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DemomanSoldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Team Colonslash

Posted by Spike Himself: | Last Online:

** EDIT **

While we're trialing demomen, spence is playing soldier for us. Meanwhile though, if you're an experienced pocket soldier who can play at a div3/top div4 level, leave a demo in the comments below. We won't start trials though until we've found a demoman or spence has to leave, whichever comes first.

We're currently NOT looking for more demomen – we have plenty to trial still.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Team Colonslash is finally getting rid of that horrid demoman, spence! He was overextending so much that he actually found a job abroad!!
He got hired to be out of sight for about 7 months (hopefully longer – good riddance!). He'll be leaving us in about 2 months so we should have plenty of time for trials.

The things we will be expecting of you:

– Available Su,Mo,Tu,We,Th between 20.15 and 23.00 CET.
– Solid div4 skillz, potential to take on div3. We are entering S9 Div4 with the intention to win.
– Serious business during games. Fun outside games. Don't be scared to sit on our mumble and have a chat.
– Calm personality. We do not do rage. At all. (only exception being Inoska, but he's Russian, so we don't understand a word he says anyway)
– You must speak English fluently. That is to say, beyond just making your calls, we'd also like to talk about random stuff like 12 year olds and ..cars.. or something. And Russians.
– It would be awesome if you can do some main calling but this is not a requirement.

What you can expect from us:

– Top quality game server(s) located in Germany, hosted by ourselves.
– At least one 2000 slot mumble server (bring your friends if you must!)
– Great community with great people and great other things (someone write a comment about how awesome we are please? ty :D)
– Sponsoring and full support in non-6v6 tournaments (for example, TviQ got his own server to play in the ESL scout 1v1 cup – we are of course expecting him to win.)
– Solid div4 play. Currently in the process of winning Div4 wireplay. Our pcw's have been div3 for a while now.
– Bad medic, aggressive scout, actual Russian heavy, clueless soldier ..and wai. Yes, that one.

Will probably end up editing this loads so be sure to read it every day and write loads of comments because we love the attention <3

Add me on steam if you're up for trials.

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 16 1528
View Div 2 62 2888
View Div 2 11 1376
View Div 2/Div 3 17 1179
View Div 3 5 1087
View Div 4 7 610
View Div 4 17 1420
View Div 3/Div 4 38 1752
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View Div 4/Div 5 23 997
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View Div 4/Div 5 3 624
View Low+ 9 588
View Low+ 3 635
View Low+ 39 1536


  1. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    These guys are awesome.

    Go trial already.

  2. BELLSPROUT?!: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    Quit getting draws with us. Seriously, it’s not funny any more.

  3. Orchid: |=3 said:

    0:14 – TC Spike Himself: oops http://etf2l.org/recruitment/83563/
    Imma say something nice.
    Tbh, they are a great example how team should progress. Started low and look where they are now. Beasts! <3

  4. SteveyJJ: CoWC said:

    Cannot express enough love for this team. All great guys and a strong team as well.

  5. Finn: [:B] said:

    Nice guys, TviQ is a fucking aimbot and sleeps at lan.

  6. Martn said:

    Spike drops many ubers, wai carries.

  7. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    Pretty cool team that will probably rape face in div4. The post pretty much says it as it is, dead on. You need to be able to handle stress pretty well to play for these guys

  8. poxie said:

    jack is queer

  9. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    TC TviQ: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/83563/
    Thalash! -2dr: Posted already
    Thalash! -2dr: You’re slow

  10. Wabby said:

    THese guys are awesome. Except there’s one problem for any potential triallee. I heard from the grapevine that THALASH would be joining them. Just bear that in mind. Do you REALLY want to play with a prepubescent he is 12 and what is this?
    Supporting quote: Thalash: so wat if i am 12 im div 4 but u forever div 6 ))))))))
    Other than that sickkk guys. (Yes, they have more than one k in THEIR sick(kk))

  11. MoZz said:

    So, TviQ is russian, Inoska is clueless, wai is agressive and I am wai, right?!

