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MedicSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Krish

Posted: | Last Online:

good day gentlemen.

I'm a danish chap, 19 years old.

– I can play any day a week as long as it's after 18:00 GMT
– I play medic at a div 5/4 level and soldier at a div 5 level and I can both pocket and roam. But preferably roamer.
– I have experience in both div 5 and div 6 as both medic and soldier.
– I don't ever rage.
– I can maincall as medic.

I've been too much of a "yes-sayer" lately and just accepted pretty much any invite to a team a friend was making. Which has turned out to be a mistake every time so far since they can't ever seem to keep a team together and it ends up folding. So this time I want to give it time, play with the other fellas alot before I decide whether I want to join the team or not (I would only say I wouldn't join the team if I can see it's just not stable or if one of the team members is a douche or whatever)

What I would require from you:

– Mumble
– Preferably a tf2 warserver (not a must though)
– Non-ragers (of course everyone has their moments of frustration. But as long as you don't take it too far we're good)
– Polite (Don't go calling the opponents fags or be a bad loser and ragequit a game)
– Willing to improve their own skills as well as the teamplay of the team
– Can play at least 3 days a week

Cheers guys, hope you give me a chance

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Team History

Action Team By Date
Left team Stockingu [6v6] Krish
Joined team Stockingu [6v6] Krish
Left Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Joined Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Left Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Joined Execute.tf2 [6v6] Krish
Left Incertus [6v6] Krish
Joined Incertus [6v6] Krish
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Midgard [6v6] Krish
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Midgard [6v6] Krish
Left nervousENERGY - WHITE [6v6] Krish
Left William Wallaces team [Highlander] Krish
Joined William Wallaces team [Highlander] RenTas
Joined nervousENERGY - WHITE [6v6] RenTas
Left Team Luckless [6v6] Krish
Joined Team Luckless [6v6] Miko
Left Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Oxy
Left Team Colonslash: Shine ☼ [6v6] Krish
Joined Little Braver [1v1] Krish
Joined Team Colonslash: Crash [Highlander] Toxic_Trojan
Joined Team Colonslash: Shine ☼ [6v6] Oxy
Left Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] Krish
Joined Team Dynamo 2 [6v6] wrex
Left Fenneks.Duel [2v2] Krish
Left Fenneks [6v6] tizzel
Joined Fenneks.Duel [2v2] Krish
Joined Fenneks [6v6] tizzel
Left Actility [6v6] Krish
Joined Actility [6v6] Krish
Left DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] DOLLFACE
Joined DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] Krish
Left Blue Buff [6v6] Krish
Joined Blue Buff [6v6] Oxy
Left Team Transition [6v6] Krish
Left STAR [2v2] Krish
Joined Team Transition [6v6] Tornf4lk
Left DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] Krish
Joined STAR [2v2] Tornf4lk
Joined DOLLFACE and the Potatoes [6v6] Krish
Left failtrain [6v6] Krish
Joined failtrain [6v6] futari
Left Rainbow Rockers [6v6] Krish
Joined Rainbow Rockers [6v6] aaaaa
Left Equalization [6v6] Krish
Joined Equalization [6v6] Krish

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