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Sniper  Prem/High Skill, 6v6

Netherlands JenChqn

Posted: | Last Online:

I train my aim using osu!RX and I am overall a good player, I enjoy this game a lot and some of my friends send me over here to look to play competitively.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:492967676 Add Friend

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Left PauseResume [2v2] JenChqn
Joined PauseResume [2v2] JenChqn

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  1. Blanc: 43 said:

    hmu if ur mrekk

  2. cosmetical: MAGDONAL - GYM said:


  3. sunflower said:


    from open to prem in 10 days with no offis or scrims ever played, perfect player

  4. Frager said:

    Let this man speedrun

  5. pijuka: CENTO - pills said:

    already better than most snipers. looks keen. certi pick up.

  6. Slippy: TEMU said:

    let him cook

  7. S0rce said:


  8. wavy: nR - CAKE said:

    not enough need more comments

  9. Peams: TEMU said:

    0 losses. Must be goated

  10. ZestyMace said:

    guaranteed win next season for whichever prem team picks this guy up

  11. Bona_ said:


  12. JenChqn said:

    @SunFlower I made this account and didn’t know what the fuck the skill meant, after someone explained at my last post I recalibrated it lmao

  13. Flashy: 800A said:

    blud think he whitecat

  14. Lucian said:


  15. Burbie: Yakuza - MM25 said:

    literally flyingtuna

  16. JenChqn said:
