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Season 3 Trailer and Status

Date August 22, 2008

Their Season 1 Trailer was a big success, now they are back with some new work – an ETF2L Season 3 Trailer!

All thanks go to Germany keller and Germany GRANiT from Division 1 Team it’s a farm! – have fun watching and good luck to all participating Season 3 teams:

High Quality Version – [TFPortal Link]

Feel free to post your opinion about the trailer at the comment function.

Season 3 start

The regular Week start is near; our Map Picks will close this Sunday night, Week 1 will start right after. We want to remember you again every team who hasn’t made their Map Picks by the Deadline will probably lose their Season spot! Have a look at the specific Newspost for more information. [Link]

All teams should also contact their Week 1 opponents very soon, schedule their game and add it to the Calendar. All unscheduled matches will get a League Default Date after Schedule Deadline is over (Wednesday, 23:59 CET).

Season 3 Rules – Heavy Update & more

The Heavy Update is out and Valve decided to make some major changes like speeding up the Kritzkrieg charge. We are currently talking internal about all features of the new update and will give out some decisions on the new weapons and the changed Kritzkrieg in the next days (probably Sunday).

We also started thinking about a general Demomanlimit 1 again which community is discussing since months. For a better overview we started an unofficial Forum Vote on this and please as many teams as possible to give their vote. [Link]

Additional Infos

We added a new Result-Confirmation-System to the site. Your opponents’ leaders and deuptys are now able to confirm your submitted results so you won’t have to wait until an admin have verified it.

Also we added some specific Division Links which might be helpful.

Example Link: Division 5b – https://etf2l.org/season-3/tables/#division5b

Edit: If you have heard of any registered Season 3 Team folding lately, we are thankful if you give us a notice so we can replace it with a team on the Waiting List.


  1. dunc: infs - dp. said:

    Haha that movie roxors :D

  2. Nymthae: -9w- - -9m- said:

    Nice work on the trailer :D

  3. Marquies: --\" said:

    Nice trailer :D Good job :)

  4. Mumm.lu said:

    Nice trailer :P

    Got some more questions :

    How many teams will be promoted/degraded in the different divisions ?

  5. bun said:

    Nice work, fun and good ideas. I just give my opinion on a little very little thing, when you mute the sound to let scouts to speak, you should make a fade out and fade in and give more sound to the scout cos i think it make the spectator disconcentrating a little while watchin
    but very nice work !

  6. davidtheking said:

    the music and the editing is very nice, but the scene with the scout is very bad in my opinion. and for the scenes where the lines comes out like “speed” or “nerves of steel” i think a very good frag scene would be very better then the scene with the 2 scouts and the heavy.

  7. Onlinegamer - Team Fortress 2 på svenska » Blog Archive » FILM: ETF2L Season 3 Trailer said:

    […] NU har ETF2L.org skrivit om den. Segproppar! :) Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om team fortress 2, tf2, spel, […]

  8. notger: dp. - dp. said:

    Good work!
    You make me proud, boys. :)