ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

England VAWX

Posted by konr: | Last Online:

lf backup allrounder top div 5+

What we offer:
+ Mumble server
+ War server
+ Friendliness
+ Sexiness
+ Dedication
+ Skill
+ 2manyman

What we want:
+ Aforementioned skill level
+ No Russians <3 u maG
+ 16+ preferably
+ No stupid raging ingame
+ No trolling shit
+ No immaturity

Message konr on steam to ask for a trial.
Add me and speak to me. Tell me your class, skill level and why you should be in the team.


Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 14 459
View Div 3 40 633
View Div 3/Div 4 39 1429
View Div 3/Div 4 42 890
View Div 3/Div 4 18 1142
View Div 3/Div 4 19 754
View Div 4 0 90
View Div 4 39 1162
View Div 4 29 1231
View Div 4 41 1959


  1. Raliator: (-.(-.(-.-).-). said:

    Good team, fun to talk to on mumble, konr is the slowest frag video maker in history though. Definately a solid+ as he’s working on his team as a priority ;)

  2. .panic said:

    >no trolling

  3. konr said:

    I don’t troll panic I just didn’t like you very much :(

  4. Ghostface: spire said:

    While I do agree that Davib is very skilled, I have yet to see any carrying. You need to try a more balanced style of play. Less rage maybe?
    And yes you are a massive troll. Panic is right.
    And I couldn’t care less if you deleted me. I tried to be nice but to the wrong retard. Go kiss some more prem/div1 ass. Maybe they’ll let you carry their bags @ lan.

    Tl;dr team is doomed.

  5. Rasta said:

    GL then…

  6. mrwhizz said:


    Nuff said 8)

  7. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    We get it Ghostface, you don’t like Konr. Now be quiet. Goes for everybody (including Konr in other threads).

    Will do fine in Div5/4, gl.

  8. Orchid: |=3 said:

    When konr told me he created another thread to get rid of the trolls, i lold.
    Gl ghostaface, now gtfo :)
    Konr is a decent scout if you give him credit for his kills, let him know he did well! Davib – rape artist!

  9. Natijs said:

    I heard Ghostface needs a team.

  10. .panic said:

    You told me i couldnt make you rage. You challenge me. I defended my honor.

  11. konr said:

    I don’t remember that panic :P
    Thanks everyone.
    Ghostface hasn’t even played with voX lol :>
    Deathliger :(

  12. R1sinG!: MAFIA said:

    voX » konr: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/81766/ ;)
    cause.R1sinG!`:3: should i post this link at post?^^
    voX » konr: no :(
    cause.R1sinG!`:3: ehm
    cause.R1sinG!`:3: wait
    cause.R1sinG!`:3: awesome guys… played against them sometimes.Just want to say that they can play with a bit more teamplay mid div4 for sure and btw…… konr is awesome< <3 RING RING
    cause.R1sinG!`:3: ?
    voX » konr: yer :D
    cause.R1sinG!`:3: but with the whole chat around :]
    voX » konr: You are correct
    cause.R1sinG!`:3: ^^

    <3 u

  13. binge said:

    ghostface’s hitting puberty, just ignore it

    as for the team; good luck :D

  14. jukebox: broder said:

    konr need a soldier. give him one

  15. ooKami said:

    Join these guys plox, they’re cool :P

  16. freshmeatt: ‹Con› said:

    7:05 PM – freshmeatt lft lowmid: I’m so tempted to ask you to say something terribly stupid.
    7:05 PM – voX » konr: wot
    7:05 PM – freshmeatt lft lowmid: Thanks.

    If you value your e-fame level and your gaming career, this is a good place to keep on moving.

  17. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    n1 fresh :D

  18. atrox_: WaAS? said:

    he’s a rly nice guy guives lovly stv chatsxoxoxo

  19. lolage: TSPAG said:

    promising team, also part of kp which is cool i guess ;D

  20. konr said:


  21. Dauk said:

    should be a good team, they have he3 ;3

  22. .panic said:

    They also have quad. oh wait thats not

  23. konr said:

    he3 has disappeared over the past few days ;( no idea where he is

  24. jackkai: 8D said:

    Top div 5. should be div 4 by season 9 xxxx<3xxx

  25. konr said:
