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Season 3 Map Stats

Date September 5, 2008

After the bigger discussion about new maps in Season 3 we thought it would be interesting to publish all Season 3 map stats. All Map Picks excluding Default Map Picks were counted.

General Season 3 Map Stats

  • cp_badlands: 393 times picked
  • cp_pro_granary: 367 times picked
  • cp_well: 248 times picked
  • ctf_turbine: 186 times picked
  • cp_gravelpit: 179 times picked
  • cp_fastlane: 56 times picked
  • cp_dustbowl: 44 times picked
  • cp_freight_b3: 30 times picked
  • cp_labor: 26 times picked
  • pl_goldrush: 25 times picked
  • ctf_mach4: 21 times picked
  • ctf_2fort: 17 times picked
  • ctf_well: 10 times picked

Map Stats divided into Divisions

Division 1

    20 times picked: cp_badlands
    20 times picked: cp_pro_granary
    12 times picked: ctf_turbine
    12 times picked: cp_gravelpit
    6 times picked: cp_well
    5 times picked: cp_freight_b3
    3 times picked: cp_fastlane
    1 times picked: pl_goldrush
    1 times picked: ctf_well
    1 times picked: ctf_2fort

Division 2

    49 times picked: cp_pro_granary
    43 times picked: cp_badlands
    23 times picked: cp_well
    17 times picked: cp_gravelpit
    17 times picked: ctf_turbine
    10 times picked: cp_fastlane
    7 times picked: cp_freight_b3
    2 times picked: cp_labor
    1 times picked: cp_dustbowl
    1 times picked: ctf_2fort
    1 times picked: ctf_well

Division 3

    93 times picked: cp_badlands
    87 times picked: cp_pro_granary
    45 times picked: ctf_turbine
    38 times picked: cp_well
    28 times picked: cp_gravelpit
    14 times picked: cp_fastlane
    5 times picked: cp_freight_b3
    4 times picked: cp_dustbowl
    4 times picked: ctf_mach4
    3 times picked: pl_goldrush
    2 times picked: cp_labor
    1 times picked: ctf_well

Division 4

    121 times picked: cp_badlands
    120 times picked: cp_pro_granary
    82 times picked: cp_well
    51 times picked: ctf_turbine
    46 times picked: cp_gravelpit
    17 times picked: cp_dustbowl
    15 times picked: cp_fastlane
    12 times picked: cp_labor
    9 times picked: pl_goldrush
    6 times picked: ctf_mach4
    6 times picked: cp_freight_b3
    5 times picked: ctf_2fort
    5 times picked: ctf_well

Division 5

    113 times picked: cp_badlands
    99 times picked: cp_well
    88 times picked: cp_pro_granary
    73 times picked: cp_gravelpit
    61 times picked: ctf_turbine
    22 times picked: cp_dustbowl
    14 times picked: cp_fastlane
    12 times picked: pl_goldrush
    11 times picked: ctf_mach4
    10 times picked: cp_labor
    10 times picked: ctf_2fort
    7 times picked: cp_freight_b3
    2 times picked: ctf_well


  1. MrFrAg said:


    this stats were done manually or automatically?

  2. waebi: ‹Con› said:

    well as site admin you can see quite easily who voted for which maps i guess :P

    <3 st8

  3. Khenyk: -cavalier- said:

    nice stats ^^

  4. ONlock: YOYO\' said:

    <3 badlands..

  5. APM in the hole - ETF2L Season 3 で各マップが選ばれた回数 said:

    […] http://etf2l.org/2008/09/05/season-3-map-stats/ […]