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MedicSoldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Chelch

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m searching for a team again due to some unfortunate circumstances.

I play soldier/medic and I\\\\\\\'ve wasted my life playing countless mixes, pugs and pcws so I think I have a fair bit of experience. Been playing competitive for about 9 months now, despite only registering on ETF2L in February.

What Im looking for:

Div 5 AFS would be a big plus
Activity!! (<– no srsly thats massively important I have 11 weeks off to waste on tf2)
War Server
Non ragin would be nice

What I can offer:

Awesome pre-match micspam
Mumble server if needed
Activity on a daily basis
Non rage

Also – I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve been in a few teams recently, though I seem to be a teamhopper, this is not the case.

Add me on steam for moar.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:48186734 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Guns and Nations [6v6] Chelch
Joined Guns and Nations [6v6] Vince
Left HOMOZ [6v6] Chelch
Joined HOMOZ [6v6] Orchid
Left Chelch ft. Moony [2v2] Chelch
Left No Pants No Lag [6v6] Chelch
Joined No Pants No Lag [6v6] Chelch
Left Flying Toast [6v6] Chelch
Joined Chelch ft. Moony [2v2] .
Joined Flying Toast [6v6] Chelch
Left Sit Up And Beg [6v6] Chelch
Joined Sit Up And Beg [6v6] Chelch
Left Team Wat? [6v6] Chelch
Joined Team Wat? [6v6] CheeseW01f
Left Bad Reaction [6v6] Chelch
Joined Bad Reaction [6v6] Schis
Left No Pants No Lag [6v6] Chelch
Joined Maximum Games Community - Black Squad [Highlander] Chelch
Joined No Pants No Lag [6v6] Shizao
Left Xero [6v6] Chelch
Joined Xero [6v6] Chelch

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 6 7 373
View Mid- 2 179
View Low+ 24 673
View Low+ 4 366
View Low 3 256


  1. . said:

    Nice solly and awesome medic!
    But he is playing too much G mode lately, but his gonna turn back to tf2 soon, I promise. He has good comms and gamesense, also funny guy in mumble when not playing.

    GL m8

  2. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Nice solly, never seen him play though. Whatever you do, don’t rick roll him.

  3. episyx: ‹Con› said:

    Builds at the wrong moments and then complains to the medic, this has only happened on one occasion, but I have only played with him once (so perhaps it was just a bad day) also shit talks a bit but good luck.

  4. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    I will hate you forever for that perm :|

  5. Harlski said:

    awesome solly, never seen you play med, but gl mate, hook him up asap or you’ll regret. :)

  6. Spike Himself: TC said:


    Anyway, good luck chelchy boy :)

  7. kuma said:

    played a mix with this guy yesterday, excellent comms, just needs a bit more experience and he’s div 4 in no time

  8. BLORG said:

    really nice guy, div 4 medic. gl :)
    cp_dodgeball :D:D

  9. Roshan1702 said:

    can i trial as a solly please?

  10. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:


  11. . said:

    @Roshan Yes of course!

    can I trial as scout?

  12. Fant0m3n: nandos said:

    Awesome soldier is awesome.

  13. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Hes the worst troll I’ve seen ingame… Played a mix and a lobby with him. Both times (on different occasions) he was playing shitty childish music through HLSS as jf hes only just found out about the program thinking hes being funny. Wouldn’t stop when asked to, was just told to mute him or leave. I’m guessing hes pretty young, either that or hes really immature for his age.

    Wouldn’t really recommend him to any team, hes too annoying.

  14. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    I think someone got trolled…….. :)

    Also I’ve never mixed with you, since I never play HLSS during mix games, only during warm ups. So either you made a mistake or you got me confused.

  15. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Nope, I definitely remember mixing with you. You even went to the oppositions side to let them listen to your wonderful music before the game. Just delete HLSS dude – it does you no favours.

  16. . said:

    Chelch is awesome guy, and lolage you too, was fun playing with you both, even though we lost

  17. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    Well whatever, seeing you throw a childish tantrum was hilarious either way.

  18. kuma said:

    jesus trolling is not being annoying, too many kids nowadays think that. i take my comment back.

  19. Chelch: -[MG-C]- said:

    Its not simply being annoying, i didn’t say that.