ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  High Skill, 6v6

Turkey Mercimek

Posted: | Last Online:

hello old post died
d2 and im pretty keen
can play most nights

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:423115420 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Fine Christians [6v6] Dombasek
Left Eternal Fire [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Hellenic Supremacy [Highlander] Xi
Left WeedusturuNation [2v2] Mercimek
Joined AMINAKE [4v4] pwT
Joined Eternal Fire [6v6] ouz
Left we will be back ? [6v6] Mercimek
Joined we will be back ? [6v6] Apolo
Left Friday! [6v6] Mercimek
Joined WeedusturuNation [2v2] six
Joined Friday! [6v6] vani
Left Eternal Fire [6v6] Mercimek
Left Turkish Stray Dogs [Highlander] FreezeLight
Joined Turkish Stray Dogs [Highlander] FreezeLight
Left Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Joined Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Joined Eternal Fire [6v6] ouz
Left PINT GAMING [6v6] Mercimek
Joined PINT GAMING [6v6] Spajro
Left Open To Prem [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Open To Prem [6v6] Uncle Sam
Left PINT GAMING [6v6] Mercimek
Joined PINT GAMING [6v6] andiduude
Left GAY PIRATES [6v6] Mercimek
Left TRAP VAR [2v2] Mercimek
Left pro. [Highlander] Mercimek
Left Team AvIvA [6v6 Fun Team] Mercimek
Joined GAY PIRATES [6v6] Nettspend
Left Eternal Fire [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Team AvIvA [6v6 Fun Team] Mlody
Left ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6 Fun Team] Mercimek
Joined pro. [Highlander] kotmerty
Left Electric Boogaloo Project [Highlander] Rexu
Joined TRAP VAR [2v2] Mercimek
Joined Electric Boogaloo Project [Highlander] M_J_C
Left Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Left turksigara.net [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined turksigara.net [Highlander] nutbeans
Left L'Alliance de Improvisee: revanche [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Eternal Fire [6v6] FreezeLight
Left the phone bill [6v6] Mercimek
Joined the phone bill [6v6] tuom
Joined L'Alliance de Improvisee: revanche [Highlander] dx
Left Pergenhan [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Pergenhan [6v6] Mercimek
Left Hold W Gaming [6v6] Mercimek
Left BIRDGANG [Highlander] Metroid
Joined Hold W Gaming [6v6] Roos
Left Sapik Ismet [6v6] Mercimek
Joined BIRDGANG [Highlander] Metroid
Left pro. [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Sapik Ismet [6v6] Mercimek
Left Karaboga [6v6] Mercimek
Joined pro. [Highlander] Mercimek
Left Boris Johnson's Onlyfans [Highlander] WoTTy
Joined Karaboga [6v6] kotmerty
Left Karaboga [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Karaboga [6v6] kotmerty
Left Zurna Durum Gaming [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Boris Johnson's Onlyfans [Highlander] Merk
Left CRITICAL HIT!!! [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Zurna Durum Gaming [6v6] Mercimek
Left Sockat [6v6] Mercimek
Joined CRITICAL HIT!!! [Highlander] Maximilien
Left Tables of Doom [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6 Fun Team] Mercimek
Joined Sockat [6v6] .
Left ZAVIRTHEAMDELEN [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Tables of Doom [Highlander] MR.Awesome
Left Merci [1v1] Mercimek
Left 8+1ADAM Yukseklander [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Merci [1v1] Mercimek
Joined 8+1ADAM Yukseklander [Highlander] kotmerty
Left Andromeda [Highlander] kreumat
Joined ZAVIRTHEAMDELEN [6v6] Mercimek
Left ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Andromeda [Highlander] soulless
Joined ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6] kotmerty

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 11 614
View High/Mid 11 453
View Low/Open 4 237
View High 15 764
View High/Mid 5 400
View High 4 394
View High 7 546
View High/Mid 0 254
View High 0 322
View High 2 241
View Low 0 236
View High 4 439
View High 10 641
View Mid/Low 0 134
View Low/Open 2 417
View High/Mid 20 1078
View High/Mid 3 446
View Low/Open 5 605
View Mid 0 527
View Mid 11 725
View Low 7 743
View Mid 0 189
View Open 3 927
View High/Mid 13 701
View Mid 3 810
View Mid 1 578
View Mid 1 383
View Mid 6 937
View Mid 0 932
View Mid/Low 25 1254
View Low/Open 0 364
View Low/Open 0 784
View Low/Open 0 405
View Open 0 243
View Low 6 399
View Low 12 470
View Mid/Low 22 790
View Mid/Low 7 468
View Mid/Low 0 424
View Mid/Low 0 271
View Low 2 287
View Low 19 698
View Mid/Low 16 591
View Low 8 450
View Low/Open 14 481
View Low/Open 4 346
View Open 0 246
View Low/Open 0 310
View Open 0 456
View Open 2 862
View Open 0 373


  1. Josh: HELLAS said:

    quality demo in 6s and HL.



  3. Wolfy: HELLAS said:

    Goat demo

  4. Mercimek: :pray: - HELLAS said:


  5. Nettspend said:

    the goat!

  6. mak FP: SKΣDDA - hp said:


  7. shappie: REMOVE - TEMU said:

    Kls best friend.

  8. Mercimek: :pray: - HELLAS said:

    hello :)

  9. Korra: MGE - CAKE said:

    the goat himself

  10. croud: W.Windows said:

    kebab man is goated

  11. Apolo: -.- - PB said:

    pick him up!!