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Medic  Mid Skill, 6v6

Ireland dougiie

Posted: | Last Online:


looking for a team for the coming summer season :)

Not going to write an awful lot, so about me

– 20 years old, studying Radiography at uni
– Can be active on match days, its summer after all, so not around everyday
– Good comms
– Friendly and loving Irish voice :P
– Loyal/Organised, I like to think I organised =[IDK]= very well when I was CL
– have no problem with being back up (would maybe suit me more)

Now from you

– mumble/match server
– pref UK
– likes a laugh outside of the game
– stable
– div3, maybe 4 if I like you

So thats it, not around until next week, due to finishing some work. Also just to say, I used to main soldier, so can backup soldier if needed

Also.. OH THESE KNIVES MAN… you should know what this is ^^
Thanks :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:32801673 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] Crayon
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Crayon
Joined Cream of the Crop [6v6] Paul
Joined KNIGHTS OF THE ROUNDTABLE [6v6] dougiie
Left isaninja [6v6] dougiie
Joined isaninja [6v6] dougiie
Left Cream of the Crop [6v6] Paul
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] dougiie
Left Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] animalmother
Joined Cream of the Crop [6v6] rtan
Left Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] dougiie
Joined Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] wolve
Joined Dont Shoot the Medic [6v6] t1gr3
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] dougiie
Left WHAT UP NOW SWEDES?! [Highlander] dougiie
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Beer and Rockets [LAN Team] dougiie
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] dougiie
Joined WHAT UP NOW SWEDES?! [Highlander] Dny
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] Digiwill
Left Pandas in Disguise [6v6] dougiie
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Admirable
Joined THE Best Hair In TF2 [6v6 Fun Team] dougiie
Left The Winrars [6v6 Fun Team] dougiie
Joined Pandas in Disguise [6v6] dougiie
Left Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] dougiie
Joined DouGie [1v1] dougiie
Joined The Winrars [6v6 Fun Team] dougiie
Joined Insane Dutch Killers [6v6] dougiie
Left Frag Test Dummies [6v6] dougiie
Joined Frag Test Dummies [6v6] [FTD]AndyPandy

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  1. huhystah said:

    fucking gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  2. Chris: (0v0) said:


    hardly ever talked to the guy but still think he is awesome for some reason.

    just :D

  3. rivard: s1l said:

    take him! fast!

  4. DouGie: CotC said:

    cheeers guys!

  5. Inuy: #sadboys said:

    Ah dougie , your so random!

    gl , much love for this irish gold seeker.

  6. kuma said:

    safest irishman i ever met.

    he’s also a high+ irl medic

  7. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    One of the awesomest guys in TF2. Nothing more.

  8. Digiwill: =[IDK]= said:

    dougie is a top-notch guy which u can’t dislike :)
    sexy voice and good gamesense etc. etc.

    dunno bout his medic skill, but I guess div3/4 would suit this Irish bugger :D

    gl m8

  9. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Awesome guy. Did an awesome job as solly when i used to play with him, do vaguely remember him playing med and remember being surprised as I diddnt realise he was so good. :)

    Easily div3, gl mate.

  10. achy said:

    lovely lad! gl m8!

  11. skyride: DUCS said:

    Great guy, really mean that. I’d probably be friends with the guy if i knew him irl even outside TF2. :P

    Must admit that I’ve never seen him medic in a proper team before (being a medic myself), but from playing a million mixes with him vs mid teams, I really don’t think its a stretch to put him as a div3 medic if you don’t mind giving him a week or so to get used to it. :)

    gl mate!

  12. DIEHARD said:


  13. Gent: Team said:

    Quite easily the most awesome guy in tf2.