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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Will

Posted: | Last Online:

Remade due to the amount of troll posts in my last rec post


Looking for:
Established team
Div4/3 (i feel confident @ div3)
Top Div4 – main spot or backup (depends on the team tbh)/ div3 – main or backup
Demo or Soldier main caller – but I can/will do it if needed
Good organisation & comms
NO trolls or immaturity – these really piss me off

Looking for a new challenge (hence div3)
Non-tunnel vision
Good Survivablity (most of the time)
Have some level of experience @ div3
Alot of experience in div4, wireplay + pcw's
Can main call – would prefer not to
Good gamesense and comms – my opinion
Serious while in officials and pcw's
Mixes, Pubbing, DM, MGE = fun

Add me on steam for more info.
Check previous post for comments and such

Also looking for ppl to mix/merc with/for so i dont get seriously rusty

Changed the skill level to 3, since that is what most ppl have said and what i feel capable of given the right team. I will still consider div4 teams as long as the team is gd and nice ppl within it :)

Currently residing in pickup's mainly for fun, and to keep me from getting really rusty

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:20556156 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined potato [2v2] Shifty
Left Perilous Gaming [6v6] Will
Joined Perilous Gaming [6v6] howdeh
Left LagTastic Gaming [6v6] Will
Joined LagTastic Gaming [6v6] Will
Left VAWX [6v6] Will
Joined VAWX [6v6] Will
Left Fragmative [6v6] BaTMaN
Joined Fragmative [6v6] Will
Left VAWX [6v6] Will
Joined VAWX [6v6] konr
Left failed box3 squad [6v6] Will
Left Frontier Gaming [Highlander] Will
Joined failed box3 squad [6v6] Will
Joined Frontier Gaming [Highlander] Will

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 24 868
View Div 2/Div 3 22 894
View Div 3/Div 4 34 834
View Div 4 28 766
View Mid- 2 303


  1. Will said:

    Will be offline for a few days thank you very much virgin media

  2. stvv: WUL said:

    Great medic, nice guy :)))))))))) ez topd3

  3. konr said:

    Good player don’t make him maincall and you’ll be happy. Don’t be retarded and don’t play the flute either.

  4. Will said:

    :P seems like they cant even tell the truth about how long the net would be down for, back online now after only a few hours XD

    thanks stvv and konr

  5. howdeh: Perilous - WUL said:

    Really good medic, have merced him a few times and seems to work well within a more serious environment, knows what he should be calling and what hes doing, though I think he requires some more experience to keep pushing the divisions!

    Great guy with a positive attitude, likes to fix his mistakes and always open to criticsm, division 3 medic for sure!

    GL Will

  6. Will said:

    cheers howdeh! completely agree with you, i definately need to get more experience hopefully wont take too long :)

  7. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    bad soldier :p

    good luck :)

  8. Sketch: MM said:

    deff div 3

  9. Will said:

    Daily bump :D

  10. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:


  11. Will said:

    turbo go away!

  12. Will said:

    bump… if you add me please say something instead of sitting in silence

  13. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    ahem ….

    ’m getting sick with lower div medics trying to skill jump up divisions.

    It literally is making the general skill level worse.

    What ever happened to people taking the time and effort to improve themselves ?
    In my opinion, there are a lot of bad medics out there who put so much focus on climbing divs rather than getting a good a team that’s their level and improving as a team. Heck, look at the likes of Spike out there, he’s put in a lot of effort with Colonslash and he’s improved a lot because he took that time and put in the effort to do so. Medics however who join a few teams and then leave (or get kicked) and then advertise at a level much higher than the level of their old team really annoy me, since all their looking to do is get some nerds to act like their good rather than actually getting good at the game.

  14. atrox_: WaAS? said:

    Lacks experience but could handle division 4 if within the right team. Needs some guy to show him da waaay allow me to seee coz ma heart is broken beee my escappeeeee

  15. Will said:

    okay turbo your really starting to irritate me, yes you dont like ppl skipping divs, but because ive had problems with the teams ive been in, I havent had the chance to settle with a stable roster with ppl I like, now stfu and stop spamming my recruitment threads because you cant stand the thought of someone who hasnt played regularly actually being better than you.

    Atrox thanks for an actual constructive comment (unlike the mong above you). I do need some1 to help me as ive been working mostly off my own steam, with only a few comments from here and there.. also playing with you guys has helped me :)

  16. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    <3 you too gl

  17. Will said:

    bumping for today :D

  18. howdeh: Perilous - WUL said:

    I guess we now figured that Spike and Turbo are good friends, please don’t mad because Will has far more potential than any others, just because he doesn’t play so well in such a terrible teamwork orientated environment doesn’t mean he can’t play within a good one.

    At least give constructive criticism rather than crying because your oh-so-good friend Spike doesn’t have a team and this guy could challenge him for a spot.

  19. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    Spike has a team though :)

    And me and spike hate each other…. its true

  20. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Mixed with Turbo again, pretty fucking good tbh, few mishaps there and then but we all make mistakes.

    If I was a Div 4 team searching a medic I would pick him up. If I was a Div 3 team searching a medic I would consider Will.

  21. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Did I say Turbo? Sorry Will <3

  22. Will said:

    loool, yea granary 3 times in 1 night is insane! caused a few lapse’s in concentration :D

    and how! do you get me confused with turbo! tut tut

  23. konr said:

    Don’t end a sentence with how and start the next sentence with do. Dear lord.
    Gl m8 <233<3£

  24. Laerin: -9w- said:

    ‘He doesn’t know how. Do you not understand?’

