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DemomanMedic  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

Norway .____________.

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a div2+ team as medic, possibly backup.

Can also play demo at a low+ level. /q me on irc or add me on steam for more info

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:35995454 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left 9 Whales [6v6] Vali
Left Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] Prophet
Joined 9 Whales [6v6] .____________.
Left THE Best Hair In TF2 [6v6 Fun Team] .____________.
Left Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] .____________.
Joined Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] Prophet
Left Twin Power! [Highlander] .____________.
Joined RUSSIA MUST END [2v2] Shintaz
Joined Twin Power! [Highlander] .____________.
Left Yabbah My Icing [Highlander] .____________.
Joined Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] .____________.
Left 9 Whales [6v6] .____________.
Joined 9 Whales [6v6] Vali
Left Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] .____________.
Joined Rest in peace, gentle Jedis. [6v6] djc
Left coolclan [6v6] .____________.
Joined Yabbah My Icing [Highlander] PoisonHeadcrab
Joined coolclan [6v6] .____________.
Left faglol [6v6] .____________.
Joined faglol [6v6] Swarlz
Left Team eMpathy [6v6] .____________.
Joined THE Best Hair In TF2 [6v6 Fun Team] .____________.
Joined Team eMpathy [6v6] mineral
Left jAgarna [6v6] .____________.
Joined jAgarna [6v6] sajh
Left The Hampshire Heavies [6v6] .____________.
Joined The Hampshire Heavies [6v6] Hitoshura

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1 15 802
View Mid+ 13 578
View Mid+ 23 1344


  1. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:


  2. reCon said:

    get her ;) !!!!!

  3. Demourge: EPA said:

    omg, best medic ever, I love her, div1 fo sho.

  4. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Dedicated as fuck, fun on mumble and decent at medic when her heads screwed on. Sort it.

  5. Swarlz said:


  6. skyride: DUCS said:

    yup, pretty much right.

    Mid+ demo
    Low+ Medic


  7. Daniel Rumpeslikker: Team Effort - tfortress.no said:

    Du burde engasjere deg litt i det norske samfunnet, synes jeg.

  8. Wlkr: ? - ¤_¤ said:

    Lovely person who is always a good laugh. On her day she is a great medic :) Good luck illii. Div 2 for you.

  9. illii said:

    Daniel, norske tf2spillere gir meg traumer. Bare skyld på berserker.

    Cheers for the comments guys ^^

  10. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    get a team with naked!

  11. ViQun: GoT<3 said:

    Wouldn’t buy again…

  12. Gubbins said:

    The most awesomestly awesome l4d2 player around, high++… also a good demo and unbelievable med, good luck ^_^

  13. blind: popkõrns said:

    I’m the most gayestly gay recruitment thread poster around, high++… also good at sucking up and an unbelievable pussy , good luck ^_^


  14. illii said:

    Ignore blind gubbins, hes latvian :<

  15. blind: popkõrns said:

    I’m almost always right aswell.

  16. Chris: (0v0) said:

    “an unbelievable pussy”

    good thing you compensate by being an unbelievable dick


  17. blind: popkõrns said:

    :DDD idd

  18. Chris: (0v0) said:

    i love you really blind, just had to make that joke :D

  19. crzfst said:

    blind and unbelievable dick, tell us something new.

  20. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:


  21. hatE: YOYO\' said:

    She’s all mine ;)
    Really decent demo, and makes a good addition to the medic ranks!

  22. Vali: -9w- said:

    Really bad at keeping a leash on her pet (CommanderX); I’ve heard she’s more capable at playing medic though. Also probably a lesbian, this may or may not be a plus.

  23. Defur said:

    sigh @ this rec-thread

  24. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    Div2 medic, someone good rage kick their medic so she can join them. Also claims to play demo………no one is good at everything

  25. illii said:


  26. växjö: Hey dats! said:

    Join my team.

  27. illii said:

    Can i bring my panda in a rowboat?

  28. växjö: Hey dats! said:

    if you have one

  29. illii said:

    I do, i call it pooki the dinosaur (although its really a panda)

  30. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    good medic, can’t remember seeing her play demo :e
    gl :]

  31. Dny: T2P said:

    has a small penis, gl :] <3

  32. illii said:


  33. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    plays from a kitchen so unless you like the sound of an oven and iron…..

  34. blind: popkõrns said:

    played G


  35. BERSERKER: broder - PRO said:

    bit of a slut on cam

  36. illii said:


  37. Squeak said:

    She’s awesome! :D

  38. Memento Mori said:

    l4d pro