly begging other people to nominate them, a voting system for captains would do the exact same thing and would probably split national communities in some cases.
Permzilla, I did the exact same thing last year and they played under my captaincy, why would I need to ask them again? F-A-C-T-S.
“If a player chooses to identify themselves as Spanish by using the flag, that’s what counts for the Nations Cup. Whether you regard them as Spanish or not is not important, we consider them spanish (they are both even in Spain HL for crying out loud). Just another reason why a poll between a minority of spanish players is not relevant.”
I laughed at this. It just doesn’t make sense.
Sure, we could ask for identification from every single player from all 32 teams, if you’d prefer scatmo? If you’d like to check 200 people’s ID (of which not everyone will be willing anyway) you can add me and we can discuss it. Or you can propose a different method to verifying someones nationality.
Because a year has passed, who says they even have the time to play? Maybe they’re going on holiday or busy with work? Who knows, I surely don’t and neither do you so that is why you should ask.
@Permzilla You can check if they are in Spain through their IP I think
@permzilla, no, I agree, it’s definitely better to handpick someone appropriate. but it’s easy for me to say that as scots move with a phalanx-like unity and solidarity of spirit. if the spanish are determined to vote then you should find a sensible way of letting them
although, from the outside, it sort of looks like the vote was designed to legitimise one side of an argument between tauson and ana. just sayin’
I don’t know why you guys think the votations were one-sided, TausoN or anyone else could have applied legally so that they could be voted democratically and no one would have complained. There are good and bad manners to do these things.
SONNY and PERMZILLA worst admin in History
Morgus you can be Spanish and live anywhere in the world. IP location doesn’t necessarily imply nationality ^^
The polls and structure were done based on the exact same thing Spanish Community from 2010 did. (
And still, you will tell me that I made that in 2010 in a secret Illuminati conspiracy for me to reach the captaincy in 2013 and 2014. OF FUCKING COURSE.
i would summarily rule you out because you choose to be greek, not spanish. should captain the greek team. skive is a really good upcoming scout, check him out
@ scatmo
It’s more that we don’t know whether any voting systems outside of ETF2L are reliable and unbiased. When was the last time ETF2L took into account any sort of voting system that wasn’t sorted through the ETF2L poll? Even with polls on ETF2L, circlejerks and voting for friends is always a problem in all awards.
@ ana
I’m not quite sure how a random poll from 2010 is relevant, maybe you did a poll and only 1 person applied and got the captaincy. That doesn’t mean the poll you did was taken into account – it wasn’t. Actually looking at it again this page you linked looks like it was for the ESL Nations Cup, even more irrelevant.
“And still, you will tell me that I made that in 2010 in a secret Illuminati conspiracy for me to reach the captaincy in 2013 and 2014. OF FUCKING COURSE.”
@ fraac
Yes, apparently Greece has a special meaning to ana. More than her nationality it seems, a bit odd.
Meanwhile, last year Spanish Nations Cup:
#20: Erner0: “Spain 2 applys? (thinking he would be choosen)
who was the asshole that do that?”
next post are like “LOL”, “who is this?”, etc…
Ana did the same that TausoN has done this year, and erner0 didn´t come to told it here. Now they are crying… plz stap, nothing more to say.
The result of the voting system in Spain IS NOT the representation of the Spanish Community. Only the players and teams of the last season are allowed to vote and it’s unfair. So @ana, can you please stop saying that is the “Spanish Community democracy”?
And as Spike said, last season you did the same, not showing on that voting system and talking to admins to be the leader of Spain’s Team. So, what happened this year? Now we need to obey the stupid “democratic” rules because you don’t have a real chance on etf2l? Probably you need a new fake account to carry your vote.
Sir Villetowned
you are so pending of say stupid things that you can not see that almost ALL THE SPANISH COMMUNITY are is AGAINST OF THAT TAUSON BE THE SELECTOR.
now I’m gonna change my spanish flag to the luxembourg flag to play whit them, ok admins :D? JAJAJAJ
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA shut up no one cares Spain.
you keep saying that but we clearly find it fascinating
PD2: No.
