ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European elemental violence

Posted by WARHURYEAH: | Last Online:

As we struggled to find a decent backup player for div2 we are going to take another direction…

We are looking for a player that will learn, listen and obey to everything that comes out of my mouth that resembles words.

If you can listen properly, take orders, improve and just do the basics of scout/soldier to a div5/4 level then apply.

We ask you to speak perfect English, we want people that will understand our every word and us being able to understand every word you say.

Me & Shrike have plenty experience bringing pubbers or low level players and helping them jump the ranks, everyone else in our team will do the same, I think most of us have never played above a div3 level yet we are doing very well against div2+ teams, we have the odd bad games, but it's how we react to those games which helps us improve.

Please, only serious applications, I don't want to have to have a conversation with some Lithuanian that's been in over 20 teams in the past 2 weeks. We want someone who we want to spend our time with, not waste our time.


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  1. v1ruz said:


  2. davesan: epx^ - Panda said:

    war and sylo are awesome! gl guys, nice to see you back =)

  3. Head Hunter said:

    I was half an hour late because I was at the gym. I’ll change the bloody days I go. ¬_¬

    On a serious note, yeah we have a hell of a lot of work to do, I mean “officially” we came 2nd in division 4 when our team was last playing properly. Not quite what we appear to be bigging ourselves up to be on first notice. But after a few weeks of playing at the level we are now I fully believe we can get where we say we are at. Can only get better by working consistently together and playing harder opponents, and tbh so far we aren’t doing bad by any means.

    (Bias incoming)
    We’re SUPER NICE GUYZ <3 I think?

  4. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Absolute rape machines these guys

  5. BELLSPROUT?!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    Hey War, I believe it is on.

  6. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Good luck!! :]

  7. fallen said:


  8. RisinG: MAFIA said:


    Haven't seen them playing for longer time , but i still think that they are playing on a top div3 level and may div2.

    gl dudes

  9. dougiie: CotC said:


    loved mixing/mercing ages ago with them.

    gl lads :)

  10. WAR: GlueEater said:


    I should also mention DO NOT ADD SHRIKE, ONLY ME WARHURYEAH

  11. mrwhizz said:


  12. ouch said:

    cool team. cu on the battlefield lads!

  13. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    I miss Ethug already D: </3

  14. v1ruz said:

    ‹Con› Zethzio posted on April 30, 2011 @ 10:25am
    more gay Turbo, please?

  15. LinKin said:

    Nobody played higher than div4 so…yeah now they are div2 omg.

  16. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Took you two days, you’re late LinKin.

  17. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    Welcome back guys, good to see the old teams are sticking around :)

  18. Ace said:

    Feel free to play us, LinKin – we should be pretty much at your level according to your statement.

  19. Head Hunter said:

    Poor Linken :( I mean it’s not like WOTR2 came 2nd in division 4B and then the next season won 2A. Oh wait my bad, they did.

    (Disclaimer: Not claiming we are doing the same, just saying it’s possible to be better)
    And yeah I am cool enough to remember wotr

  20. Dummy! said:

    nice patient guys but wouldn’t say div 2 yet, perhaphs mid to topish div 3
    though war is a beast =p

  21. WAR: GlueEater said:

    rarararar i r mad coz dummy doesn’t agree with my teams skill evaluation rararararararararararararar

    we ar div2 can pley 1 got gud scuts

    fuck haterz imma deleted dis post in a minute :(((((((((((((((((((((((((

    admins please deleted dummys spam spost.

  22. JOHNNYJACKAL: .:ne:. - tfortress.no said:

    Også du min sønn Askjell

  23. XO - said:

    Head Hunter the div are now alot diffrent there are now shitter teams in div 2 and some better and alot more players, and when wotr played there way fewer players and there werent extre div there so what u are looking at div2 then is now div1 it all changed.

  24. konr: idd. said:

    gl to everyone except war

  25. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Good luck guish.

    Don’t worry we came 2nd in Div 4 too and we still want to div hop our way to Division 2 (and our 1 month old screenshot vs you guys will help <3)

  26. Head Hunter said:

    Tbh that just stands to prove my point even more XO :) it was a lot harder ‘back in the day’ and obviously creating extra room has changed that, some people rate themselves compared to that standard of level, where as a lot of people now tend to +1 what they were then, which is why I believe there is such a misunderstanding when it comes to skill policing.

