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ScoutSniper  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Sweden fluffy

Posted: | Last Online:

Umm… I'm a scout, can also offclass if needed, I'm a decent sniper and spy, contact me!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:62691503 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined Paint Shop Boys [6v6] Salmiakki
Left nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] llbr
Joined Lita på rosa [6v6 Fun Team] Swi
Joined William Wallaces team [Highlander] RenTas
Joined nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] cmd
Left Inadequacy [6v6] fluffy
Left Science Highlander [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Science Highlander [Highlander] fluffy
Left 9Corax [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Inadequacy [6v6] Dahlbeck
Left Ascending to Valhall [6v6] fluffy
Joined 9Corax [Highlander] c|:>
Left Science Highlander [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Science Highlander [Highlander] Oli
Joined Ascending to Valhall [6v6] ZeepaAan
Left Evolution Gaming [6v6] JakescRzyy.
Joined Evolution Gaming [6v6] JakescRzyy.
Left EKAN [6v6] fluffy
Joined EKAN [6v6] fluffy
Left Proton [6v6] v1ruuz
Left Team Asylum [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Proton [6v6] v1ruuz
Left Team Asylum [6v6] rytis
Joined Team Asylum [6v6] fluffy
Joined Team Asylum [Highlander] fluffy

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  1. clippen said:

    Någon borde styra upp ett nytt svenskt div 5-6 lag, finns ju 5-6 stycken som letar den nivån just nu.

  2. fluffy :3: Pinturillo - William said:

    Sant. Du är upptagen eller?

  3. Defur said:


  4. fluffy :3: Pinturillo - William said:

    Är ni på?

  5. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    Ja dom är på.

  6. cARLSSON: gittafort - skeå said:

    Nice guy, trial him.