    It’s perfectly fine :P.

  25. Will said:

    Lol considering the day I had, online grammer wasnt a high priority

  26. Will said:

    bumping this for today :)

  27. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Seemed like a cool guy in the 9m STV

  28. Spike Himself: TC said:

    “I guess we now figured that Spike and Turbo are good friends”

    Hey, leave me out of this please. Turbo merely mentions me as an example. It does in no way imply we’re good friends (we get along though, like most people get along with eachother).
    Also I don’t agree with what he’s saying, fyi.
    (and I do have a team! <3 swimp)

  29. blorg said:

    improving with a team is overrated, sup.

  30. nova: T2P said:

    blorg your shit m8.

    Worst that can happen if hes searching out of his skill range is get trialled and fail miserably, which will only hurt him :p.

    GL will )))

  31. wOllie said:

    turbomonkey you type like you know what your actually doing, hf in div 4, Will can defo play div 3 just needs to stop holding ubers for so long. with the right team he can go far <3

  32. Will said:

    :D wollie, but but I love ma ubers too much to let go.. In all seriousness thats a bad habbit, i’ve been working on that whenever I gotten the chance :P

  33. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:



  34. Will said:

    gonna bump this… started playing pickup’s just to keep myself playing so i dont get completely retarded :)

  35. Will said:

    bumping for today :)

  36. phanTom said:

    Totally div3.

  37. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    Is a nice guy div 2 for sure

  38. Will said:

    thanks turbo no hint of sarcasm there at all -.-

    bumpin for today :)

  39. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    im a cunt. I appologise

  40. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    Don’t know about div 3..

  41. flushy: P.O.P said:

    if blorg is div 1 (LOL) then ur atleast div 2 will matey… and Taimou is batman skilled

  42. Will said:

    fanto havent played with you in like months and even then it was only 1 game, did play against use with ltg and beat use 4-2 even tho i timed out for 2 rounds. Im basically going off of what everyone has told me… i would still play div4 if the opportunity came along but I dont really care right now, either is fine.

  43. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    Dude will, chill. I don’t need to hear your life story. Was just making a comment about the game I played with you I didnt think you were div 3 ;>
    But I guess if you trained and stuff over the weeks since then you actully might be div 3

  44. Will said:

    Im perfectly chilled, i dont like ppl saying tht if they havent recently played with me, tbh i feel im playin better now than i have done for the past few weeks.

    And if you had added the “But I guess if you trained and stuff over the weeks since then you actully might be div 3” to your first comment i think i would have thanked you instead of telling you “my life story”.

  45. Fantomen {:): nandos said:


  46. konr said:

    Div 3? NO LOL

  47. konr said:

    I’m sorry already. TC Tom made me do it.

  48. Will said:

    whoops forgot about this, I blame having to much fun in pickups :)

    also give me capable players infront of me and i can play div3 easily :D

  49. Will said:

    bumping again :D

  50. howdeh: Perilous - WUL said:

    Merced him the other night, real nice comms and has potential to be a good caller. If you’re looking for a strong, vocal and confident medic and you’re division 3, this guy is your best shot.

    Ignore the haters Will, apparently playing in division 5 PCWs is a way of rating your skill as a medic.

  51. Will said:

    :) after a day of drinking i shall bump thee to the top :D

    cheers howdeh yet again :P

    my confidence has grown lately since during pickups and while im mercing ppl actually say “nice uber” “well played” etc which is more than ive ever had in any team…

    now before my brain explodes from to much drunken thinking ill go to sleep :D

  52. scat: 27/2 said:

    He is a great medic and a good caller. He can handle div 3 for sure!

    Good luck Will!

  53. konr said:

    >more than ive ever had in any team

  54. Will said:

    cheers scat :D

    bumping before bed XD

  55. Will said:

    bumping… for no reason :D

  56. stvv: WUL said:


    i repeat gl will:D

  57. Fish: UCAP. said:

    Played vs him last night belive he was playing for perilous, think for this guy he needs a strong div 3 team that is going to have the patience as he develops as a player, can see alot of potential positioned himself well in what would of been a tricky game vs us as he was having to fall back alot. but he did himself no harm in how i saw him play, i really hope a patient team picks him up and the reward will be a good medic in a few months,

    really hope you find a team although you guys lost yesterday you did alot to impress me will be intresting to see how far you go and best practise you can get is getting in a team and just keep playing with them

    gl mate

  58. Will said:

    really appreciate that fish, im rather inconsistant atm, one day ill be very gd the next not so much and i am my own biggest critic (if im not happy with my performances, i strive to change tht), but i think thats down to the games ive been playing being so different, my only constant string of games lately comes from mercing with ltg and filling in for perilous whenever they need it (including the odd official :). With quite a few pickups scattered inbetween.
    Really need a stable platform but as its near the end of the season I think its better planning for next :(

  59. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Nice guy, Decent medic. Bit prone to get angry when he makes mistakes from my experience but overall very good. Give him a trial :)

  60. Will said:

    cheers enef :P

    and for the record

    mistakes = bad

    and i am a perfectionist, any thing less than a perfect game for me and i wont be happy with myself, this is my driving force, it makes me want to improve.. and every game is win or lose, none of this oh well nothin we could have done attitude. :) that being said any time i have made a mistake lately, ive apologised and moved on while still taking it onboard, so who knows i may have grown XD

  61. Will said:

    finishing this season off with ltg :P