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MedicSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Krish

Posted: | Last Online:

hey, hi, hej, gunichiwa, and so on.

I'm Mel.
I've been playing tf2 competitively for about a year now. (300 days)
I've got div 5 experience. I can main call medic and roam solly decently enough for at least div 5.
I'd preferably like to play medic, but can roam solly as well (as mentioned above)

I have experience in div 5 as both solly and medic.
Can play any day as long as its between 17:00 GMT – 23:00 GMT (5pm – 11pm)

what you can expect from me: a medic / solly thats willing to improve. Willing to play often, be it mixes or matches. I'm a NO-rage medic. I know there aren't alot of those :> Fluent english speaking. (with an accent though)

what I expect from you: mumble / warserver. not too much rage. a little rage once in a while is acceptable, but as long as its not making the game unbearble because we have to keep listening to some guy yelling his lungs out, about a bummer someone made. Understandable english is a must.

I like to have a team thats not just "only business" like, the only time we're in mumble is when we're playing. I like to have a team thats a bit more "personal" And can chill in mumble even when we're not playing tf2.

I think I'm about done with my little wall of text.

cheers – Mel

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:29864670 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left team Stockingu [6v6] Krish
Joined team Stockingu [6v6] Krish
Left Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Joined Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Left Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Joined Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Left Incertus [6v6] Krish
Joined Incertus [6v6] Krish
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Midgard [6v6] Krish
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Midgard [6v6] Krish
Left nervousENERGY - WHITE [6v6] Krish
Left William Wallaces team [Highlander] Krish
Joined William Wallaces team [Highlander] RenTas
Joined nervousENERGY - WHITE [6v6] RenTas
Left Team Luckless [6v6] Krish
Joined Team Luckless [6v6] Miko
Left Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Left Team Colonslash: Shine ☼ [6v6] Krish
Joined Little Braver [1v1] Krish
Joined Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Toxic_Trojan
Joined Team Colonslash: Shine ☼ [6v6] Oxy
Left Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] Krish
Joined Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] wrex
Left Fenneks.Duel [2v2] Krish
Left Fenneks [6v6] tizzel
Joined Fenneks.Duel [2v2] Krish
Joined Fenneks [6v6] tizzel
Left Actility [6v6] Krish
Joined Actility [6v6] Krish
Left DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] DOLLFACE
Joined DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] Krish
Left Blue Buff [6v6] Krish
Joined Blue Buff [6v6] Oxy
Left Team Transition [6v6] Krish
Left STAR [2v2] Krish
Joined Team Transition [6v6] Tornf4lk
Left DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] Krish
Joined STAR [2v2] Tornf4lk
Joined DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] Krish
Left failtrain [6v6] Krish
Joined failtrain [6v6] futari
Left Rainbow Rockers [6v6] Krish
Joined Rainbow Rockers [6v6] aaaaa
Left Equalization [6v6] Krish
Joined Equalization [6v6] Krish

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 3 129
View Div 5/Div 6 0 132
View Div 5/Div 6 7 159
View Div 4/Div 5 6 172
View Div 5/Div 6 3 133
View Div 4/Div 5 0 147


  1. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    Mel’s a very nice guy and surely capable of div 5, in my opinion he could even play medic at a div 4 level. He’s a good lad and he should be picked up soon! :)

  2. m2BHard: mau5. - >m2B! said:

    Mel is awesome, both in playing style as in personality. Every team not considering Mel is making the biggest mistake ever! <3 Good luck matey!

  3. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    Mel is very suitable for atleast div 5/4 as both of his classes. He plays with intelligence and gamesense. A great leader. I would recommend him as a caller for both of his classes. gl mel

  4. Mug: BLUBUF said:

    The only negative thing i have to say about Mel is that his avatar isnt a melon.

  5. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    This guys a legend. No rage, great guy, very modest and seriously underestimates himself.

    Any div 4 team should be choosing Mel.

    Gl! <3

  6. kentsu: slc. said:

    Great medic and a very capable solly also. Definately div 5/4 and deserves a stable team. GL dude!

  7. mici said:

    what the others said
    really calm and skilled player, and great maincaller at the same time, would do well in div4
    also friendly and fun to talk with at any time
    good luck <3

  8. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Oxy told me to come post

    good luck

  9. Aephage said:

    He is soooo great and cool ! :D a nice guy who doesnt surestimate himself ;)
    He deserves a good d5 or d4 team :)

    Gl dud !

  10. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:

    my #1 medic for pocket sniping

  11. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    cool guy, would do well in div 4 tbh.

  12. mrwhizz said:

    If you dont pick him as your medic you’re missing out on ALOT

    roed groed medicine floed

  13. Exit said:

    I think Mel is a fuuuuuuuucking good medic, hes really nice, and nice to talk to. Why you should choose him?: you should choose him because he’s a fuuucking good medic and you won’t regret it. About div 3 medic.