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Season 10 Premiership Playoffs: Relic vs Epsilon

Date December 4, 2011


  1. octochris: (0v0) said:

    samuel getting those fluke pipessss

  2. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    annoying ads are annoying.

  3. t4urus said:

    very laggy video

  4. Comedian said:

    apologies for the lag in badlands D: relatives were uploading torrents :(

    is fixed about 10 minutes in on the badlands video, granary is unaffected

  5. Anhur: plēve said:

    Latvian precision? wtf? :D

  6. closeFrag :3: idk? - tv. said:

    not as good as sal’s shoutcasting.

  7. closeFrag :3: idk? - tv. said:

    fuck epsilon

  8. Extra: blaze - >TJ< said:

    amazing game

  9. Faraday: Foust - UBD said:

    which hud?