  12. jackkai: 8D said:

    them pro and has the best skills in the world and spike is pretty. i love spike <3 XX

  13. Skyride: DUCS said:

    Corn flakes or coco pops?

  14. Wabby said:

    and so what if I trolled myself its true (((((

  15. Waebi: ‹Con› said:

    Spike is awesome and hard-working (that is, he’s working on tf2 related shit even when he’s @work). If the rest is half as good as he is, then woooooo hf.

    can i get my monies now, Spike.

  16. Thalash: wG - S-O said:


    Coco pops cuz tviq bad

  17. huhystah said:

    Ze best team evurrrrr

    Best guys evurrrrrrrr. Spike is da man. Tviq is hacking swedish gay! :D Wai is being bad as always hehe and mozz is being German.

    Div 3 go go

  18. spence: ¤_¤ said:

    ‘He was overextending so much that he actually found a job abroad!!’

    Did an actual lol

  19. MoZz said:

    You’re the only one that noticed lol

  20. MoZz said:


  21. Scotteh: BLUBUF said:

    Coolest team ever. Shame about spence leaving, he’s awesome.

  22. Heffron: 8{ - .:ne:. said:

    Spike did not post this to me on Steam so I won’t comment on how awesome the TC community is.

    Also watch out because the Mumble is haunted.

  23. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Can’t even beat a shitty div 4 team :D

    Great team and potential for every demoman that will understand his role in this specific team. Bastards copying our 2 roamers technique btw! Spike is emotional carry.
    Will (easily?maybe?probably?) be able to play div3 when Spike stops being so damn bombable :D

    aka they need a pro stickyplayer

  24. Spike Himself: TC said:

    If we copied anything it has been sheer coincidence. Unless you refer to your predictable jumps on osbscure mid, Tom! :D

  25. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    Only predictable jumps because of predictable spikey+spence rollout! :>
    These guys are pretty cool btw, kinda grew along eachother, although they suddenly seem to think they can play div3!

  26. Sketch: MM said:

    cool guys. need to go div 3 before someone decides to ban tviq for being too good for his division

  27. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    These guys have been ultra kind to me over a long period of time, TIN have had a great time sharing mumble with them and I feel I have learnt a lot from them over the past few months.

    Shame spence had to go get a job abroad, I will miss his random drunk mumble interruptions =( Give this team just as gooda replacement and they will fly through div 4.

    <3 gl guys

  28. Chris: (0v0) said:

    i mentored spike so fucking well and put so much time and energy into it it was unbelievable

  29. Fantomen: nandos said:

    Great guys, everyone of them. They deserve a good demoman!

  30. konr: idd. said:


  31. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - sniper said:

    These above comments make my head hurt ^^

    Back on topic TC has a great community of players with over 3 teams now.

    The core TC team are very talented and i am sure will blow through div 4 with their keeness.

    If you are looking for a established team you can grow as a player in then look no further than Colon slash.

    Now some troll :

    Twiq hacks insoka hacks :|

  32. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Always fun to play against..and always a challenge. Nice guys with nice skillz. Will be DIv 3 very soon, and then who knows…

    Go guys <3

  33. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    that spike guy is cool
    trial for them pandas

  34. jakko said:

    Best MGO/Community going :) Brilliant team dedicated and friendly people, more div3 imo just need to the right demo :) gl to you

  35. Datenshi: ‹Con› - evCon. said:

    TviQ is CRAZY. And he hacks. They need an overextending demo so we can keep winning against them :D ( also Spike carries :3 )

    Seriously though, great team and they deserve an awesome demo!

  36. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Bumping this

  37. Ghostface: spire said:

    Spikeatwork is actually Spikehimself.

  38. Inoska said:

    Derping this.

  39. Spike Himself: TC said:

    We have enough trialists for now. Will bump when we need more.

  40. Spike Himself: TC said:

    While we’re trialing demomen, spence is playing soldier for us. Meanwhile though, if you’re an experienced pocket soldier who can play at a div3/top div4 level, leave a demo in the comments below. We won’t start trials though until we’ve found a demoman or spence has to leave, whichever comes first.

    We’re currently NOT looking for more demomen – we have plenty to trial still.