ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Sweden fluffy

Posted: | Last Online:

-I play pocket, but can roam aswell.
-looking for a team that is div 5-6, i think that's where i'll do best/be most comfortable
-speak enlish fluently
-can play most nights and weekends (I'm more active than i should :D)
-love to joke around, but know when to be serious
-likes cats

-be able to joke around, but also be serious
-speak english fluently
-be active
-like cats.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:62691503 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Paint Shop Boys [6v6] Salmiakki
Left nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] llbr
Joined Lita på rosa [6v6 Fun Team] Swi
Joined William Wallaces team [Highlander] RenTas
Joined nervousENERGY Cosmic Latte [6v6] cmd
Left Inadequacy [6v6] fluffy
Left Science Highlander [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Science Highlander [Highlander] fluffy
Left 9Corax [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Inadequacy [6v6] Dahlbeck
Left Ascending to Valhall [6v6] fluffy
Joined 9Corax [Highlander] c|:>
Left Science Highlander [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Science Highlander [Highlander] Oli
Joined Ascending to Valhall [6v6] ZeepaAan
Left Evolution Gaming [6v6] JakescRzyy.
Joined Evolution Gaming [6v6] JakescRzyy.
Left EKAN [6v6] fluffy
Joined EKAN [6v6] fluffy
Left Proton [6v6] v1ruuz
Left Team Asylum [Highlander] fluffy
Joined Proton [6v6] v1ruuz
Left Team Asylum [6v6] rytis
Joined Team Asylum [6v6] fluffy
Joined Team Asylum [Highlander] fluffy

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 5 331
View Div 5 6 436


  1. Jazz: ScS| - (Q)< said:

    Good guy. Nice comms nice guy.

    Should pick him up.

  2. Leet Mix/Merc said:

    I’m not a cat person and i don’t speak enlish fluently but what i can tell you is this guy is a real good pocket and a good guy and his jokes are totaly not bad. Pick him up now before it’s too late

  3. Nagash: [CiC] - CiC said:

    I have a cat.

    add me and we’ll talk about a trail. sounds like you’d fit in perfectly with the setup we have at CiC, so add me and we’ll see how it goes

  4. Nagash: [CiC] - CiC said:

    hmm, you got vac bans on record according to your steam page :S

  5. Hiperz said:

    I may be new to TF2 but I can still spot a good player and he just caught my eye, I’ve played a few mixs with him and he seems pretty good, he always able to change from Roam and Pocket really well and I think you should pick him up because he could be the one for your team!.
    GL Fluffy.

  6. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:

    Fluffy is back and has smartness!!!

  7. Jake: Team - 8===D said:

    Really good guy I love him to bits, No seriously i love him his voice is really welcoming when you join mumble hes a pro soldier and as soon as you trial him your gonna love him and never let go of him =D
    GL Fluffy

  8. fluffy: Pinturillo - William said:

    <3 all of you

  9. Jake: Team - 8===D said:

    Proberly gonna marry him so keep your hands off him, He can only be your pro soldier and friend

  10. Nick: ⁄⁄nν said:

    You look like the kinda player we need right now, but unfortunately Steam is acting up and telling me half the players’s profile I go to don’t have a profile set up, and I can’t add them to friends when it does that. (just says there was a problem adding [unknown] >.>)

    So yeah, if you read this, could you try adding me if you’re interested? Thanks. :)