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ScoutSniper  Mid- Skill, 6v6

England poxie

Posted: | Last Online:


backup spot, perhaps div4.
main mid div4, low div3 :o

Scout/sniper <3

inb4 not mid-
inb4 next comment is \\\"not mid-\\\"
inb4 war

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30454966 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left England [National Highlander Team] Hildreth
Left [xSd] [6v6] Ramown
Joined [xSd] [6v6] poxie
Left Blame [6v6] poxie
Joined Blame [6v6] poxie
Left Team Infused [6v6] Retsh0ck
Joined Team Infused [6v6] poxie
Left Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Joined Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Left Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Joined England [National Highlander Team] poxie
Joined Dr.Justice Ruined Years Of Hard Work [6v6] poxie
Left renoB [6v6] poxie
Left le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] skeej
Joined le leglesslegolegolas xD [Highlander] poxie
Left Pixie Lott is SLAMMING! [Highlander] poxie
Joined renoB [6v6] Mordi
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] poxie
Joined Pixie Lott is SLAMMING! [Highlander] Tobyy
Left BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Left What's in the boX? [6v6] poxie
Joined What's in the boX? [6v6] Cobby
Left Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] poxie
Joined Visualize Your Enmity [6v6] poxie
Joined BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Left BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Left Snus [6v6] poxie
Left Poxel-Ride Gaming [2v2] poxie
Joined Snus [6v6] grimbar
Left Snus [6v6] poxie
Left Mighty Morphin' Rangers [1v1] poxie
Joined Snus [6v6] grimbar
Left 81 TeaM [6v6] poxie
Joined 81 TeaM [6v6] Xabi
Joined Poxel-Ride Gaming [2v2] poxie
Joined BROzerkers [Highlander] poxie
Left SCLUB7 [6v6] poxie
Joined SCLUB7 [6v6] jackkai
Joined Mighty Morphin' Rangers [1v1] poxie

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1 17 985
View Div 1/Div 2 3 439
View Div 2 5 450
View Div 2 19 640
View Div 2 0 326
View Div 2 14 877
View Div 6 1 285
View Div 1/Div 2 4 344
View Div 1 21 1318
View Div 1 6 392
View Div 1/Div 2 10 556
View Div 1 28 1176
View Div 1 6 465
View Div 2/Div 3 8 506
View Div 2 35 2045
View Div 5/Div 6 24 1026
View Mid 24 646
View Mid- 10 723
View Mid- 36 970


  1. blorgalicious said:


  2. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Hi5 POXIE

  3. lolage: TSPAG said:



  4. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    The only sniper you’ll ever uber on last, with his quick scopes ;)

    Great guy, great attitude and always willing to learn and improve. His aim is perfect and he’s a really fun guy to play with.

    Much love babes, hope you find a good team :) <3

  5. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    low+? thats pushing it dont you think? this guy is so bad low- is generous. DO NOT recruit him.

  6. dr icecream said:

    I remember him trialing for D³ a few months ago, seemed like a really good player back then. Has some DM’ing skills, but his lack of mic (so no comms) makes it hard to play with him, also his attitude became quite annoying after a while, when he was mercing for us, he was just swapping classes at the random, without telling anyone.

    After a while his attitude grew more and more annoying and he became quite disrespectful (ask anyone who has been in Team Dakka, Bring on the Dakka or SCLUB 7), hence all of us removing him.

    Also don’t forget that he just quit team 81 without a real reason for another team, without mentioning it to the other teammembers.

    If you want to risk all this for having someone with the necessary DM’ing skills, you should try him.

  7. Poxie said:

    what the hell are you even talking about icecream? :D

  8. insanity said:

    Well icecream is actually right, everytime i was playing with poxie, he was raging at everything…

  9. Poxie said:

    When have I ever played with you insanity? ;o

  10. dr icecream said:

    I have talked about the attitude you’ve been giving me last time we’ve played with you, I was one of the persons in Dakka who didn’t care about opinions about you, until you went all bitchy on me :/

  11. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    Probably the single greatest person on the planet.

    Ignore the trolls, he’s a hero! The 5th ninja turtle.

  12. Poxie said:


  13. Ash: cc// - cc// said:

    I love poxe :P Guy plays a sick game of alien swarm aswell, team tesla forever :D

  14. Dendocror: idd. - ~MOE~ said:

    Seriously? Poxie rages? The month i spent playing with him 5 days a week, not once did i see rage. His comm’s are perfect, you can’t shut him up sometimes :P
    oh these trolls man.

  15. adlondo said:

    sorry what dr icecream? when poxie was in sclub he was a an awesome player and a nice guy, i dont know who you are, but bombing somebodies recruitment thread with wrong, irrelevant and outdated information.

    keep opinions like those to yourself plz.

    +1 with the search poxie gl.

  16. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    He is a scout and sniper.

  17. Baros: HARDSTOMP - BLLB said:

    No, I wont poxie )))

  18. Poxie said:

    plz be mine mentos

  19. Baros: HARDSTOMP - BLLB said:


  20. jackkai: 8D said:

    Mid/Mid+. Jackkai Is SRS -_-

  21. war: GlueEater said:

    IS GAY

  22. adlondo said:

    also he likes chicken, but thats a whole nother story

  23. Imperium said:

    not mid-

  24. Gubbins said:

    Good luck! =3

  25. Adam`: DUCS said:

    Shit player, bad at video games, would not fuck again.


  26. biohazard: IDK said:

    Rofl i love reading recruitment posts

    Anyway Poxie is a beast, HAS MIC (i know right?) and he would probably smack most of scouts/snipers in div 4 with ease

    get on my horse poxie u fag <3

  27. kos: ft. - bobs said:

    Solid aim, clear comms.

    With a more experienced scout who could give him tips and point out his mistakes every now and then this guy could be mid easily.

    Nice guy too.

  28. Spike Himself: TC said:

    I remember poxie playing with us a few weeks ago, seems like a really good player. Has decent DM’ing skills (not 1v1 though), and his comms are great too. It made us hard just playing with him, also his attitude gave a real swing to our motivation. The times he merced for us, he seemed to always swap to utilities at the perfect times and always letting us know beforehand.

    After a while his attitude grew on us more and more and in all honesty our mumble just isn’t the same without him there. Respectful lad with a good sense of humour and always up for some banter.

    Also don’t forget that he had good reasons to leave the teams he left. It’s a game and if you don’t click with teams, there is no point staying in.

    Get him now.

  29. Xabi said:

    Good aim, no brain.

    If he improves on gamesense and teamplay he will be a good scout.

    He may had good reason when he left us, but they way he did it was childish.

    I’m not here to judge him, i wish him good luck.

  30. blorgalicious said:

    nice guy, gl.

  31. war: GlueEater said:

    im better.

  32. Poxie said:

    “He may had good reason when he left us, but they way he did it was childish. ”

    I said to smoke that I didn’t feel like I was getting along with the guys that well and decided to leave for snus as I had known them longer and got on with them better. He accepted that and said “Ok”. The next day you both removed me from friends ;0

  33. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    spike – ” Has decent DM’ing skills (not 1v1 though)” how the hell does that even work?

  34. Spike Himself: TC said:

    It’s a joke, Jude.

  35. Xabi said:

    We were playing together you said that you had something important to do, then you went offline, and you decided to play with snus leaving us 5vs6 during the 2nd map.

    You don’t even have the balls to come on mumble and tell us that you wanna leave the team. You just spoke quickly to smoke via steam. Then you left. That’s cowardice.

  36. Poxie said:

    Not going to argue in a rec thread, re-add me to steam if you want to discuss it.