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Scout  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

Germany Bubble

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello I'm looking for a nice skilled clan with nice members.I want to play on Div4 or better, cause i'm getting tired of some noobs.My skills are pretty good and i have very much 6 on 6 experience.The mainly problem is that i don't have a headsot or a mic and no input at my pc.I hope thats no big problem.for that, im can write very fast.I have Ventrilo and hope that you take me into a good clan.Thx in advance and hope to see you in-game :).

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:46362398 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Hellblazer
Left The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Lazybear
Left SimplyShreddedBrah [6v6 Fun Team] Lazybear
Joined The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Hellblazer
Left shredded autism [6v6] Bubble
Joined SimplyShreddedBrah [6v6 Fun Team] Hellblazer
Joined shredded autism [6v6] Hellblazer
Left sit down trader [6v6] svins
Left MJ's business [2v2] Bubble
Joined MJ's business [2v2] Bubble
Joined sit down trader [6v6] Bubble
Left Classic 6 [6v6] Bubble
Left vier ° Highlander [Highlander] wrock
Joined Classic 6 [6v6] Bubble
Left Classic 6 [6v6] Bubble
Joined Classic 6 [6v6] Bubble
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Bubble
Left OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] Bubble
Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] Bubble
Left /ier // white [6v6] Hakku
Joined /ier // white [6v6] Bubble
Joined vier ° Highlander [Highlander] Bubble
Left Team Vintage! [6v6] Bubble
Joined Team Vintage! [6v6] Bubble
Left Team Bloodquake [6v6] Bubble
Joined Team Bloodquake [6v6] Bubble
Left Team Bloodquake [6v6] Bubble
Joined Team Bloodquake [6v6] Bubble
Left BloodFest Clan [6v6] Bubble
Joined BloodFest Clan [6v6] Bubble
Left Darth Clan [6v6] Bubble
Left Olympus Fortress [Highlander] Stab-Venom
Joined Olympus Fortress [Highlander] Medman
Joined Darth Clan [6v6] Bubble
Left Olympus Fortress [Highlander] Bubble
Joined Olympus Fortress [Highlander] Bubble

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  1. Darth Bubble: swole. said:

    sry for my mistakes… oops ^^

  2. Moregnan: dc. said:

    is that supposed to be a joke?

  3. Moregnan: dc. said:

    I mean SERIOUSLY??? No microphone (this game is about the communication), div4exp = mid+? (registrated 28 days ago on etf2l, I wonder what kinda experience you have) having ventrillo (lawl), wanna get into a nice clan, but calling your previous clanmates noobs?

    well, gl anyway…

  4. Ijantis said:

    nice getting trolled :D

    gl finding team

  5. 7alfa said:

    And I tought I seen it all when I saw fassadins mid+ thread

  6. Blorgalicious said:

    you can’t be Mid+ without a mic, and 28 days exp on ETF2L. hell, you’d struggle like a man avoiding to be executed to get into a div 4 team with no mic
    before thinking you’re pro, get a mic, then get some more etf2l experience, as you clearly lack it by saying you’re mid+ :/

  7. KLr: okie said:

    i have ventrilo lolllll

  8. Moregnan: dc. said:


  9. 7alfa said:


  10. Blorgalicious said:


    And monitor, to clear up any unwanted confusion :D

  11. Flush: P.O.P said:

    awesome name, like one of those names where u go damn wish i had thought of that :D

  12. HELMTU said:


  13. TopGear: tH said:

    give him a break, hes new to the scene. Try pointing him in the right direction before bitching at him. As I told you before Bubble, you can get a headtset that has an in built sound card and connects via usb. Something like this will sort out your comms issue.
