A Tireless Onrush – Season 13 Premiership Match!

Date October 16, 2012

Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Quarantine vs Epsilon eSports – Premiership Match

And so it happens that after Monday, a horrible sign of the beginning of the week (and what a beginning it was, with cookye scoring whooping 40 frags against Decerto on Snakewater), comes Tuesday – one step closer to the weekend. It’s rather unusual to see almost every day of the week packed with blasts and explosions – and yet, it’s happening as the best amongst representatives of our beloved continent duke it out for fame and glory (and points). Whether or not the revised ruleset had an impact on the situation, we should cheer up, as tonight, the S12’s champions, Europe Epsilon eSports, lead by the ever so charismatic France KnOxXx, despite their crew undergoing some serious changes before the season, will continue their undefeated journey towards defending the title, as they stumble upon Kazakhstan Quarantine, who will take this chance to show everyone they are a force to be reckoned with. Will they manage to slow down the advance of the fierce warmachines? Find out with our preliminary school combo – England Arx, England Beta and Netherlands Comedian, teaching you the alphabet since 2012, over at VanillaTV!

Match Overview
European Quarantine vs European Epsilon eSports
Week 5 (Premier Division)
Date Tuesday, October 16th 21:15 CEST



0 - 5



2 - 7

European Quarantine [0:6] European Epsilon eSports

One Comment

  1. rhys said:
