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ScoutSniper  Mid- Skill, 6v6

England poxie

Posted: | Last Online:

I play scout to a reasonable level, and sniper also to a reasonable level.
Competing in the Scout 1on1 ESL ladder.

Not quite back into form as it were, but if you are willing to help me get back into form I am willing to improve with you as a team.

What I offer-
Fluent English
No rage
Eagerness to improve

What I would like you to offer-
All the basics – server, mumble etc…
Someone who can lead the team well
Motivated and wanting to improve
Div4 capable
A team with most of it\'s class positions filled – so I wouldn\'t be joining a team that could take months to find it\'s full 6.

Established or new teams – does not make any difference to me, however I would like for you to have the majority of your positions filled.

Side note – Currently in an exam period, which will be finished within the next 2 weeks (AKA 29th June). But due to this exam time I have different days where I am free due to study leave and shit. So because of this I cannot guarantee I will be able to accept your first trial date.

If you are interested please add me and we can arrange a trial or sommat!

ammagad all those ugly slashes.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30454966 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left England [National Highlander Team] Hildreth
Left [xSd] [6v6] Ramown
Joined [xSd] [6v6] poxie
Left Blame [6v6] poxie
Joined Blame [6v6] poxie
Left Team Infused [6v6] Retsh0ck
Joined Team Infused [6v6] poxie
Left Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Joined Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Left Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Joined England [National Highlander Team] poxie
Joined Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Left renoB [6v6] poxie
Left le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Joined le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] poxie
Left Pixie Lott is SLAMMING! [Highlander] poxie
Joined renoB [6v6] Mordi
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] poxie
Joined Pixie Lott is SLAMMING! [Highlander] Tobyy
Left BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Left What's in the boX? [6v6] poxie
Joined What's in the boX? [6v6] Cobby
Left Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] poxie
Joined Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] poxie
Joined BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Left BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Left Snus [6v6] poxie
Left Poxel-Ride Gaming [2v2] poxie
Joined Snus [6v6] grimbar
Left Snus [6v6] poxie
Left Mighty Morphin' Rangers [1v1] poxie
Joined Snus [6v6] grimbar
Left 81 TeaM [6v6] poxie
Joined 81 TeaM [6v6] Xabi
Joined Poxel-Ride Gaming [2v2] poxie
Joined BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Left SCLUB7 [6v6] poxie
Joined SCLUB7 [6v6] jackkai
Joined Mighty Morphin' Rangers [1v1] poxie

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1 6 393
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View Mid- 36 748
View Mid- 10 724


  1. sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    great scout, knows his stuff, give him a try.

  2. Hosain H: Royal` said:

    One of the most impressive scouts i’ve seen – this guy has pure skill. If he works on his comms a bit and find a scout partner he can go very far. Trial him while you can!

  3. BERSERKER: broder - PRO said:

    don’t recruit him until the highlander tournament is over.

  4. Poxie said:

    ur rly batty berserkmen

  5. Imperium said:

    Pretty cool guy, pretty cool aim, needs a pretty cool div 4 team. gogo

  6. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Gl poxie

  7. link: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Nice, clever guy. Has good aim and positioning but needs to be more vocal. I sense potential in him, div 4 should not pose a problem. Gl in your search.

  8. biohazard: IDK said:

    poxie using mic? No way :p

    really good player, can multiclass however scout + sniper is his way and he does it well. Dont know about his personality because every time he played with me he never used his mic (maybe didnt have one that time – it was like end of last year).

    It was pleasure to mix with him every time until he deleted me from his friends list. Probably not pro enough for him :/

    anyway great player pick him up while u can

  9. Poxie said:

    d’aww bio you make it seem so unfriendly. I nuked my fl a while ago and kept people I really only spoke to regularly :(

  10. Anathema said:

    lol and u kept me? fukin pathetic life u must hav… lol…

  11. Poxie said:

    oh u

  12. Grimbar said:

    The few times he speaks he seems like a nice chap, if he gets back into the swing of PCWs and such he will improve vastly again.

    His aim is solid, his movement is adequate and his gamesense can be there if he gets all things together.

    Might be his problem right now to put all things together, once he regains that he will be a force to be reckoned with.

    Gl with your search

  13. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Seems like a nice guy when he types, never actually heard him speak whenever i played with him tho. GL

  14. r7an: -9w- said:

    Really friendlt lad, gl dude.

  15. Poxie said:

    shit got real lolage, mic works blad.

  16. Ash: cc// - cc// said:

    Holy Crap you have a mic :P Jokes great guy, awesome to have a laugh with. Decent player aswell from what i remember.

  17. Chris: (0v0) said:

    poxie has a voice?

  18. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Oh your mic ‘works’ now? :P Swear i heard you say something like med down once and that was the only thing you said all game.

  19. Poxie said:


  20. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:

    Better scout than me

    needs to learn to snipe like a man though

    Would do good in div4

  21. Poxie said:

    I can’t snipe like a man, you need to give me your aimboat.exe helberg :(

  22. djshrew said:

    Holly shit he speaks now?

  23. Poxie said:

    I use video link to sign my calls.

  24. Jakle said:

    fag tbh, born without a voice box.

  25. Poxie said:

    i love you jakle omg :(

  26. Poxie said:


  27. Poxie said:

    kabamp again :x

  28. Insomnia.: aeg` said:

    Proper scout, played with us yesterday in a mid skill mix, and kept up really good. Some proper sniping aswell. Would be an addition to any div4 team in need of a scout!

  29. Chris: (0v0) said:

    div1 at getting phished

  30. Poxie said:

    I didn’t get hacked/phished anathema just can’t detect when I’m joking, because he’s a mong.

  31. Anathema said:

    I explicitly mentioned the fact that you either got hacked or failed at trolling.
    In either case you should be added to the retard list due to the severity of your lack of trolling skills.

  32. Poxie said:

    Save the whining for steam please.

  33. Grimbar said:

    Give this guy a home already

  34. biohazard: IDK said:

    I take back what i said, Poxie has mic and really good comms, get this dude to play with you now! defo can handle mid- (like he is looking for) if not mid. GL!

  35. war: GlueEater said:

    he’s shit

  36. Poxie said: