
cp_glacier, a gravelpit style map in a winter theme

Created 8th July 2009 @ 03:31

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Get rid of the random death traps on B, really annoying. The lake thing out in the back can stay I guess.

I’d also give a thought on making at least some of the roofs inaccessible.


i’ve played couple finnish pickups now and its a great map, only thing i would change is on B that far route. when coming from blue spawn and going straight right it has a bridge there, remove those wooden fences as sniper can way easily hide there and just pick ppl, when in contrast your own sniper is standing on very open area etc etc. nothing else needs tweaking imho, great map.



paranoid, kolox?

Can you blame me?
Thanks for direct <3



wow beautiful map


Get rid of the random death traps on B, really annoying.

Can you really not divide your attention between running around and shooting people? It gives the area dynamism


Get rid of the random death traps on B, really annoying.

Can you really not divide your attention between running around and shooting people? It gives the area dynamism

Bad argument.

Ok first up, you’re misusing the term “dynamism”, second, I don’t think these pits of death add anything valuable to gameplay and are thus not needed in the least. Only thing they do is cause annoyance when random spam pushes you off your chosen path.

Anticipatory: Comparing them to the trains on some maps would also be futile as 1) the trains are much more noticable 2) the trains aren’t always present as a threat 3) the trains alter the battlefield, adding something to the gameplay. And regardless of all these factors it’s arguable whether or not trains are a desired map element.


Alright, it adds an interesting dynamic to the area.

It’s a risk, running around the holes. When you choose a path that goes around a hole, you assume that risk. It means choosing longer paths may sometimes be a safer answer. It allows you to juggle players off into insta death if they choose those routes. It means you have to be precise when backpedalling up the ramp, and that sometimes it’s worth the damage to avoid the ramp and simply jump onto the point. It means RJing up onto Blu’s sniper bridge opens you up to being airshot’d down into the water. It means the route coming from A->B directly has a bit of breathing room for defenders pushing back into B (cannot be frontally rushed as easily.) And just as random spam can randomly kill you, it can, yes, randomly throw you into the water. But so too can concentrated effort in both respects.

There’s a difference between speculation and actual playtesting. I hated this feature of the map for the first 15 alphas. When I began using it to my advantage and playing from the heights more around B, it became a neat tool for the area and something more interesting in play than flat ground.

The holes are actually better than the trains because they are static, nonrandom, memorizable locations. Plays can conceivably be built around them, whereas you cannot predict the trains accurately enough for it to be a convincing gameplay mechanic.



It looks very nice, but i feel that too many ammo / health packs around there (never played in 6on6 or pickup tbh) and i think that there are too many holes too. I liked only the one on the route coming from A to B. Maybe removing the smaller ones could help a bit…



Sniper paradise @ B. Didn’t really like it because of that. Would have to play it some more but the fence on the bridge at far right when attacking B is just horrible idea. Way too easy for snipers to just sit behind it and pop heads.

The whole idea of giving snipers a place where he can see every possible entrance from the farthest corner of the map just means that you will _always_ have a sniper in that location and there’s not much you can do to counter it. Other than using a sniper of your own or 2 like in the gather we played today. But the sniper behind the fence still has a massive advantage since he can just peek between the boards, making it very difficult to hit him.

I’d remove the bridge entirely and make the whole B area a lot harder to snipe with less direct line of fire.

Other than that, it seemed well balanced.


this area needs to be open for red team too, if a sniper is there and you send a scout to hunt him down he can just stay inside that area and wait until the scout leaves to do other fragging or similar kind of thing. btw its that bridge when you’re coming out to b from blue spawn :p



+1 to what Moose said.


+1 to what Moose said.



+1 to what Kyynel and Indey said



Sniper paradise @ B. Didn’t really like it because of that. Would have to play it some more but the fence on the bridge at far right when attacking B is just horrible idea. Way too easy for snipers to just sit behind it and pop heads.

The whole idea of giving snipers a place where he can see every possible entrance from the farthest corner of the map just means that you will _always_ have a sniper in that location and there’s not much you can do to counter it. Other than using a sniper of your own or 2 like in the gather we played today. But the sniper behind the fence still has a massive advantage since he can just peek between the boards, making it very difficult to hit him.
I’d remove the bridge entirely and make the whole B area a lot harder to snipe with less direct line of fire.
Other than that, it seemed well balanced.

Snipers on the bridge can’t see all the entrances to B. At most, I’ll remove the small gap between some of the first few boards, but removing the whole bridge is a terrible idea as it’s vital path for blue to take when red has control over both the upper and the lower part of B.

this area needs to be open for red team too, if a sniper is there and you send a scout to hunt him down he can just stay inside that area and wait until the scout leaves to do other fragging or similar kind of thing. btw its that bridge when you’re coming out to b from blue spawn :p

I’ll consider that, thanks!



+1 what moose, indey, kyynel and funky said.

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