    Damn it Hildreth! Give us a game in a few weeks eh? ;D gl to you as well.

  27. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    No idea about the rest of them, but War is just a horrible troll who is not very good at this game.

    Hope you die in a fire war.

  28. WAR: GlueEater said:

    hahahaahahaahahaahaaaaaaaaaa! XD

    I’ve just wet myself.

  29. _Ben: ;? said:

    These guys looked fucking good when I played against them with qn much better than some of the teams that played in last seasons div2. war doesn’t miss a pipe GL lads

  30. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Haha you pissed yourself, cannot even control your own bladder.

  31. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Shame you can’t even control the shit that comes out of your mouth :D

  32. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Nah, you are the one with verbal diarrhea. PS You need to try harder, that was not very good.

  33. antyy: 2ne1 said:


  34. Sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    div2 lol

  35. Warcloud: [MC] said:

    WAR is real beast Good luck

  36. caned: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Ace = legend

  37. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Bump, I’ve had no potential candidates.

  38. poxie said:

    WAR is such a lovely guy and him and his team are showing what they’re made of already. You can not go wrong trialing with these guys, I expect to see a div2 placing next season!

  39. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Redone with adjustments.

  40. Ghostface: spire said:

    I’d apply if WAR didnt consider me a ultra-noob. Also there’s that team thing.

    Nevertheless, great chance for up and coming div 5/4 players to prove their worth and get a few lessons from the pros. Apply now.

  41. anthagonyk: nt. - (:3) said:

    i have div 4 skill , and i’m willing to learn, I have more than a year in comp. I am 19 years old, i’m very talkative and i don’t rage ever.

  42. kimzan95: Tory said:

    i have me and myfriend here that is a roamer and i am a scout were both equally skilled and were about div 5/4 kinda so add me if you wanna go for it on steam Kimzan95

  43. XO - said:

    what about Matt :)

  44. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    uh if you’re looking for a div4/5 player, should try him http://etf2l.org/recruitment/91713/
    He has huge potential, and probably will listen to everything you’ll say :)
    Should give him a shot, good luck! :]

  45. AnimaL said:

    played against them last night, id say top d2,only cuz kinya laughed when i said they are div1 by new etf2l teamset :(

    gl guys

  46. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    I still miss Ethug </3 D:

  47. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    syloshine :)

  48. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Bumping this, still looking for people, we can’t trial much as you can’t really for a backup position, but anyone that’s not a dick head do apply. We have 2 serious candidates but one of them is away for holidays :D

  49. poxie said:

    I think konr is looking for a team man!!!

  50. WAR: GlueEater said:

    :O I think you’re right, perhaps I should enquire konr’s availability, alas, I think he is to good for us as we only have 4 seasons of experience between us which is a lot less than his travelled endeavours.

  51. konr: idd. said:

    Honestly this team is probably going places. Despite how much of a dick he is, WAR seems to a decent players. That coupled with the other players’ skills and their pure team chemistry, they’re a decent team. Good luck, guys.

  52. huhystah said:

    good team, war is beast

  53. BELLSPROUT?!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    war is shit IT’S ON WAR

  54. WAR: GlueEater said:

    can u delete bellsprouts post, it’s offensive

  55. BELLSPROUT?!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    it’s also true

  56. Sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    lol konr

    you literally do not know our team at all apart from some internet squabbles with war. I cannot remember the last time you played against us, if indeed you ever have

    subtly groping war’s penis while calling him a dick won’t stop his trolling

  57. konr: idd. said:

    I’ve seen almost all of your players play quite a few times before and I just made a judgement on that, that’s all. But okay if you want to be a dick continue.

  58. Head Hunter said:

    Sylo is just jealous because no one will subtly grope his cock :<
    People are way too overt with that monster…

  59. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    They are taking the next Albert’s cup. You heard it here first
    Great team, enjoy to play against them, every single one of them has great gamesense and DM.


    WAR is not a dick.

  60. Sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    goddamnit, I used the wrong brackets on those italics tags

  61. Laerin: -9w- said:

    Uhh Sylo’s post got deleted while not flaming and trying to give out some advice?

  62. Sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    I asked an admin to delete it for me

    konr’s looking for trouble, and throwing a fully-paragraphed megapost at him won’t make him change his ways

  63. wndr: TEZC - MONSTERFRAGGEN said:

    Could potentially be backup scout, refuse already have backups. My availability is really shit though.