ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

England VAWX

Posted by konr: | Last Online:

Need backups for all classes OR a div 4 (at least) backup allrounder.
We recently recruited Y00pe and Hitm@n which has pretty much fixed us and we're getting the ball rolling again :)

What we offer:
• Mumble server
• War server
• Great community on mumble (KP guys along with many more people that pop in)
• Seriousness
• We're in div 4 in wireplay right now
• Solid team looking to improve quickly, and doing just that
and more

What we demand:
• Maturity
• Excellent English
• Div4+ skill in said class
• If main spot (demo) can play from 6:30 GMT onwards for 3-4 games preferably (Unless stated otherwise earlier in the day or a day before)
• If backup spot same is preferred but you can obviously mix if we don't ask for you to come pcw and we will wait until you are finished to use you of course


Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3 14 458
View Div 3 40 633
View Div 3/Div 4 39 1429
View Div 3/Div 4 42 889
View Div 3/Div 4 18 1141
View Div 3/Div 4 19 754
View Div 4 0 90
View Div 4 39 1161
View Div 4/Div 5 25 767
View Div 4 41 1958


  1. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:


  2. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Actually a pretty good team, should do well in Div4 with the right Demo. Good luck!

  3. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Merc’d for them countless times, always lots of fun to play with. At present they could hold their own in div4, but they’re so fucking keen that they will definitely improve in the coming months.

  4. Will said:

    =D ill bump this since im done airshootin in mge

  5. Artificial said:

    shouldnt you be kp one now? since the first one is intensive noobs

  6. jakko said:

    Nah, the 2 makes them special.. gl btw played them once or twice, not as bad as i was made out to believe…

  7. . said:

    konr should be div1 by now, according to his logic…(one div per week)

  8. konr said:

    har har moony can’t understand English
    We’re staying kp² because we aren’t kp. iN| are kp still, but with a different label. What if they part ways in the future? Are they supposed to be the second team now? Nah they’re still our first team.
    Thanks Jakko although I believe I played awfully whenever I played vs you :)

  9. konr said:

    I think we have a demoman now but he3 has been gone for 5 days. We need a good soldier backup. One that can play pocket a at a div 4 level and one that can respond to calls exceptionally well. Scat, bless his cotton socks, isn’t the best at pocketing rather than roaming and tbh we need a smarter (Preferrabley English, to make comms quick and easy) more level headed soldier to pocket. Scat is much better at roaming.

  10. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    what’ll be my pay konr? I hope it’ll be atleast a 5 zero figure!

  11. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    How about £00000

    A nice 5 zero figure!

  12. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    monkey getting cheap one-liners from my bad english :(

  13. Tommeh: ‹Con› said:

    even spelling his name wrong…

  14. scat: 27/2 said:

    c’mon guys you will recieve flute and sing lessons from me!

  15. jukebox: broder said:

    i remember these guys. great bunch, especially scat.

    scat es un maricon azul (yes)

  16. Frix: LG said:

    konr made me say he has a giant penis

  17. konr said:


  18. at0micz* said:

    konr is fucking sexy and he fucking love soldiers and demomans,so cmon join his team! Like i told his team is fucking cool <3

  19. konr said:


  20. Lukas: ti. said:


  21. ColDas: )) said:

    you lost he3 again?????

  22. konr said:

    Yeah he just fucking vanished and hasn’t been on in 8 days…

  23. konr said:


  24. Ghostface: spire said:


  25. konr said:

    ghostface is gay

  26. Ghostface: spire said:

    konr likes mantits.

  27. Will said:

    would u keep ur love affair out of recruitment posts plz

  28. Ghostface: spire said:

    Will jelly cuz nobody loves him.

  29. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    i love will(y)