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CTF Rules Reminder & ilike2spin’s Medic Mentor Group

Date October 21, 2012

Week 6 CTF Reminder

With the first Week 6 matches happening tonight, it’s a good time to remind teams about our CTF rules.

  • CTF is played in 10 minute long rounds.
  • First team to reach five intel captures wins the round.
  • If neither team captures five times before time runs out, team with most captures wins the round.
  • A round can end in a draw.
  • First team to win two 10-minute rounds, wins the map.
  • If score is tied after 3 rounds (one round ended in a draw), play a golden cap round with winlimit 1 and timelimit 5.
  • If neither team captures the intel during the golden cap, repeat the round until one team scores a capture.
  • When submitting results for a match that ended in a golden cap, don’t forget to tick the “GC win” box!

    If you haven’t done so yet, download the latest ETF2L CTF config here: [League configs]

    Please remember to upload one screenshot for each round. For example, if you played three rounds and a golden cap, you need to add 4 screenshots total when you submit the result.

    ilike2spin’s Medic Mentor Group

    A couple of weeks ago, one of the top European medics, England ilike2spin, decided to start some brainstorming amongst other medics, in order to improve his understanding of the game. Soon, his idea grew into a small project, the goal of which is to share his and his colleagues’ insights with everyone interested, to help players from lower divisions step up their game. With the sessions being streamed, he’d like to invite everyone to listen and ask questions about medicing:

    Hi, my name is ilike2spin from Team Decerto in European TF2’s premier division, and I’d like to introduce my competitive TF2 medic mentor stream, aimed at medics of all abilities. Each week I am joined by two medics from some of the best teams in European TF2 and we discuss the strategies, tips and tricks we use when playing our favourite class, as well as answering any questions we have from stream viewers. Whether you’re a competitive or even public, come join us on Sunday evenings at 19cet.

    This week I’m joined by Ace from Elemental Violence, European TF2’s division 1 team and TheSucker, medic for the old yoyotech, Team Sweden and of course SNSD highlander team, with which I’ll be discussing strategies for ctf_turbine_pro as well as asking questions from our viewers.

    Join us on Huhy’s stream at 8PM CEST on http://twitch.tv/huhytf2 to follow all the action!

    One Comment

    1. CTF Rules Reminder & ilike2spin’s Medic Mentor Group — teamfortress2 said:

      […] Week 6 CTF Reminder With the first Week 6 matches happening tonight, it’s a good time to remind teams about our CTF rules. CTF is played in 10 minute long rounds. First team to reach five intel captures wins the round. If neither team captures five times before time runs Source: ETF2L […]