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Demoman  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

Turkey Mercimek

Posted: | Last Online:

gg fun season go next :slight_smile:

div2 but can do mid again if team is fun

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:423115420 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Fine Christians [6v6] Dombasek
Left Eternal Fire [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Hellenic Supremacy [Highlander] Xi
Left WeedusturuNation [2v2] Mercimek
Joined AMINAKE [4v4] pwT
Joined Eternal Fire [6v6] ouz
Left we will be back ? [6v6] Mercimek
Joined we will be back ? [6v6] Apolo
Left Friday! [6v6] Mercimek
Joined WeedusturuNation [2v2] six
Joined Friday! [6v6] vani
Left Eternal Fire [6v6] Mercimek
Left Turkish Stray Dogs [Highlander] FreezeLight
Joined Turkish Stray Dogs [Highlander] FreezeLight
Left Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Joined Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Joined Eternal Fire [6v6] ouz
Left PINT GAMING [6v6] Mercimek
Joined PINT GAMING [6v6] Spajro
Left Open To Prem [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Open To Prem [6v6] Uncle Sam
Left PINT GAMING [6v6] Mercimek
Joined PINT GAMING [6v6] andiduude
Left GAY PIRATES [6v6] Mercimek
Left TRAP VAR [2v2] Mercimek
Left pro. [Highlander] Mercimek
Left Team AvIvA [6v6 Fun Team] Mercimek
Joined GAY PIRATES [6v6] Nettspend
Left Eternal Fire [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Team AvIvA [6v6 Fun Team] Mlody
Left ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6 Fun Team] Mercimek
Joined pro. [Highlander] kotmerty
Left Electric Boogaloo Project [Highlander] Rexu
Joined TRAP VAR [2v2] Mercimek
Joined Electric Boogaloo Project [Highlander] M_J_C
Left Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Massive Legends Here [Highlander] Josh
Left turksigara.net [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined turksigara.net [Highlander] nutbeans
Left L'Alliance de Improvisee: revanche [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Eternal Fire [6v6] FreezeLight
Left the phone bill [6v6] Mercimek
Joined the phone bill [6v6] tuom
Joined L'Alliance de Improvisee: revanche [Highlander] dx
Left Pergenhan [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Pergenhan [6v6] Mercimek
Left Hold W Gaming [6v6] Mercimek
Left BIRDGANG [Highlander] Metroid
Joined Hold W Gaming [6v6] Roos
Left Sapik Ismet [6v6] Mercimek
Joined BIRDGANG [Highlander] Metroid
Left pro. [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Sapik Ismet [6v6] Mercimek
Left Karaboga [6v6] Mercimek
Joined pro. [Highlander] Mercimek
Left Boris Johnson's Onlyfans [Highlander] WoTTy
Joined Karaboga [6v6] kotmerty
Left Karaboga [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Karaboga [6v6] kotmerty
Left Zurna Durum Gaming [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Boris Johnson's Onlyfans [Highlander] Merk
Left CRITICAL HIT!!! [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Zurna Durum Gaming [6v6] Mercimek
Left Sockat [6v6] Mercimek
Joined CRITICAL HIT!!! [Highlander] Maximilien
Left Tables of Doom [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6 Fun Team] Mercimek
Joined Sockat [6v6] .
Left ZAVIRTHEAMDELEN [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Tables of Doom [Highlander] MR.Awesome
Left Merci [1v1] Mercimek
Left 8+1ADAM Yukseklander [Highlander] Mercimek
Joined Merci [1v1] Mercimek
Joined 8+1ADAM Yukseklander [Highlander] kotmerty
Left Andromeda [Highlander] kreumat
Joined ZAVIRTHEAMDELEN [6v6] Mercimek
Left ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6] Mercimek
Joined Andromeda [Highlander] soulless
Joined ZurnaDurumGamig [6v6] kotmerty

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 11 682
View High 11 617
View Low/Open 4 238
View High 15 768
View High/Mid 5 408
View High 4 399
View High 7 548
View High/Mid 0 264
View High 0 327
View High 2 244
View Low 0 240
View High 4 442
View High 10 642
View Mid/Low 0 137
View Low/Open 2 425
View High/Mid 20 1081
View High/Mid 3 447
View Low/Open 5 607
View Mid 0 535
View Mid 11 728
View Low 7 744
View Mid 0 190
View Open 3 929
View High/Mid 13 703
View Mid 3 817
View Mid 1 579
View Mid 1 384
View Mid 6 939
View Mid 0 941
View Mid/Low 25 1255
View Low/Open 0 365
View Low/Open 0 786
View Low/Open 0 407
View Open 0 244
View Low 6 402
View Low 12 472
View Mid/Low 22 791
View Mid/Low 7 470
View Mid/Low 0 425
View Mid/Low 0 274
View Low 2 289
View Low 19 699
View Mid/Low 16 593
View Low 8 451
View Low/Open 14 482
View Low/Open 4 347
View Open 0 250
View Low/Open 0 313
View Open 0 457
View Open 2 869
View Open 0 376


  1. deere: W.Windows said:

    THE goat

  2. vrox: PHREAK said:

    lil bro can make it clap

  3. ouz: EF said:

    easy playoff d1/prem

  4. Taythin said:

    MERCIMEK SOUP very good very well okay bye thumbsupemoji eggplantemoji

  5. mtilicious said:

    Quickly look away, now look back, slight smile :)

  6. Apolo: apolo drop said:

    great kid

  7. WoTTy said:

    easily top 15 demo EU

  8. kotmerty said:


  9. SAKE: Choke said:


  10. TPC: g0m said:


  11. Resistible: METE said:

    best player