” Only the players and teams of the last season are allowed to vote and it’s unfair. ”
Should we allow people who did not play neither was there for 4 years? Please, stop being hypocrites, the system chosen was exactly to prevent the circlejerk that was there in the past times. How in the world is it unfair to let the S18 teams and players in European teams to vote? They DESERVE to vote more than longas or you, but the same as TausoN for example. If you didn’t play S17 or S18, it’s not my problem that the rules didn’t allow you to vote, it’s ENTIRELY your fault for not being active, you also have teams to be backup of if you can’t commit full-time. AND THAT’S WHAT IT’S BEING PUNISHED. Rules were there and SUPERVISED by admins, now you will tell me that cuspide was biased, right?
” Last season you did the same, not showing on that voting system and talking to admins to be the leader of Spain’s Team. ”
Ok, show me where the voting was held last year. The topic that Spike linked it’s a pure announcement of Nations Cup #4 translated to Spanish, people asked, Who’s gonna be there? Ernero appeared, I didn’t. The difference from this year is simple: This year there was a poll. Did happen last season? No. Happened this one? Yes.
@Permzilla The problem here is that if I ask the people I’m interested in, the other brand would have stated the following: ” OMG HE ASKED X TO PLAY BECAUSE HE WANTS HIS VOTE, IN EXCHANGE, ANA WILL GRAB HIM TO THE ROSTER ” I mean, in Spain, whatever you do, you will be criticized either way, no matter what. AND THIS IS THE TRUE AND FUNDAMENTAL STATEMENT that you european fellows can learn from TF2 Spain.
I mean, how can the vote even benefit me? Did I choose the players and teams that were allowed to sign up to S18? Obvious answer.
Portugal and Spain take these cups way too seriously
Etf2l ens roba, dret a decidir!
It must be very important for Spain to not come out of their group.
GG ADMINS mundi captain of iceland say hello to the illuminati dictatorship
It’s funny how this is shifting from Spain vs Admins, to Spain vs Spain. :>
CHICHO please think first, then read, then think again, then post.
The spanish community? 5-6 people are the spanish community? :D
Can’t we just drop spain from the cup? There are 31 other teams that aren’t bitching as much at each other.
The actual spanish team aint bitching, so no kKaltUu. ^^
Every single tear shed in here reinforces us in our decision. Thank you.
if the entire european community (read: 9 people from div 5) make a vote, can we get spain kicked out?
thanks admins
@Sonny Black, @kKaltUu, @ash
I’m Cúspide, Head Admin from the main TF2 competitive website in Spain,, since 2008. I just want to say to you and the rest of the people, that understands that this is not the time or place to complain about what happened and we want our name severs any opinions expressed here by Scatman, ana or by any other person for the reason that I have stated.
Our thinking is based on doing things in advance and speaking them with previous agreements. We also think that if there is any disagreement, it has to be solved in private talks. That’s why I want to let you know that any defense made now on behalf of TF2Portal, does not represent the way we think.
@Sonny Black, I want to say too that would never support any “intransparent as fuck” democratic poll. You could make any question about this poll in the email that TF2Portal sent to you on July 6 informing about this poll. We didn’t get any answer.
We know that was late, but please, saying these things does not benefit you or us. Please, we can talk anything about this in private talks.
Thank you for understanding.
So upset
Hahaha this is amazing.
Who runs Nations Cup? ETF2L.
Who runs ETF2L? The admins.
Does the rules say that each country should have some sort of vote about the captaincy? No.
Please start a hashtag like Portugal did, how about #ana4captain, #permzillaesunaputa or #tausonsux?
Some people seem very happy making an embarrassment of their country rather than putting on a good show.
Honored to Reprensent my country again.!
Not even Poland and its 6 captain applications had this much of drama. 7/10 would consider rereading
@kkaltuu yes please, because we aren’t signed up now…………………………………………………………………………………………
wtf ^
“but ana is greek”
isn’t there a team called “Spanish Drama?