Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.


IRCNone specified


  • None

Registered Players

No players registered

Upcoming Fixtures

Date Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No fixtures for this team.


Date Round Team 1 Team 2 Result
Season 3 [Archives]
Playoffs (Division 4a) 6 - 0
Week 9 (Division 4a) 3 - 3
Week 8 (Division 4a) 0 - 6
Week 6 (Division 4a) 0 - 6
Week 7 (Division 4a) 6 - 0
Week 5 (Division 4a) 3 - 3
Week 4 (Division 4a) 0 - 6
Week 3 (Division 4a) 0 - 6
Week 2 (Division 4a) 6 - 0
Week 1 (Division 4a) 6 - 0
ETF2L 3rd Cup [Archives]
Round 1 2 - 0


Date DL POV Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No demos for this team.

Player History

Action Player By Date
Left sharkz sharkz
Joined sharkz sharkz
Left cumu StepX
Left StepX StepX
Left Ocidan StepX
Left obe StepX
Left lpn StepX
Left Jiz StepX
Left JamesBong StepX
Left p3w StepX
Left krisp_rolls StepX
Joined lpn lpn
Left lpn lpn
Joined lpn lpn
Left lala StepX
Joined lala StepX
Left G0bs StepX
Left sc0rpion StepX
Joined obe obe
Joined krisp_rolls StepX
Joined Jiz StepX
Left Cerbers StepX
Left abscent123 StepX
Joined abscent123 StepX
Joined sc0rpion StepX
Joined p3w StepX
Left Oda StepX
Joined JamesBong JamesBong
Joined Oda Oda
Joined cumu cumu
Joined G0bs G0bs
Left Acid Blood StepX
Joined Acid Blood StepX
Joined Ocidan StepX
Joined Cerbers StepX
Joined StepX StepX