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Season 22 powered by saloon.tf Premiership Week 4: Epsilon eSports by Fragnet Networks vs. The Last Resort

Date October 20, 2015

It’s time for a big one. lost their first point last week in a golden cap vs will this lost point plant a seed of doubt in the Epsilon players? Or will the resounding voice of SEB bring them up their morale? on the other hand suffered a heart wrenching defeat last week vs despite […]

Season 22 powered by saloon.tf Premiership Week 3: The Last Resort vs. Full Tilt

Date October 12, 2015

Tonight we have one of the big ones. Bursting from a convincing victory last week and eager for playoffs is looking like a top contender for a spot. Their initial roster issues have been smoothed out painlessly and if they take this fixture they will further diminish their opponents  playoff hopes. suffered a crushing defeat […]

Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 4: Fenneks eSports vs. The Last Resort

Date June 15, 2015

Thanks to fortunate rescheduling we get some Week 4 Premiership delight this Monday evening. And what is this delight you ask? Well if you missed the headline I can tell you that are going to be engaged in a skirmish with . We last saw TLR when they were faced against another top dog, namely […]