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Soldier  High Skill, 6v6

England JUMBO_RAT69

Posted: | Last Online:

Can sub i cba to scrim not keen eat my shit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCN4vDZ7pnM trickstabbed sandblast in a rahpug once
my spy is top prem

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:180406287 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined extwo [Highlander] meli
Joined URGLE GAMING [6v6] samii
Left SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] Boston Bob
Joined SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] samii
Left ympo cucked: round 4 [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Left JohnClanEU [Highlander] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined JohnClanEU [Highlander] meli
Joined ympo cucked: round 4 [6v6] ry4n
Left Goblin Clan [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined Goblin Clan [6v6] smile
Left England National 6v6 Team U21 Squad [LAN Team] JUMBO_RAT69
Left GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] JUMBO_RAT69
Left GlitchClanEU [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined GlitchClanEU [6v6] meli
Left GlitchClanEU [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined GlitchClanEU HL [Highlander] meli
Left members only [Highlander] extwo
Joined members only [Highlander] extwo
Left team [Highlander] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined GlitchClanEU [6v6] meli
Left GlitchClanEU: Curse of S42 [6v6] meli
Joined team [Highlander] meli
Left div diggers [Highlander] JUMBO_RAT69
Left #freetorrit [6v6 Fun Team] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined GlitchClanEU: Curse of S42 [6v6] meli
Left wow kelpo [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined wow kelpo [6v6] meli
Left Gainsbury's [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined Gainsbury's [6v6] mezzo
Joined DEATH AND DEFAULT LOSS [6v6] flick
Left Stevie Wonder's Aim School [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined Stevie Wonder's Aim School [6v6] yak
Joined #freetorrit [6v6 Fun Team] meli
Left bossman let us in div 1 [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined bossman let us in div 1 [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined div diggers [Highlander] meli
Left EHM [Highlander] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined EHM [Highlander] r4res
Left CLARTED [6v6] sicko
Left div? [Highlander] kevin
Joined CLARTED [6v6] Charlie
Left crabW [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined div? [Highlander] kevin
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] samii
Left Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys [Highlander] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined crabW [6v6] cooney
Left Gainsbury's [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys [Highlander] hondjo
Left Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys [Highlander] Big Papa MattJ
Joined Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys [Highlander] hondjo
Joined Gainsbury's [6v6] hondjo
Left Big Hunks: The Re-return [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined Big Hunks: The Re-return [6v6] HaZz
Left SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] samii
Left Smog Boys [6v6] HeeSang
Joined Smog Boys [6v6] HeeSang
Left AnimeAEnthusiasts [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined FOOTBALL HOOLIGANS [2v2] samii
Joined England National 6v6 Team U21 Squad [LAN Team] samii
Joined SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] samii
Joined AnimeAEnthusiasts [6v6] toco
Left ElipShion eSports [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined ElipShion eSports [6v6] EdgaR
Left Bad uterus [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined PTSD PATIENTS [Highlander] samii
Joined Bad uterus [6v6] samii
Left AnimeAEnthusiasts [6v6] JUMBO_RAT69
Joined AnimeAEnthusiasts [6v6] toco

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  1. temo said:

    Strong player, super sub potential, will go spy and drop any player u choose.

  2. meli said:


  3. Tonton Flairix: iK said:

    strong monkey

  4. tavi said:


  5. Charlie said:

    goated spy mint gamer

  6. hondjo: WEED said:

    strong together with other monkeys

  7. tXX said:

    poo master

  8. Vermilion said:

    I understand you don’t like me, but I think we should set aside our differences and enjoy Rahpug together. I know I can be frustrating to play with but I will always back up my off classing decision making, I understand it might upset you if you think I’m throwing the pug by doing so but I really am trying my best. I hope you can understand where I’m coming from and I hope one day we could be good friends. If I may also add you too can be frustrating to play with as you do really want to win all the time, I understand you are trying to improve and get better at the game but maybe Rahpug is not the place to do it. I think we should both be mature adults and crush this beef, I think we are both too old to be having beef on a tf2 mixing server. There is more to life than just Rahpugs and tf2, I do have a job and get quite upset when I cant come home and play some Rahpugs and relax. I hope you can agree with me and stop the beef I just wanna play Rahpugs mane, I stand by my word I’m best spy EU no cap. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. ~by rat the 👑

  9. -RAMBO-: china - Gazde said:


  10. DaFuQWiZaT said:

    Ape shit

  11. jeven99 said:

    good medic