ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Chelch

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I\\\\\\\'m Chelch.. 16 and from the UK.

Mainly playing soldier, could possibly play medic if you were the easter bunny or something spectacular like that. .

Played comp since around October 2009, registered on here in February, played a bit of season 7 in division 6, and wasted my life playing countless mixes, PCWs and PuGs.

(Insert other text to make recruitment post seem larger for people reading it)

Also got a mumble server, if needed.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:48186734 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Guns and Nations [6v6] Chelch
Joined Guns and Nations [6v6] Vince
Left HOMOZ [6v6] Chelch
Joined HOMOZ [6v6] Orchid
Left Chelch ft. Moony [2v2] Chelch
Left No Pants No Lag [6v6] Chelch
Joined No Pants No Lag [6v6] Chelch
Left Flying Toast [6v6] Chelch
Joined Chelch ft. Moony [2v2] .
Joined Flying Toast [6v6] Chelch
Left Sit Up And Beg [6v6] Chelch
Joined Sit Up And Beg [6v6] Chelch
Left Team Wat? [6v6] Chelch
Joined Team Wat? [6v6] CheeseW01f
Left Bad Reaction [6v6] Chelch
Joined Bad Reaction [6v6] Schis
Left No Pants No Lag [6v6] Chelch
Joined Maximum Games Community - Black Squad [Highlander] Chelch
Joined No Pants No Lag [6v6] Shizao
Left Xero [6v6] Chelch
Joined Xero [6v6] Chelch

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 6 7 373
View Mid- 2 180
View Low+ 19 399
View Low+ 4 366
View Low 3 257


  1. Furi0us said:

    good mate, has potential, any div5 teams should think about this guy, hell, even div4 should consider, cus chelch could improve alot with the right team. gl

  2. Mac-Dude: ShaBox - skeå said:

    Love Chelch! He’s qualified to play at div5 level, + he has this awesome accent! Don’t know about what furious said about div4 though, that might be a bit over his head. Also very friendly.

    Also, he loves crits.

  3. jackkai: 8D said:

    Very good player. easy div5 … Grab him… <3 u

  4. stwn said:

    lovely medic, if he fixes his uber timings (grr >:<) he could easily handle div 4

  5. DIEHARD said:

    He is willing to improve. Easily could handle Division 5 as Medic.

  6. tay said:


  7. xaqread said:

    Chelch is a good player. Pick him up now!

  8. Ludi_: [SAS] - Stajenni said:

    Really good soldier and fantastic person.

  9. Muffins said:

    Short temper and not easy to get along with.

  10. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    And he knows this from meeting me for perhaps 5 seconds on a dm_Duel server.

  11. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Chelch is a great soldier and an awesome guy. His speedhacks take him to div3 in no time.

  12. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    You weren’t supposed to tell them that spike!!! ;p

  13. Chris: (0v0) said:

    Was going to say, considering Muffins has been here for about 10 days I wouldn’t suggest you take his word as gospel :D

  14. Volkmar said:

    Nice guy, really relaxed.

  15. tay said:

    hey why dont u join your mates team from that old team with that napalm guyy?

  16. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    If you mean 8U, they have two soldiers atm, and as I said, I’d only medic if they were the easter bunny, and sadly Jakko is not the easter bunny.

  17. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    Basicly I’d rather main soldier and play medic as a backup class.

  18. howdeh: Perilous - WUL said:

    Good player, merced for us as medic, just needs some direction and he’ll be div4 in no time :)
    GL mate

  19. CheeseW01f: Ki. said:

    Good player, willing to help and overall a nice guy. Pick him up while you can!

  20. LEAD FACE: BLLB said:

    Easily a low+ solly.
    Just played medic for him and he knows his stuff.

  21. n0va: T2P said:

    very tolerant of europeans

  22. tay said:

    good player knows what hes doing, luck is good in this 1.

  23. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    chelch stole my virginity

  24. konr: idd. said:

    I need a solly, a medic and a demoman. You could probably main solly being that our current solly is low at best imo, and we need practice as a whole. Honestly with all the kind words form people such as Spike (good friends with him) I’d really, really appreciate it if you gave Ai a chance :P