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ScoutSniper  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Germany Bubble

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey there , after a long comp TF2 break i finally wanna join a team again. Two weeks ago i started getting in shape again by playing 1-2 mixes daily + some hours spending on mge/dm(used to play a lot of dm before my break as well).I'm looking for a good Div5 ,willing to go for Div4 (not inevitably needed , but would be great).Since i'm pretty active now again , i'm available like everyday and ready for pcws in the evening.

other things i can provide you with:
– steady aim
– good gamesense
– decent english
– friendly and open for fun

if you have some questions , just add me,
would be pleased to get some feedbacks

Thx for your attention :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:46362398 Add Friend

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Joined The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Hellblazer
Left The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Lazybear
Left SimplyShreddedBrah [6v6 Fun Team] Lazybear
Joined The Aesthetics Crew [6v6] Hellblazer
Left shredded autism [6v6] Bubble
Joined SimplyShreddedBrah [6v6 Fun Team] Hellblazer
Joined shredded autism [6v6] Hellblazer
Left sit down trader [6v6] svins
Left MJ's business [2v2] Bubble
Joined MJ's business [2v2] Bubble
Joined sit down trader [6v6] Bubble
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Left vier ° Highlander [Highlander] wrock
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Joined Classic 6 [6v6] Bubble
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] wrex
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Bubble
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Joined OPA GANGNAM STYLE [6v6] Bubble
Left /ier // white [6v6] Hakku
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Joined Team Bloodquake [6v6] Bubble
Left Team Bloodquake [6v6] Bubble
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Left Olympus Fortress [Highlander] Stab-Venom
Joined Olympus Fortress [Highlander] Medman
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  1. v1c: Abm. - LAME said:

    remember him as quite beastly sniper.


  2. Rdios: REVERTO said:

    Played DM with him… well he knows how to dodge :DD

  3. Bubble: swole. said:

    when did you play with me? :D

  4. jukebox: broder said:

    havent played a 6v6 with him yet. his dm is good, though.

  5. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    seems like a nice guy, gl! :>

  6. Arloo ``: [PSG] said:

    Enough skills to play div4 easily. High accuracy with both Scout and Sniper.
    He can speak English fluently and he’s friendly.
    The perfect man for your official roster, div4 teams.

  7. biester said:

    cool guy :D

  8. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:


  9. Ghostface: spire said:

    Good guy, good aim. Beasty sniping.

    Decent addition to any div4/3 team.

  10. destinyyy said:

    Very cool guy… so much friendly. GL

  11. Vyal said:

    His sniping is gonna make you crap your pants. Better have him on your side than on the enemy’s.

  12. PineBerry High: sdt said:

    played few pickups with him, div 4 could do. GL. :)

  13. Croce said:

    he can play div 4 easily

  14. oxy: TK said:

    no he cant ;)
    trash talking too much and then he gets kick assed :D

  15. Bubble: swole. said:

    lol mge , just raged 1 time cuz i lagged….